Generating QR Code to register the FT App

Complete the prerequisite steps to use this form.

  1. Select Modules > Configuration > FT App > FT App QR Code Generator. The FT App QR Code Generator form is displayed.
  2. Specify this information in the Required tab:
    Registration User
    The user account used to register FT App to Factory Track server. See the Prerequisite section for details on configuring this user.
    The registration user account password. This password needs to match with password set in Users form for this user.
    Device Type
    The type of device.
    Note: This value is defualted from the Default Device Type parameter in Application Parameters form. This can be modified to match with the corresponding device type for the device.
  3. Click the Generate Button option to generate the QR code. This QR code can be used for registration of the App. Scan the QR code in FT App for completion of the device registration.
  4. Specify this information in the Information tab:
    Note: The information in this tab is automatically populated for MT Cloud. However, for On-Prem customers the information in this tab must be populated manually and saved for subsequent usage.
    FT Server IP Address
    The Factory Track server address (application server). If devices supports DNS look based on host name, then hostname of the server can be supplied here, else specify the IP Address of the server.
    Web Client IFS
    The web client configured with IFS integration. If IFS is not used, then this field can be left blank.
    The mingle server.
    Note: This field must be specified only if IFS is used in the customer environment.
    Configuration Name
    The configuration name.
    • This field cannot be modified.
    • This value is defaulted from the Configuration Name field in the Sites form.
    Tenant ID
    The ID of the tenant.
    • This field cannot be modified.
    • This value is defaulted from the Tenant ID field in the Sites form.
    Config Group
    The name of the config group matching the login configuration.
    • This is an optional field based on the customer environment setup.
    • This field must be specified, if configuration groups are configured in the Config Manager utility.
    IFS Mode
    Select this check box to to use IFS in the customer environment.
    • By default, this check box is selected.
    • Clear this check box before generating the QR code if IFS is not used in the customer environment.
    Allow User to Change Configuration
    Select this check box to enable the users to change the configuration name during logging on to the device.
    Note: By default, this check box is selected.
  5. Review the QR code contents both in encrypted and unencrypted mode.
    Note: This tab is currently available for troubleshooting and support purpose.