Work Center

You can use this form to perform day-to-day labor activities for a work center including:

  • starting job operations, indirect tasks, machine operations, setup activities, and service labor reporting
  • stopping job operations, indirect tasks, machine operations, setup activities, and service labor reporting
  • adding job operations, indirect tasks, and setup activities to worksets
  • starting worksets
  • stopping worksets
  • reporting completed quantities
  • viewing and adding job routing notes
  • viewing documents

If the Work Center Popup Enabled parameter is selected, a separate form is displayed when you select an operation, task, or activity to perform an action such as Add Run or Start Indirect. The required action can be performed using the form that is displayed. For example, if you select an operation and tap Add Run, the Workset Maintenance form is opened, allowing you to add the operation to your workset using that form.

If the Work Center Popup Enabled parameter is cleared, most actions listed in the Tasks section or Workset section is performed directly from the Work Center form. For example, if you select an operation and select Add Run, the operation is immediately added to your workset without opening any additional forms.

There are two different sets of options for this form: one for workset-enabled employees and one for non-workset-enabled employees. The appropriate option configuration is displayed based on the type of employee that is configured.

You can view the employee number and employee name on the form. This data is defaulted from ERP.

This form is surrounded by a colored border called the work status indicator. This indicates if the work center is keeping up with the scheduled production progress for the current operation. For more information about the work status indicator, see Work Center Efficiency Overview.