Creating and Modifying User Parameters
- Open the User Parameters form.
- If you are creating a new parameter, click New or select a blank line on the grid. If you are modifying an existing parameter, select it from the grid.
Specify or review this information:
- ERP Type
- The ERP type applicable for this parameter.Note: This field is not displayed if you are modifying an existing parameter.
- Parameter Name
- The name of the parameter.Note: This field is not displayed if you are modifying an existing parameter.
- Parameter Type
- The type of the user parameter. Possible values: .
- String
- Boolean
- Numeric
- Parameter Value
- The default value for the parameter. Note: Leave blank to require users to specify the value.
- Description
- The description for the parameter.
- End User Description
- The description of the parameter to be used for end users.
- Parameter Parent
- The name of the parent parameter. Note: A parameter is visible only if the parent parameter is enabled.
- Parameter Sequence
- A sequence number to determine the position of the parameter to
be displayed in the user parameters list.Note: If this value is not specified, the parameters are displayed alphabetically.
- Click Save.
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