Defining a critical number

Critical numbers help users track how they are doing. Critical numbers can be based on a stored procedure calculation or on an IDO calculation. To define a critical number, use the Critical Numbers Setup form.

  1. Open the Critical Numbers Setup form and execute Filter-In-Place.
  2. Initiate a new critical number record.
    To create a critical number based on an existing one, you can copy and modify the existing critical number.
  3. Provide this information:
    Critical Number
    Required. This must be a unique integer. If you do not specify an integer here, the system automatically assigns the next available integer.
    When selected (the default), this option activates the critical number and makes it functional. When cleared, this option deactivates the critical number.
    To keep a snapshot history of the critical number, select this option.
    Specify a description of the critical number. This can include information about what it represents, or how it is intended to be used. The value in this field is used as the caption on any gauges, or other chart elements that might be used to display the critical number's value.
    Short Desc
    Specify a shorter description that the system can use in the Subject line of emails related to it.
    Result Divisor
    If the critical number is expected to return and display large values, and you want to divide those values before displaying them, specify the number by which to divide the value before it is displayed.

    For example, if you expect the numbers to be retrieve to have values in the millions, such as 120,000,000, you can set this field to one million (1,000,000), and the resulting display shows that value as 120. In a case like this, you would want to set the Description field to (in millions) to clarify what value the number (120) actually represents.

  4. On the General tab, specify the optional source, calculations, alert values to use, and goals to apply.
  5. Optionally, use the Drilldowns tab to assign drilldowns to be used for this critical number.

    Drilldowns are defined on theDrilldowns Setup form.

  6. Optionally, use the Categories tab to assign the critical number to one or more critical number categories.

    For more information, see Critical Number Categories.

  7. Optionally, use the Users tab to assign (or deny) permissions to individual users.
  8. Optionally, use the Groups tab to assign (or deny) permissions to groups of users.
  9. Optionally, use the Static Parameters tab to define name-value pairs that are used to allow end users to change critical number values without modifying the source code.
    Note:  Static parameter options are most effective when the source of data for the critical number is a stored procedure. When the data source is an IDO, the same end is accomplished much more easily using filters.
  10. Optionally, use the Input Parameters tab to define and list filters that are used to determine what information the critical number is based on.
    The Sequence number determines the order in which the IDO properties are evaluated during a critical number query. This data provides readable labels for the stored procedure parameters throughout the system.
  11. Optionally, use the Snapshots tab to view a snapshot history of this critical number.

    From this tab, you can launch the Critical Number Snapshots form to view details of the snapshots for the selected critical number.

    You can also export the snapshot data to a CSV (comma-separated values) file that you can open in a spreadsheet application.

  12. Save your changes.