Quick Reporting transaction

The Quick Reporting transaction enables continuous scanning and reporting of physical inventory on the Scan Count screen.
This transaction comprises of these screens:

The list of general parameters that are applicable to the screens of Quick Reporting transactions:

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Action to report


1: Stock count (set fixed quantity)


A: Synchronous reporting

D: Batch reporting

Set X=A (Sync reporting)

Select Next button to,
  • Report directly
  • Wait for the response and proceed after the response to the next transaction
When the transaction is successful,
  • Display Ok message.
  • Add the transaction to the list of reported transactions (status is set to Reported).
When the transaction fails,
  • Display error message
  • Transaction is not added to the list of reported transactions
  • Change the error data and click the Next option to restart the transaction.

If set to X=D (batch reporting)

  • Add transaction to list of transactions to be reported (status "Pending").
  • No reporting done yet.
  • If transaction with same data already exists: Add quantity/Catch weight to existing transaction.
To trigger reporting:
  1. Navigate to list of transactions using option TRANS.
  2. Select option PENDING to list pending transactions.
  3. Use option REPORT ALL to trigger reporting. Or use option REPORT ALL directly from report screen.
If all transactions ok:
  • Report screen is displayed with ok message.
  • Transactions status updated to Reported for all reported transactions.
* If not all transactions ok
  • Display list of error transactions.
  • Transaction status updated to Reported for the ones ok and to Error for the ones that failed
  • To fix error: Select transaction from list of transactions, change error data and press Next to re-run transaction. This runs the transaction directly (sync reporting, similar to action A)
To update pending transaction:
  1. Go to list of transactions using option TRANS.
  2. Select transaction from list of transactions, change data.
  3. Press Next to update transaction. This only updates the transaction.

API calls:

1: MMS850MI.AddQty

2: MMS850MI.AddMove

3: MMS850MI.AddAdjust

1=A 1=A
Auto confirm input field data
  1. Warehouse
  2. Location
  3. Item
  4. Lot
  5. Container
  6. Quantity
  7. Catch Wt
  8. Reason

A: No. Require confirm by scan/enter data.

B: Yes. Always auto confirm field.

C: Yes. Auto confirm field if suggested data = NOT blank.

D: Yes. Auto confirm field if suggested data = blank.

E: Yes. Auto confirm field if suggested data = NOT blank. Set input field as info field (user cannot change the value and browse is not available)

Note: Mandatory field with blank suggested data cannot be auto confirmed. This requires input regardless of this setting.

If set to E: Parameter “Remember input field data” is not applicable for the input field with setting “E”.

Stock Enquiry

If Quick Reporting is opened from Stock Enquiry: Fields Warehouse, Location, Item, Lot and Container (1-5) are info fields and this parameter is not applicable for those fields




Display item description

0 = No

1 = Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • If item description is blank the extra line will not display
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed leaving only single spaces. E.g. "Cotton /Color 3 /Large" is displayed as "Cotton /Color 3 /Large"

This parameter is only available for M3 16+

This parameter is only applicable when Quick Reporting is opened from Stock Enquiry

1 0
Mandatory input fields
  1. Warehouse
  2. Location
  3. Item
  4. Lot
  5. Container
  6. Quantity
  7. Catch Wt
  8. Reason

Stock Enquiry

If Quick Reporting is opened from Stock Enquiry:
  • Fields Warehouse, Location, Item, Lot and Container (1-5) are info fields and this parameter is not applicable for those fields.
  • Quantity is always mandatory.
1;4;3 Blank (not mandatory)
Populate scan field with suggested data
  1. Warehouse
  2. Location
  3. Item
  4. Lot
  5. Container
  6. Quantity
  7. Catch Wt
  8. Reason

Stock Enquiry

If Quick Reporting is opened from Stock Enquiry:
  • Fields Warehouse, Location, Item, Lot and Container (1-5) are info fields and this parameter is not applicable for those fields.
1;2;8 Blank
Reason browse - Enable

0 = No

1 = Yes

1 0
Reason browse - Reasons to include

Any reason (multiple or range)

If this parameter is active: Only values set in this parameter are allowed.

BAD;DIS;H02-H07;Z43 Blank(all reasons are included)
Reason browse - Sorting order Set max 10 fields to sort by in the format N=X;N=X etc. Where N = field number and X = either A for ascending or D for descending.


A. Ascending

D. Descending


  1. Reason (STKY)
  2. Description (TX40)
2=A;1=D 1=A;2=A (Reason / Description)

Remember input field data
  1. Warehouse
  2. Location
  3. Item
  4. Lot
  5. Container
  6. Quantity
  7. Catch Wt
  8. Reason

A. Yes. Until exit transaction or reset. Auto confirm

C. Yes. Until exit transaction or reset. No auto confirm

This parameter is not applicable for any field with setting “E” in parameter “Auto confirm input field data”

Stock Enquiry

If Quick Reporting is opened from Stock Enquiry: This parameter is not applicable

1=A;2=C;6=A Blank(nothing remembered)
Sequence of input fields









7.Catch Wt



9.On hand

10.Transaction status

Field transaction status (10): Only displayed for existing transactions in status Error or Pending.

Field On hand (9): Only displayed when Quick Reporting is opened from Stock Enquiry

Stock Enquiry

If Quick Reporting is triggered from Stock Enquiry:
  • Fields Warehouse, Location, Item, Lot and Container (1-5) are info fields.
  • Field Transaction status (10) is not applicable.
2;3;4;6;8 9;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8
Stock Enquiry - Screen to display after report

1=Search balance identity

2=List balance identity

3=Balance ID options

If set to 3:
  • Balance ID options screen is displayed if Stock Enquiry parameter “Stock Enquiry - Action when pressing Select” is set to 0 (List options), else display List balance ID screen.
  • This parameter is only applicable when Quick Reporting is opened from Stock Enquiry.
1 2
Stock Enquiry - Enable option to print balance ID label


1=Yes. Prompt to print after balance ID updated

If set to 1:
  • After stock count is reported, the Print Label screen will open with data defaulted from the updated balance ID
  • Label to print is the putaway label (MWS450PF)
  • Printing is controlled by parameters set in the Stock Enquiry - Print Label screen.
  • This parameter is only applicable when Quick Reporting is opened from Stock Enquiry
1 0
Suggest data for input field Catch Weight

Any catch weight

*CUR (current catch weight balance ID)

Note that input catch weight will replace existing catch weight. Negative input value is not allowed.

Option “*CUR” is only applicable when Quick Reporting is opened from Stock Enquiry

1 or *CUR Blank
Suggest data for input field Container

Any container

Stock Enquiry

If Quick Reporting is opened from Stock Enquiry: Container is an info field and displays data from the selected balance ID

ABC123 Blank
Suggest data for input field Item

Any item

Stock Enquiry

If Quick Reporting is opened from Stock Enquiry: Item is an info field and displays data from the selected balance ID

ABC123 Blank
Suggest data for input field Location

Any location

Stock Enquiry

If Quick Reporting is opened from Stock Enquiry: Location is an info field and displays data from the selected balance ID

ABC123 Blank
Suggest data for input field Lot

Any lot

Stock Enquiry

If Quick Reporting is opened from Stock Enquiry: Lot is an info field and displays data from the selected balance ID

ABC123 Blank
Suggest data for input field Quantity

Any quantity

A=Total on-hand balance

Note: The input quantity replaces existing quantity. Negative input value is not allowed.

Option A is only applicable when Quick Reporting is opened from Stock Enquiry

1 Blank
Suggest data for input field Warehouse

Any warehouse

*USER (warehouse from user settings)

This parameter is only applicable if input field Warehouse is set to be displayed using parameter “Sequence of input fields”, else it will work as if set to *USER

Stock Enquiry

If Quick Reporting is opened from Stock Enquiry: Warehouse is an info field and displays data from the selected balance ID

001or *USER Blank
Verify input field suggested data
  1. Warehouse
  2. Location
  3. Item
  4. Lot
  5. Container
  6. Quantity
  7. Catch Wt
  8. Reason

A. No. No check if match

B. Yes. Warn if not match

C. Yes. Warn if value higher

D. Yes. Warn if value lower

E. Yes. Error if not match

F. Yes. Error if value higher

G. Yes. Error if value lower

H. Yes. Error if value lower, warn if value higher

I. Yes. Error if value higher, warn if value lower

Note: If suggested data is blank then all work like A.

Stock Enquiry

If Quick Reporting is opened from Stock Enquiry: Fields Warehouse, Location, Item, Lot and Container (1-5) are info fields and this parameter is not applicable for those fields




Auto trigger next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

When set to 1 and the input fields are confirmed (auto or remembered) the Next option is not automatically triggered while returning to the screen after reporting.
Note: This avoids the possibility of never-ending loop.
1 0
Enable option to input item alias

0: No

1: Yes

When set to 1 and the Next option is selected a check is done on the data in the Item field. If the data is set to Item alias the item connected to item alias is used for reporting. However, when data is not alias the data is considered as item.
Note: Option to display the list of items when alias is connected to multiple items is not supported.
1 0
Enable option to input SSCC

0: No

1: Yes

When set to 1 and the Next option is selected a check is done on the data in the Container field. If the data is set to SSCC the container connected to SSCC is used for reporting. However, when data is not SSCC the data is considered as a container.
Note: Check is performed if the data in the Container field is 18 numeric characters.
1 0
Enable option to reset screen

0: No

1: Yes

When set to 1, the RESET option is available to reset the screen. The screen is restored to the initial state as opened from menu.

1 0
Enable option to report all transactions

0: No

1: Yes. Pending.

2: Yes. Pending + Error

If set to 1: A function button REPORT ALL is available that will report all transactions with status Pending.

If set to 2: A function button REPORT ALL is available that will report all transactions with status Pending and Error.

This parameters is not applicable if Action to report is set to X=A (synchronous reporting)

1 0
Transaction data display

0: No data

1: Reported

2: Errors

3: Pending

4: Total

Set the data field to display the transaction data above the function options. Set to 0 to not display the data of transaction.

1=Total no of transactions in the Reported status.

2=Total no of transactions in status Error.

3=Total no of transactions in status Pending.

4=Total no of transactions in status Pending, Error and Reported.

1 or 2;1 or 3;1;2 0