Receiving items from transfer orders

  1. Select Inbound Transactions > Transfer Order Receipt. The Transfer Order Receipt form is displayed.
    Note: To access this form, you can also select Icon Menu > Get It > Transfer Order Receipt
  2. Specify this information:
    The warehouse at which the items are received.
    Transfer Order
    A transfer order number.
    Document Number
    The document number for processing the received Transfer Order Lines.
    The code of the item you are receiving. You can scan the item code or leave blank to select from a list of items on the transfer order.
    Note: This field is displayed only if the Receive by Line parameter is not selected for this transaction.
    Transit Location
    The transit location is displayed.
    The location to which to receive the order.
    Select a new lot number for the items you are shipping.
    Note: An error message is displayed for the lot items or serial items if the transaction restriction code is set to Transfer Order in CSI.
    Trx Cd Mfg and Exp Dt
    The transaction restriction code, manufacturing date and the expiry date of a new lot and serial items. The manufacturing date is defaulted as the current date. The expiry date displayed based on the manufacturing date and shelf life of the item.
    The line you are receiving. Leave blank to select from a list of lines on the transfer order.
    Note: This field is displayed only if the Receive by Line parameter is selected for this transaction.
  3. Select Next. If there are multiple items or lines on the transfer order and you did not specify an item or line, a list of items or lines is displayed.
  4. Select the item or line to receive.The transfer order number, warehouse, and item information as well as the required, shipped, received, and available quantity are displayed.
  5. Select Transfer Item With Zero Cost, if required, to transfer items  to another site even if no cost is associated with the items.
  6. Specify this information:
    The lot number. You can scan the lot number or leave blank to automatically generate a number.
    The quantity to receive.
    The put away location. If Combine Putaway parameter is cleared for this transaction, this field is read only.
    To Container
    Indicate if the items must be received in a container.
    Note: This field is only displayed if you are using containers at the assigned site.
    The code of the container in which the items are received.
    Note: This field is only displayed if you select Yes in the To Container field.
  7. Click Process after scanning the required serial numbers.
    • You must scan or select the serial number for each item, in the Serial field. The Scanned field displays the count of the serial numbers you have scanned. You can also click Show List to view the available serial numbers, or click Clear List to clear all the scanned serial numbers.
    • The application prints the labels if the transaction is configured to print labels automatically. Else, the Label Printing screen is displayed wherein you can specify the required details. See Printing Labels.
    • If items are available to receive in the order, the items or lines list is displayed. To receive additional items for this order, select an item or line.
    • You can select Allow Cross-Docking parameter for this transaction if the order is not cross-referenced to another order. For instructions on cross docking, see Cross Docking Items.