Setting up a DataSearch filter
- Open the DataSearch Source Setup form and execute Filter-In-Place.
- Select the DataSearch you want to set up, or initiate a new DataSearch record.
If you are creating a new DataSearch source, provide this information:
- Source Name
- Specify the name by which to identify the DataSearch source.
- IDO Name
- Select the IDO to use as the source for the data. Note: To search a multi-level structure, such as orders and order lines, you must either set up multiple DataSearch sources or add the appropriate columns from the second tier (order lines) to the selected IDO (orders).
Optionally, provide values for the other header section fields.
- Click Filter.
- In the Property Name field, specify the IDO property for which you want to set up the filter.
Specify the operator to use for the filter.
If you select IS NULL or IS NOT NULL, the comparison field and value need not be specified.
Select the comparison type:
- Literal: The property value is compared to the literal value that you specify in the last field on this row.
- DataSearch Source Property: The property value is compared to another property value from the DataSearch source.
- In the last field on this row, specify the comparison value to be used for the corresponding comparison type.
- Optionally, if you use multiple filter clauses, to instruct the system to treat the clause as Boolean OR comparisons rather than Boolean AND comparisons with the previous clause, select OR Instead of AND with Previous Clause.
To add the filter clause to the list of clauses in the display
panel, click
The clause is added to the list, formatted with the proper syntax.
- Optionally, use Steps 4 through 10 to specify additional filter clauses.
Optionally, to remove all filter clauses and start over, click
Note: You cannot selectively remove individual filter clauses: If you choose to remove one, you remove them all.
- Click OK.
For complex comparison logic, it might be necessary to add parentheses
around filter clauses, to make sure they are evaluated properly. To accomplish this task,
manually edit the data in the display list.