Creating A Factory Track User Profile

Use this form to configure user profiles for access to Factory Track.

  1. Select Configuration > Administration > Users. The Users form is displayed.
  2. Select a user ID from the grid to configure parameters for an existing user. Additionally, select a blank line from the user name list and specify the following, to configure the parameters for a new user.
    Note: The cloud version creates user profiles cloud installations. Local administrators only uses Users form to configure the user for Factory Track. For on Premise installations local administrators creates and configure user profiles for Factory Track use.
    User Name
    The unique id of the user that is prompted while logging in.
    Super User
    Clear this check box for production environments.
    User Description
    The name of the user for a named user. additionally the device description for a console user.
    Workstation/Domain ID
    The network name of the user for single sign on, on-premise installations.
    Note: The cloud team set this for cloud installations.
    The password required to configure Factory Track.
    Note: This field is set by the cloud team during cloud installations.
    Confirm Password
    The same password specified in the previous field.
    Note: This field is read only when Factory Track is configured to not require a password.
    Editing Permissions
    The type of modification authorization. Possible values:
    • None: This permission is provided to the console users.
    • Basic: This permission is provided to employee and supervisor. This permission allows the user to save column order changes and column width changes on multi-use forms.
    • Full User
    • Site Developer
    Note: Administrators may set the editing permissions to higher levels but generally Basic is sufficient.
  3. Specify the group name on the Groups tabs information. This provides the user profile access to the objects listed in the Group Name.
    Note: All Factory Track user profiles require access to the FT-Base group. Each FT User Type has a corresponding Group Name that contains the objects specific to that user type. Generally, FT user profiles have FT-Base and the respective user type specific group names listed on the Group tab. The only exception are user profiles Infor-SystemAdministrator access. Infor-SystemAdministrator includes authorization to all FT and Mongoose objects so redundant listing of group names is not necessary.
  4. Specify the user login information in the Login Information tab. This tab is primarily used after a user profile has been created to reset profile status. The User Login Status field is used to deactivate a user profile or to reset the profile to Active if the profile has been Locked Out.
    Note: Leave the Local Time Zone field blank and use the Time Zone Parameter on the Time Track Parms tab. Use the Time Zone Parameter on the Time Track Parms tab even when Time Track is not implemented with Factory Track. The Local Time Zone field is only for Mongoose forms.
  5. Specify the user’s email address to configure the user profile and receive emails from Factory Track in the E-mail Address tab, when applicable.
  6. Specify this information in the Factory Track Info tab. This tab is used to define the user’s Factory Track role, see user’s employee record cross-reference (when applicable) and to configure CSI SF related parameters.
    User Type
    The user type to define the role of the user.
    The code or ID of the employee.
    • This field is blank unless a cross-reference to an employee has been established on the Employees form. An employee number is displayed here only if the user profile has been configured as an employee-user (or supervisor-user if the user type for the profile is set to Supervisor)
    • If the user profile is not linked to an employee, the shop floor considers the user profile as a console user that is a generic user.
    Employee Name
    The name of the employee.
    Note: This value is defaulted from the employees record when the user profile is established as an employee-user profile in the Employees form.
    The default warehouse for this user.
    Note:  If the Trans Fill Whse parameter is selected on the Transaction Set Maintenance form, this warehouse is used by default instead of the default warehouse specified for the transaction.
    Pick Location
    The default pick location of the user.
    User Initials
    The initials of the user. These initials are used by the application to identify a user who performs transactions.
    PLM User Name
    The name of the PLM user, if applicable.
    Work Center
    The work center for this user. Shop floor considers this as the default work center.
    Label Printer
    The default printer for the user.
    Note: If the Override User Printer parameter is cleared on the Transaction Warehouse Order Type Print Parameters form, this printer is used instead of the printer specified for the transaction.
    ERP Document Printer
    The default printer that must be used to print ERP documents. For example, shipping documents.
    Note: The data is this field must be specified correctly because the user cannot verify the contents of this field.
    User Can Change Clock
    Select this check box to allow the user to change the time and date recorded for the transactions performed.
    Note: This parameter allows users to change the time record for transactions, including time and attendance and job start and stop transactions. This parameter must be selected only for the administrator or supervisor user profiles.
    Default Inventory Location
    The default inventory location for this user.
    Default Picking Location
    The default picking location for this user.
    Default Putaway Location
    The default put away location for this user
  7. Select the User Parameter to activate the parameters when CSI Shop Floor is implemented to default inventory, picking and putaway locations into Shop Floor Transactions forms.
  8. Specify this information in the Time Track Parms tab to configure date preferences and time display formats in Time Track. Additionally, use this tab to configure local time zone for all Factory Track Users, regardless of Time track implementation.
    Date Preference
    The default date preference for the Employee Landing Page, Supervisor Landing Page and Supervisor Timesheet Overview in Time Track. Select Pay Period, Work Week or Report Date.
    Display Hours in Decimals
    Select this check box to display hours and minutes as fractions of an hour (H.M/H).
    • By default this check box is cleared.
    • If the check box is cleared Time Track new UX forms display hours in HHMM format.
    Time Zone
    The local time of the user that is displayed on transaction forms by all factory track integrations and configurations.
    Note: When this field is blank, transaction forms defaults the time zone specified on the Sites form. When the user is in a different time zone, specify the user time zone to default the user local time into transaction forms that display the current time.
  9. Click Save to create a new record or to update an existing record.
  10. Click User Modules to select user licenses. This step is performed by the cloud team for cloud installations. System Administrators must apply user modules after creating a new user profile. Cloud installations only require one user module, Factory Track Cloud. All users in an on-premise installation required the Factory Track Base user module. Additionally, the Factory Track user modules must be applicable to the Factory Track modules that have been implement in their installation.
  11. Click Save after adding a user module.
    Note: The Source Control tab must not be used by Factory Track user profiles.