Configuring the General Tab

Specify this information on the General tab:

Default ABS Code
Specify a default employee absence code. When you click the Generate Absence icon on the Hours Summary form (the A Icon) an absence is generated matching the code you specify here. If this value is left blank, the absence record will be created without an absence code, so the record will go into Exception status. Use the pulldown menu on this field to see a list of active absence codes.
Labor Posting to ERP
Specify when or whether labor hours will post to the underlying ERP. The default value is Real Time, which posts labor when a job stops, when an hours record is processed, or when you click Save. After Processing posts hours only when an hours record is processed. Do Not Post never posts recorded hours to the underlying ERP.
Process to Payroll
Select this option to forward captured hours to payroll. When this option is selected, processing of hours in the Hours Summary and Detail must create Payroll Detail records.
Remarks Mandatory
Select this option to require users to enter a remark before any modified record can be saved.
Use Absence Approval System
Select to require supervisor approval for absence requests.
Elapsed Time Data Capture
Select to record elapsed time hours rather than clocked hours.
Stop Only Transaction
This parameter is displayed only if an employee is not configured for Elapsed Time Data Capture. Select this check box to only require jobs to be stopped. When a job is stopped, a job start transaction is generated to occur immediately following the prior transaction. For example, if you clock in at 8:00 and stop job ABC at 9:00, a start job transaction for job ABC is generated at 8:00. Then, if you stop job XYZ at 11:00, a start job transaction for job XYZ is generated at 9:00. Clocking out will stop the current job.
Combine Labor and Machine Time
Select this option to report machine time automatically as a ratio of labor time. Clear this option to only report labor.
Note: When the Time Track is implemented and this field is selected, the Combined Labor and Machine Time is selected on the labor transactions.
Use Attendance Point System Parameter
This field is used to activate the parameters for configuring the Attendance Point System. The Attendance Points System assigns point values to absence hours and work rule violations. Point value thresholds are defined and organized into Tracks. When an employee’s point values cross a threshold the supervisor is prompted and notified of the corrective action that is to be performed. Multiple Tracks can be configured to monitor attendance issues with various levels of severity.
Allow Signature After Processing
If this check box is selected, both the employee and supervisor can sign the hours at any time, before processing, after processing or after payroll processing. The parameter is applicable for both Clocked and Elapsed time employee types. Signatures entered after processing do not update submitted or processed fields.
Prompt for Employee Signature Before Processing
If the check box is selected, the supervisor receives a prompt when processing hours without an employee's signature. Both the Approve and Process fields are defaulted with the processor's signature and the Employee signoff field remains blank.
Attendance Posting To ERP
If the check box is selected, attendance transactions (clock in, clock out, lunch/break in, lunch/break out) are posted to ERP when the report date of these transactions are processed. If the field is cleared, only labor and absence hours are posted to ERP.