Sorting Order
Set max 10 fields to sort by in the format N=X; N=X etc.
N = field number and X = either A for ascending or D for descending.
If the field Reporting Number is not part of the sorting order it is automatically added as the last field to sort by.
A. Ascending
D. Descending
1. Warehouse (WHLO)
2. Stock zone (SLTP)
3. Warehouse equipment (PISE)
4Delivery number (RIDI)
5Picking list suffix (PLSX)
6Reporting number - pick line (PLRN)
7Sort value (SORT)
8Transportation flow (TRFL)
9Location (WHSL)
10Item number (ITNO)
11Item name (ITDS)
12Lot number (BANO)
13Container (CAMU)
14Consignee (CONA)
15Customer number (CUNO)
16Customer name (CUNM)
17Stock transaction type (TTYP)
18Order number (RIDN)
19Order operation (RIDO)
20Order line (RIDL)
21Order line suffix (RIDX)
22Transaction quantity (TRQT)
23Weight to pick (WTPI)
24Volume to pick (VTPI)
25Weight to pack (WTPA)
26Volume to pack (VTPA)
27To location (TWSL)
28To location - pick line (TWS2)
29Default pack location (DPLO)
30Default docking location (DDLO)
31Loading platform (LODO)
32Status (STAT)
33Soft allocation (SOFT)
34Wave number (PLRI)
35Priority - delivery (PRIO)
36. Place seq no unloading (MULS)
37. Unload seq w in place (SULS)
38. Picking sequence (SEEQ)
39. Departure date (DSDT)
40. Departure time (DSHM)
41. Shipment (CONN)
42. Route (ROUT)
43. Route departure (RODN)
44. Delivery method (MODL)
45. Final delivery method (MODF)
46. Gross weight (GRWE)
47. Net weight (NEWE)
48. Volume (VOL3)
49. Free unit (FCU1)
50. Fragility (FRAG)
51. Length (ILEN)
52. Width (IWID)
53. Height (IHEI)
54. Measurement 1 (DIM1)
55. Measurement 2 (DIM2)
56. Measurement 3 (DIM3)
57. Inventory segment (ISEG)
58. ABC class - frequency (ABFC)
59. Reserved location (RSVL)
60. Reserved lot number (RSVB)
61. Reserved container (RSVC)
62. Packed quantity (PAQT)
63. Catch weight (CAWE)
64. Catch weight unit of measure (CWUN)
65. Item description (FUDS)
- 23. Weight to pick (WTPI)
- 24. Volume to pick (VTPI)
- 25. Weight to pack (WTPA)
- 26. Volume to pack (VTPA)
- 28. To location - pick line (TWS2)
- 39. Departure date (DSDT)
- 40. Departure time (DSHM)
- 59. Reserved location (RSVL)
- 60. Reserved lot number (RSVB)
- 61. Reserved container (RSVC)
- 28. To location - pick line (TWS2)
- 65. Item description (FUDS)