Creating records on Elapsed Time Details

Use the Elapsed Time Details form to create the records for the employee with elapsed working hours.

To create records:

  1. Select Form > Open > Elapsed Time Details. The Elapsed Time Details form is displayed
  2. Specify a report date.
  3. Select the Daily Labor Information tab or the Week Labor Information tab.
  4. Select Select All.
  5. Click New in the toolbar.
  6. Specify this information:
    Order line
    The code of the order
    Order type
    The type of the order.
    Order number
    The serial number of the order.
    The operation name.
    Select this check box to update the setup time for the employee with elapsed working hours.
    Task code
    The code of the task.
    Absence code
    The reason code for absence or leave.
    Quantity of hours worked
    The number of working hours of the employee.
    Labor type
    The labor type of the employee.
    Work center
    The name of the work center.
    The machine code related to the Production Order.
    Note: This field is displayed, only if, the value in the Order Type field is Production Order.
    Machine Ratio
    The machine ratio determines the labor that is reported for the machine.
    Cost Code
    The cost code.
    Quantity completed
    The number of completed quantity
    Quantity rejected
    The number of rejected quantity.
    Rejection reason code
    The reason code for the rejected quantity.
    Complete Operation
    The status of the operation.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click Submit to update the record in the ERP.
  9. Click Approve to approve records at the end of the day.