Stopping jobs using Real Time Transaction Entry

  1. Select Open > Form. The Select Forn window is displayed
  2. Specify Real Time Transaction Entry and click OK. The Real Time Transaction Entry form is displayed .
    Note: You can also access the form from the Employee Home Page.
  3. Specify this information, if required:
    • The completed quantity.
    • The machine ratio. The machine ratio determines the labor time that is reported for the machine.

      Example: If the value is 0.5, the labor time that is reported for the machine is considered as half of that value.

    • If the Setup check box is selected, the set up time is updated for the employee with the elapsed working hours on the Job Details column. The default value of the set up time is 1.
    • The Setup check box is displayed only if the value in the Order Type field is Production Order.
  4. Click Stop Job.