Picking items for Kanbans
Select Kanban > Kanban Pick. The Kanban Pick form is displayed.
Note: To access this form, you also select Icon Menu > Kanban > Kanban Pick.
Specify this information to define search criteria:
- Warehouse
- The code of the Kanban warehouse.
- Kanban
- The Kanban ID.Note: The Item, Request Number and Work Center details are displayed for the specified Kanban ID.
- Click Next. All Kanban replenishment requests with the status of Requested that match the specified search criteria are displayed.
- Select a request for which to pick items.
- Click Next.
Specify this information:
- Item
- The item number. This field is only displayed if the Reenter Item parameter is selected for this transaction.
- Loc
- The location from which you are picking items.
- Lot
- The lot number form which to pick.
- Qty
- The quantity you are picking.
Select Process.
If the quantity you are picking is less than the expected quantity,you are asked whether to close the request short. If you do not pick additional items for this request, select Yes. The request status is set to Staged or Ordered. If you pick additional items for this request, select No.
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