
Use this form to register users to the application. A user ID is required for each user who logs on to the application.

You can also specify this information:

  • Passwords to log on to the application.
  • Workstation IDs for users bypass the login dialog box.
  • Email addresses, to send notifications about automated tasks, and automated prompts can be sent to which users can respond through external email, if Send External Prompts check box is selected.
  • Default language specification for automated emails.
  • Editing permissions that determine whether users can access the design mode to create or customize forms.
  • Security authorizations for this user at a form level or a component level.
  • Groups to which the user belongs and security authorizations for that group. You can easily copy group authorizations from another user by clicking Copy Groups From User option.
  • Additional information about login and password expiration, including whether users are allowed to sign in remotely.
  • Source control login information for the user.
  • Additional information about the user that the application requires.

When you add a new user, the Email Address tab is not available until after you have saved the new user record.

Use the Source Control tab to register user login credentials for the source control system. This is required only if the user must have access to files that are controlled using a source control system.