Saving a collection to Microsoft Excel
To save a collection to a file and then automatically open the file in Microsoft Excel, use the Export Collection to Excel dialog box. Use that dialog box to provide a path and filename for the spreadsheet file to be created. You can also specify whether or not the sequence of columns in the spreadsheet is to match the sequence from the original source.
menu option or the toolbar button. When you do, your application opens theWhen you click My Documents folder - for example, My Documents\itemsExport4.csv. If Excel is installed on your local system, it is then launched and the new file is opened as a spreadsheet. If you have a different application set up to open comma-separated value (.csv) files, then that application opens the file instead.
, the records are placed in the specified file in the localOnly data displayed in the current collection is populated into the spreadsheet, and the usual export-to-file rules apply. See Exporting Collections to External Files.