Picking and shipping items
Select Outbound Transactions > Pick N Ship. The Pick N Ship form id displayed.
Note: To access this form, you can also select Icon Menu > Ship It > Pick N Ship
- Specify this information:
- Whse
- The code of the warehouse from which the required items are picked. By default, the warehouse linked to your username is displayed.
- Order
- The code of the customer order.
- Line
- The customer order line number. If multiple lines exist for the
order, you can select a specific line to ship as part of the
transaction. Note: This field is enabled only if the Selection by Item check box is cleared for this transaction.
- Ship Container
- Indicate if the container of items must be shipped.
- Container
- The code of the container.Note: This field is enabled only if the Ship Container field is set to Yes.
- Item
- The code of the item.Note:
- This field is displayed only if the Ship Container field is set to Yes.
- This field is enabled if the Selection by Item parameter is selected for this transaction.
Click Next.
The values in the Customer Order Number, Line, Item and Item Description fields are populated.
Specify this information:
- Location
- The code of the location from which the required inventory can
be picked and shipped. Note: You must specify or scan this location.
- Lot Number
- The lot number associated with the item.Note: This field is enabled and is mandatory only if the item is a lot controlled. If this field is applicable, the application validates the quantity. Over shipment is allowed based on the parameter set for this transaction.
- Quantity
- The quantity to be picked and shipped. You can scan or specify this value. The application checks for the negative inventory parameters and allows you to perform the transaction accordingly, if negative inventory is specified.
- The unit of measure.Note: This field is displayed based on the Allow alternate UOM transaction parameter.
Click Next.
Note: This option is enabled only if the item is serial tracked. Else, only the Process option is displayed.
- Specify the Serial number if the item is serial controlled. The serials assigned to the same order line can be picked and shipped. However, it allows user to pick any un-assigned serials from the location and select inventory records from a valid location at the same time.
Click Process. You can also click Show List to view a list of available serial numbers, or click
Clear List to clear all scanned
serial numbers.
- The application prints the labels if the transaction is configured to print labels automatically. Else, the Label Printing screen is displayed wherein you can specify the required details. See Printing Labels.
- For QC items, the shipping lines transaction checks for
the Certificate of Conformance (CoC) inventory quantity if:
- The Ref Type is ‘O’.
- The Certificate of Conformance (CoC) check box selected.
- The Enable QC Certificate of Conformance Inventory check global parameter is enabled.
- When the shipping lines consist of CoC and non-CoC items and the available CoC quantity is less than the reserved inventory quantity, an error message is displayed, and the shipping lines including the lines with non CoC items, are not processed. If the available CoC quantity is more than or equal to the reserved inventory quantity, all the shipping lines with CoC and non-CoC items, are processed. The application updates the shipped quantities and the CoC quantities in CSI.
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