Receiving miscellaneous material

  1. Select Inventory Transactions > Miscellaneous Receipt. The Miscellaneous Receipt form is displayed.
    Note: To access this form, you can also select Icon Menu > Move It > Miscellaneous Receipt.
  2. Specify or review this information:
    The warehouse at which the items are received.
    The item specified on the receiving line for Miscellaneous Receipts.
    Trx Cd Mfg and Exp Dt
    The transaction restriction code, manufacturing date and the expiry date of a new lot and serial items. You can select the required transaction restriction code and specify the manufacturing and expiry date for the lot, serial or lot serial items in the Lot Manufactured Date and Transaction Restriction Code window. The manufacturing date defaults to the current date and the expiry date defaults to the sum of manufacturing date and shelf life of the item.
    Note: The window is displayed only when the Lot/Serial Transaction restriction codes or Mfg date in use Global parameter is enabled.
    The location of the item stock room.
    The revision number of the item.
    The lot number. When an item has different revision numbers, to receive the quantity, the transaction process is cancelled.
    To Container
    Indicate if the container must be specified for receipt of the item. This field is only displayed if containers are in use at the site. If this value is set to Yes, you can specify the ID of Container to receive the item.
    The code of the container in which the items are received. You can scan the container code if you are receiving items in an existing container. To receive items in a new container, leave the field blank. A new container number is generated.
    Note: This field is displayed only if you the To Container field is set to Yes.
    The reason code for the material receipt. The default reason code is initially displayed.
    To Receive
    The item quantity to receive.
    Import Doc ID
    If applicable, specify the import document ID for tax-free import items.
  3. Click Process.
  4. Scan the serial number for the item.
  5. Set the Generate field to Yes.
  6. Scan or select a serial number in the Serial field for each item to manually generate serial numbers. The Scanned field displays the total serial numbers to be scanned.
  7. Click Process after scanning the required serial numbers. Select Show List to view, or select Clear List to clear the list of available serial numbers.