About time zones
Server time zone
In the Configuration Wizard, the administrator specifies the time zone for the database server. This time zone displays on the System Parameters form.
Site time zone
A site's time zone is independent of the server time zone. It displays on the Sites form and can be changed.
Each site can have a different time zone. If the
process default is not set, forms and reports show the time zone of the site, and audit columns such as CreateDate and RecordDate also use the site’s time zone.User's time zone
When you set up a user on the Users form, you can select the local time zone to display the current time based on the user's time zone.
This field is ignored unless the DateTime in Client Time Zone process default is enabled on the Process Defaults form. If the process default is enabled and this field is blank, the value defaults to the time zone of either the local user’s machine or the web server. If you enable the process default, we recommend that this value be specified for each user and not be left blank.
Specifying information about time zones
You can set up new time zones or modify the information about existing time zones on the Time Zone Data form.