Pick and Pack Transaction

You can use the Pick and Pack transaction to pick, pack, pick and pack, or replenish items. For individual pick list lines, you can perform these actions:

  • move to pack location with or without packing
  • move to dock location with or without packing
  • pack without moving.

For pick lists, you can perform these actions:

  • move to pack location
  • move to dock location
  • confirm issue.

For more information about customizing this transaction, see Configuring Pick and Pack Transaction Parameters.

This transaction is comprises of these screens:

Note:  Any time you are scanning an item number, you have the option of scanning an item alias number instead. To open the Pick and Pack transaction, select a transaction profile associated with the Pick and Pack transaction from the main menu.

Search Pick Lists screen

Use this screen to search open pick lists based on a number of filter fields. Scan or enter delivery/suffix to retrieve data for a specific pick list.

Search Pick Lists screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto trigger browse

1. Wave

Browse is auto triggered when a non confirmed input field is selected

1 Blank(no auto trigger)
Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Date display format - Shipment browse


0. Relative (+/- no of days from today)














A. None (Example: “YYMMDD”)

B. Period (Example: “YY.MM.DD”)

C. Dash (Example: “YY-MM-DD”)

D. Slash (Example: “YY/MM/DD”)

E. Space (Example: “YY MM DD”)

This parameter controls the date format used for delivery date when browsing shipments.

7=B 0
Date format From/To Date display















A. None (e.g. “YYMMDD”)

B. Period (e.g. “YY.MM.DD”)

C. Dash (e.g. “YY-MM-DD”)

D. Slash (e.g. “YY/MM/DD”)

E. Space (e.g. “YY MM DD”)

From/To Date is entered using no of days and not the actual date. This parameter controls the display of the calculated date (today +/- the entered number of days).

1=C 7=A
Default data for input field Equipment

Any equipment

P1 Blank (no default)
Auto trigger browse 1.Wave

Browse is auto triggered when a non confirmed input field is selected



(no auto trigger)

Default data for input field From Date

Numeric value (single)

Note: If the value of the parameter is set to N, pick lists that meet the following criteria are listed; Departure date >= Today - N days.

The value set in this parameter is applicable even if the input field From Date is not set in the “Sequence of input fields” parameter.

This parameter is not applicable for Shipment and Wave picking. See parameters "Enable picking/packing by shipment" and "Enable picking/packing by wave".

5 Blank (include all)
Default data for input field From Time

The data input for this field:

  • Specific time in format HH.MM (24 hour clock), or
  • N; where N=No of hours back from current time.
  • If set in format HH.MM: From Time only applies to the From Date. For days between From Date and To Date the selection is not affected.
  • If set in format NFrom Date: Any configured is ignored.

If set in format N: Any configured The value set in this parameter is applicable even if the input field From Time is not set in the “Sequence of input fields” parameter.

Other acceptable time formats are HHMM and HH:MM.

If the value is set in format HHMM, HH.MM or HH:MM and parameter “Time input” is set to 0 (No. of hours), the confirmed value is blank.

This parameter is not applicable for Shipment and Wave picking. See parameters "Enable picking/packing by shipment" and "Enable picking/packing by wave".

07.10 (=7.10am)

3 (-three hours)

Blank (include all)
Default data for input field No of Lines per Pick List

Numeric value (single))

Note: Set this to "1-1" to include only single line pick lists.

This parameter is not applicable for Shipment and Wave picking. See parameters "Enable picking/packing by shipment" and "Enable picking/packing by wave".

5-10 Blank (no limit)
Default data for input field No of pick lists

Numeric value (range)

Note:  This parameter sets the maximum number of pick lists and controls the number of pick lists to be auto selected in the Pick Lists screen. This parameter works in combination with parameter Default data for input field No of pick list lines and the one that selects the least number of pick lists will apply.

This parameter is not applicable for Shipment and Wave picking. See parameters "Enable picking/packing by shipment" and "Enable picking/packing by wave".

3 1
Default data for input field No of Pick List Lines

Numeric value (single)

This parameter sets the maximum number of pick list lines and controls the number of pick lists to be auto selected in the Pick Lists screen.

Note: This parameter works in combination with parameter Default data for input field No of pick lists and the one that selects the least number of pick lists that is applicable.

This parameter is not applicable for Shipment and Wave picking. See parameters "Enable picking/packing by shipment" and "Enable picking/packing by wave".

30 Blank (no limit)
Default data for input field Order type
  • CO: Customer Order
  • DO: Distribution Order
  • REPL: Replenishment Order
  • MO: Manufacturing Order
  • RO: Requisition Order
  • WO: Work Order
  • ALL: All order types except Replenishment Order
  • ALL2 (All including replenishment)
Note: Replenishment (REPL) cannot be combined with any other order type.
CO;DO or


Default data for input field Pack status

Any Numeric value (multi)

This parameter is not applicable for Shipment and Wave picking. See parameters "Enable picking/packing by shipment" and "Enable picking/packing by wave".

10;20 Blank (include all)
Default data for input field Picker For details about the values of this parameter, see Default data for input field Picker.

This parameter is not applicable for Shipment and Wave picking. See parameters "Enable picking/packing by shipment" and "Enable picking/packing by wave".


If Pick Lists - Action when pressing Next = 1, 2 or 4: Blank (current user + blank picker)

If Pick Lists - Action when pressing Next = 3 (print del docs): ”*” (include all)

If Pick Lists - Action when pressing Next = 5 (unlock pick list): ”*LOCK” (only non blank picker)

Default data for input field Pick status

Any numeric (multi values)

This parameter is not applicable for Shipment and Wave picking. See parameters "Enable picking/packing by shipment" and "Enable picking/packing by wave".

40;60 40;50;60
Default data for input field Pick status (Wave)

Any numeric (single or range)

Only waves with pick status in the selected range can be confirmed in the wave input field

Only waves with pick status in the selected range are listed in the browse wave screen

40 or 50-60 40-89
Default data for input field Place of load

Any alpha (single)

Note: Selecting Browse in the shipment input field, lists shipments for the place of load. If not set, it assumes user’s current warehouse as place of load
METROPOLIS Place of loading from current warehouse
Default data for input field Route

Any route

ROUT66 Blank (no default)
Default data for input field To date

Any Numeric value (single)

Note: If the value of the parameter is set to N, pick lists that meet the following criteria are listed: Departure date <= Today + N days.

The value set in this parameter is applicable even if the input field To Date is not set in the “Sequence of input fields” parameter.

This parameter is not applicable for Shipment and Wave picking. See parameters "Enable picking/packing by shipment" and "Enable picking/packing by wave".

5 Blank (include all)
Default data for input field To Time

Specific time in format HH.MM (24 hour clock)


N where N=No of hours from current time

  • If set in format HH.MM: To Time only applies to the To Date. For days between From Date and To Date the selection is not affected.
  • If set in format N: Any configured To Date is ignored.

The value set in this parameter is applicable even if the input field To Time is not set in the “Sequence of input fields” parameter.

Other acceptable time formats are HHMM and HH:MM.

If the value is set in format HHMM, HH.MM or HH:MM and parameter “Time input” is set to 0 (No. of hours), the confirmed value is blank.

This parameter is not applicable for Shipment and Wave picking. See parameters "Enable picking/packing by shipment" and "Enable picking/packing by wave".

17.10 (5.10pm)

4 (+four hours)

Blank (include all)
Enable picking/packing by wave


1=Yes. Display

If set to 1:
  • If Wave input field is confirmed then all pick list lines for the wave are retrieved when pressing Next. The Pick Lists screen is skipped and the is displayed. This is to increase performance by avoiding download of all wave pick lists and then download of all pick list lines per pick list.
  • If the Wave input field is confirmed then the following input fields must be blank:
    • Delivery
    • Route
    • Customer
    • Package
    • From Date
    • From Time
    • To Date
    • To Time
    • Order
  • If the Wave input field is confirmed then the Order Type field must be blank or set to ALL.

If set to 0: Wave input field is used as other filter fields to filter search for pick lists

1 0
Wave browse - Extra info - Line 1



If set to 1:
  • An extra line of information is displayed with the following data:
    • Picking status (PISS)

      "40" = ”40-Pick”

      "50" = ”50-Pack”

      "60" = ”60-Dock”

      "65" = ”65-Loaded”

      "70" = ”70-In transit”

      "90" = ”90-Closed”

    • Equipment (PISE)
    • Picker (PICK)
  • Tile format: Info is displayed in an extra line
  • Grid format: Info is displayed as extra columns added after existing columns
1 0
Default data for input field Warehouse


Any warehouse

*USER (warehouse from User settings).

*BLANK (blank)


I: Set as Info field.

If ”I” is added to a fixed warehouse or *USER in the format ”X;I” or ”*USER;I”, this input field is set as info field where the user cannot change the value and browse is not available.

When set to "*BLANK", no warehouse is defaulted. Warehouse input field must be confirmed before search is triggered. Warehouse input field must be confirmed before browse is triggered for input fields Zone, Route, Shipment and Wave.

If “Warehouse” is not set in the Sequence of input fields parameter:

  • The value set in this parameter is still applicable.
  • Setting *BLANK is not applicable. If set to *BLANK, it reverts back to the default *USER.
001 or *USER or 001;I or *USER;I or *Blank *USER
Default data for input field Zone

Any zone (multi or range)

If set to multiple: Max 10 zones can be included.



Blank (include all)
Pick lists to include when search by package

1= Pick lists with same delivery as the package

2= Pick lists with same delivery/suffix as the package

3= Pick lists with same shipment as the package

2 1
Enable picking/packing by shipment

0: No

1: Yes. Display Pick List Lines screen

2: Yes. Display

If set to 0:

Shipment field is used as another filter field to filter search for pick lists.

If set to 1 or 2:
  • If the Shipment field is confirmed then all the pick list lines for the shipment are retrieved when the Next option is clicked. The Pick Lists screen is skipped, and the Pick List Lines or Pick List Lines Aggregated screen is displayed. This improves performance by not downloading all shipment pick lists and then download all pick list lines per pick list.
  • If the Shipment field is confirmed these fields must not be specified:
    • Zone
    • Delivery
    • Route
    • Equipment
    • Customer
    • Wave
    • Package
    • From Date
    • From Time
    • To Date
    • To Time
    • Order
  • If the Shipment field is confirmed then the Order Type field must be blank or set to ALL.
Note: This parameter is applicable only for M3 BE 16+ versions.
1 0
Numeric keypad - Activate negative sign

1: From Date

2: To Date

3: From Time

4: To Time

A: No

B: Yes

1=B;2=B;3=B;4=B 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A
Numeric keypad - Enable

1: From Date

2: To Date

3: From Time

4: To Time

A: No

B: Yes

C: Yes and auto display when field is selected.

1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A 1=B;2=B;3=B;4=B
Remember input field data

1: Warehouse

2: Order type

3: Zone

4: Route

5: Equipment

6: From Date

7: From Time

8: To Date

9: To Time

A: Yes. Auto confirm.

Note: Input field data is remembered until user exits the transaction.
1=A;6=A;7=A Blank (no remember)
Sequence of input fields

The sequence of the input fields are:

1: Order Type

2: Zone

3: Delivery

4: Route

5: Equipment

6: Customer

7: Shipment

8: Wave

9: Package

10: From Date

11: From Time

12: To Date

13: To Time

14: Warehouse

If the parameter includes 10 and 11, and parameter “Time input” is set to 0 (No. of hours), then field 10 (From Date) is hidden.

If the parameter includes 12 and 13, and parameter “Time input” is set to 0 (No. of hours), then field 12 (To Date) is hidden.

1;3 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9
Time input

0: No of hours

1: Clock time

If set to 0, input number of hours.

If set to 1, time should be in 24 hour clock format. Acceptable time formats are HHMM, HH.MM and HH:MM.

If the parameter “Sequence of input fields” includes 10 (From Date) and 11 (From Time), and this parameter is set to 0 (No. of hours), then field 10 (From Date) is hidden.

If the parameter “Sequence of input fields” includes 12 (To Date) and 13 (To Time), and this parameter is set to 0 (No. of hours), then field 12 (To Date) is hidden.

Note: Confirmed time is always displayed in HH:MM format.
0 1
Warehouse browse - Warehouses to include

Any warehouse (multiple or range) or Warehouse group (format *GRP=X where X=warehouse group in MMS009).

If this parameter is active, only values set in this parameter are allowed.

AB1;DF7;WH3-WH9;Z01 or *GRP=WG1

Blank (all warehouses are included).

Note:  If you do not specify a value for the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

For instructions on configuring parameters that affect this screen, see Configuring Pick and Pack Transaction parameters.

Pick Lists screen

Use this screen to list open pick lists based on the search performed in the Search Pick Lists screen.

Actions move to pack/dock (with/without packing):

  • Pick lists where number of lines with the sum of line pick status and pick list pick status is greater than 0 are listed
  • No filter on number of lines to pack

Action only packing:

  • Pick lists where number of lines with quantity remaining to pack are greater than 0 are listed
  • No filter on number of lines to pick

Print Delivery Documents:

  • No filter on number of lines to pick or pack

The selection of pick lists are sorted in this sequence:

  • Picker
  • Picking sequence
  • Delivery date/time
  • Delivery
  • suffix

Pick lists assigned to current user are displayed first, then pick lists with blank picker (does not apply for action Print Del Docs where all pick lists are listed regardless of assigned picker).

User can select one or multiple pick lists from the list.

Pick Lists screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Action when pressing Next

1: Display the Pick List Lines screen

2: Display the Report Pick List screen

3: Print delivery documents

4: Display Pick List Lines - Aggregated screen

5: Display unlock pick list screen

Note:  If value is set as 3, a specific Print Delivery Documents profile can be used by using the format 3;X where X is the Delivery Documents profile ID (e.g. 3;PDD1). If profile is left blank the default profile is used.

If this parameter is set to 5, the application displays the Picker and not the Customer number in Pick Lists screen.



Allow multiple pickers per pick list

0: No

1: Yes. If pick list not connected to other picker.

If set to 0:

  • User can not select a pick list that is connected to another user.
  • Pick list picker is updated with current user when a pick list is selected
  • Pick list picker is cleared when exit Pick List Lines screen
  • Pick list picker is cleared when pick list is fully reported
  • Multiple pickers can not work on the same pick list at the same time

If set to 1:

  • User can not select a pick list that is connected to another user.
  • Pick list picker is not updated with current user when a pick list is selected
  • Pick list picker is not cleared when exit Pick List Lines screen
  • Pick list picker is cleared when pick list is fully reported (may happen if someone with setting 0 selected the same pick list after it was selected)
  • Multiple pickers can work on the same pick list at the same time
  • When a pick list line is selected in the Pick List Lines screen a check is made that there is quantity remaining to be reported
  • When press Next in the Report Pick Line screen a check can be made that quantity to report is less or equal to remaining to be reported (parameter ”Verify Quantity when pressing Next”)
Note: This parameter is only applicable if parameter Action when pressing Next = ”1” (Display pick list lines screen)
1 0
Auto trigger next

0: No

1: Yes - Always

2: Yes - if only one record is listed. Also applies after filtering.

1 0
Column order

Set columns to display, column order and column width in the format “N=X;N=X;N=X”

N = Column number

X = Fixed width in no of characters or “A” for auto adjust or “D” for default width

This parameter only applies when list is displayed in grid format (not tile format)

1. Delivery date/Delivery time “Date”

2. Delivery No ”Del”

3. Suffix “Sfx”

4. Customer name ”Cust Name”

5. Customer no “Cust”

6. No of lines “Lns”

7. Weight “Wt”

8. Weight unit “U/M”

9. Volume “Vol”

10. Volume unit “U/M”

11. Order Type “Type”

12. Stock Zone “Zn”

13. Extra info field 1 Parm “Extra info - Labels”

14. Extra info field 2 Parm “Extra info – Labels”

15. Extra info field 3 Parm “Extra info – Labels”

Default width: 1=20;2=10;3=10;4=30;5=15;6=7;7=15;8=6;9=15;10=6;11=10;12=10;13=20;14=20;15=20







Date display format


0. Relative (+/- no of days from today)














A. None (Example: “YYMMDD”)

B. Period (Example: “YY.MM.DD”)

C. Dash (Example: “YY-MM-DD”)

D. Slash (Example: “YY/MM/DD”)

E. Space (Example: “YY MM DD”)

7=B 0
Extra info - Labels For details about the values of this parameter, see Extra info - Labels.




Note: “^PICK START” will display as “Pick Start” in the device


(default labels are used)

Extra info - Line 1 For details about the values of this parameter, see Extra info - Line 1.

4=10;5=8;7=3 or 8=15;9=12 or 6=8


Extra info - Pick status data

Set alternative text to display per pick status

Format: N=X;N=X;N=X

N = pick status

X = new text to display

Text (X) is in upper case by default. Use prefix “^” to use lower case with first character in each word in upper case.

Example: “N=ABC DE” will display as “ABC DE” in the device. “N=^ABC DE” will display as “Abc De”

Supported characters: "A-Z","a-z", "0-9" and "_" (underscore)





Note: “^MOVED DOCK” will display as “Moved Dock” in the device


(default data is used)

Sorting order For details about the values of this parameter, see Sorting order. 1=A;9=A;10=D;5=A;6=A

If "Action when pressing Next"=1, 2 or 4 (Lines/Report):

Sorted as returned by API MWS420MI.LstPickersPL:

Seq/Delivery date/Delivery time/Delivery/Suffix with pick lists assigned to current user first. Similar to setting parm to “1=A;14=A;3=A;


If "Action when pressing Next"=3 (Print):



If "Action when pressing Next"=5 (Unlock):



(only pick lists with picker <> blank are listed)

Note:  If you do not specify a value to the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

For instructions on configuring parameters that affect this screen, see Configuring Pick and Pack Transaction parameters.

Pick List Lines screen

Use this screen to lists open pick list lines based on the selected pick lists in the Pick Lists screen. Pick list lines are sorted by: M3 sort (e.g. Location) / Delivery / Suffix / Pick list reporting no.

Actions move to pack/dock (with/without packing):

  • Only lines with line pick status = pick list pick status are listed
  • No filter on line pack status

Action only packing:

  • Only lines with quantity remaining to pack > 0 are listed
  • No filter on line pick status


  • No filter on line pick or line pack status
  • Action setting is not applicable, always confirm issue

Pick List Lines screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Action when pressing Select

1: Display Report Line screen

2: Display Report Package in Stock screen

Note: Setting 2 is only applicable for items with container method 7 (package in stock). For all other items the setting 1 will apply.
2 1
Auto select first record

0: No

1: Yes, Always

2: Yes, if there is only one record in the list

1 0
Balance ID search - Sequence

1: Location

2: Item

3: Lot

4: Container (SSCC)

5: Sublot

Option 5 (Sublot) is available only for M3 v16 and higher

3;4 3;4;2;1
Balance ID search - Stock zone

Any zone

P1 Blank (no default)
Balance ID search - Trigger

0: No

1: Yes

Note: If this parameter is activated, a balance ID search is triggered for anything that is scanned.
1 0
Column order

Set columns to display, column order and column width in the format “N=X;N=X;N=X”

N = Column number

X = Fixed width in no of characters or “A” for auto adjust or “D” for default width

This parameter only applies when list is displayed in grid format (not tile format)

1. Location “Loc”

2. Item number ”Item”

3. Item name “Item Name”

4. Quantity ”Qty”

5. Unit of measure “U/M”

6. Lot number “Lot”

7. Container “Cont”

8. Extra info field 1 Parm “Extra info - Labels”

9. Extra info field 2 Parm “Extra info – Labels”

10. Extra info field 3 Parm “Extra info – Labels”

11. Item description “Item Desc”

Default width: 1=10;2=15;3=30;4=15;5=6;6=20;7=20;8=20;9=20;10=20;11=30






Date display format


0. Relative (+/- no of days from today)














A. None (e.g. “YYMMDD”)

B. Period (e.g. “YY.MM.DD”)

C. Dash (e.g. “YY-MM-DD”)

D. Slash (e.g. “YY/MM/DD”)

E. Space (e.g. “YY MM DD”)



0 = No

1 = Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed leaving only single spaces.

This parameter is only available for M3 16+

This parameter is not applicable if Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by shipment parameter is active and pick list lines where listed based on Shipment search and the Pick Lists screen is skipped.

This parameter is not applicable if parameter "Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by wave" is active and pick list lines aggregated where listed based on Wave search and Pick Lists screen skipped.

1 0
Display unit

1: Basic unit

2: Reporting unit

Set the unit to be used for displaying quantity.

If set to Reporting unit (2):

Quantity is displayed in the unit on the Report Pick Line screen using the Reporting unit - Sequence and Reporting unit - Conversion parameters. If the reporting unit is not activated on the Report Pick Line screen, the parameter is set to the default value (1).

If Pick List Lines list contains lines for more than one item, the parameter is set to the default value (1).

This parameter is not applicable, if the DETAILS option was used on the Report Pick Line Aggregated screen to report individual lines. The Display or Reporting unit set for the aggregated line is then used for all individual lines (Pick List Lines Aggregated - Display unit, Report Pick Line Aggregated - Reporting unit - Conversion, and Report Pick Line Aggregated - Reporting unit - Sequence parameters).

2 1
Enable option to auto refresh list

0: No. No auto refresh. Manual refresh only (function button).

1: Yes. Auto refresh. Manual refresh possible (function button).

2: Yes. Auto refresh only.

If set to 0: A function button (Refresh) will be displayed that will trigger a refresh of the list.

If set to 1: A function button (Refresh) will be displayed and refresh will be automatically triggered when list is displayed after reporting. Refresh will not be automatically triggered when list is displayed after pressing Back from a subsequent screen.

If set to 2: No function button (Refresh) will be displayed. Refresh will be automatically triggered when list is displayed after reporting. Refresh will not be automatically triggered when list is displayed after pressing Back from a subsequent screen.

1 2
Enable option to list packages


1=Yes. For all selected deliveries

If set to 1: Function button PACKAGES is available that opens the List Packages screen of transaction Package Repack.

If set to 1: Function button PACKAGES list all packages with content from all deliveries selected in the Pick Lists screen. This means there may be packages listed that was packed on pick lists not selected by the current picker.

A specific Package Repack transaction profile can be set by using format ”N;PROFILE ID” where N = 1. If no profile is set it uses the default profile

This parameter does not apply if option DETAILS was used in the Report Pick Line Aggregated screen to display Pick List lines.

This parameter is not applicable if Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by shipment parameter is active and pick list lines are listed based on Shipment search and the Pick Lists screen is skipped.

This parameter is not applicable if parameter "Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by wave" is active and pick list lines aggregated where listed based on Wave search and Pick Lists screen skipped.

Pick line picking status to include (wave pick)

Any numeric (multi)


40;50 40

Action move to pack/dock/issue with/without packing (set in Report Pick Line screen): "40"

Action only packing (set in Report Pick Line Aggregated screen): Include lines where “quantity remaining to pack > 0”

No filter on line pick status

Only hard allocated lines

Enable option to list reported lines

0: No.

1: Yes.

If set to 1, REP LINES function is available that displays the Reported Pick List Lines screen.

1 0
Enable option to report package in stock

0: No.

1: Yes. Per pick list.

2: Yes. Per pick list line. Auto select first line.

If set to 1 and multiple pick lists are selected on the Pick Lists screen, the parameter is defaulted to 0.

If set to 1: Scanning an existing package in stock (Package/SSCC) opens the screen Report Package In Stock to report the package per pick list.

If set to 2: Scanning an existing package in stock (Package/SSCC) opens the screen Report Package In Stock with data from the first pick list line in the list to report the package per pick list line. This is applicable only if item is container managed with method 7 (package in stock). If data was scanned to filter the list before scanning the package then the first line in the filtered list is used. First line is not auto selected if the line is allocated or reserved to another package other than the scanned package.

If set to 1 or 2 and the balance ID search is active (”Balance ID search - Trigger” = 1), it search for packages in stock before searching for balance IDs.

Note: Even if set to 0, it is possible to report package in stock if ”Action when pressing Select” is set to 2 (Display Report Package in Stock)
1 0
Enable option to update package



If set to 1:

Function button UPDATE PKG is available that opens Update screen of transaction Package Update

For option 1 a specific Package Update transaction profile is set by using format ”N;PROFILE ID” where N = 1. If no profile is set it uses the default profile.

In Package Update:

* No package is defaulted

* After update of a package user can update more packages or press Exit to go back to Pick List Lines screen

Extra info - Labels For details about the values of this parameter, see Extra info - Labels.




Note: “^DEP DATE” will display as “Dep Date” in the device


(default labels are used)

Extra info - Line 1 For details about the values of this parameter, see Extra info - Line 1. 4=10;48=15;13=3






Extra info - Pick status data

Set alternative text to display per pick status

Format: N=X;N=X;N=X

N = pick status

X = new text to display

Text (X) is in upper case by default. Use prefix “^” to use lower case with first character in each word in upper case.

Example: “N=ABC DE” will display as “ABC DE” in the device. “N=^ABC DE” will display as “Abc De”

Supported characters: "A-Z","a-z", "0-9" and "_" (underscore)





Note: “^MOVED DOCK” will display as “Moved Dock” in the device


(default data is used)

Pick line picking status to include

Any numeric (multi)


40;50 Blank

Action move to pack/dock/issue with/without packing (set in Report Pick Line screen):

  • Include lines where “line pick status = pick list pick status”.
  • No filter on line pack status.

Action only packing (set in Report Pick Line screen):

  • Include lines where “quantity remaining to pack > 0”
  • No filter on line pack status.
  • Only hard allocated lines.

Replenishment (regardless of action set in Report Pick Line screen): No filter on line pick or line pack status. Action setting is not applicable, always confirm issue.

Pick line picking status to include (shipment pick)

Any numeric (multi)


40;50 40

Action move to pack/dock/issue with/without packing (set in Report Pick Line screen): "40".

Action only packing (set in Report Pick Line screen): Include lines where “quantity remaining to pack > 0”

No filter on line pick status.

Only hard allocated lines.

Replenishment (regardless of action set in Report Pick Line screen): Action setting is not applicable, always confirm issue.

Sorting Order For details about the values of this parameter, see Sorting Order. 45=A;46=D;2=D;9=A;10=A;12=D;13=A

7=A;4=A;5=A;6=A(Sort value, Delivery, Suffix, Reporting number)

Note:  If you do not specify a value for the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

For instructions on configuring parameters that affect this screen, see Configuring Pick and Pack Transaction parameters.

Pick List Lines Aggregated

Use this screen to list all the aggregated open pick list lines based on the selected pick lists in the previous screen.


Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto select first record

0= No

1= Yes. Always

2= Yes. Only if one record in list. Also applies after filtering

3=Yes. If one record in the list after filtering.

If set to 2: Auto select is triggered if there is one record in the list, either when list is first displayed or after a filter scan.

If set to 3: Auto select is triggered if there is one record in the list after a filter scan. Auto select is not triggered if there is one record in the list when list is first displayed.

1 0
Auto trigger ADD PKG ALL



This parameter is not dependent on parameter ”Enable option to add package - All deliveries”

If set to 1:

* Will auto trigger option ADD PKG ALL for the selected deliveries

* A specific Add Package transaction profile can be set using format “1;X” where X=Add Package profile ID (if no profile is set the default profile is used)

* If parameter “Auto trigger ADD PKG DEL” is also set to 1: This parameter takes precedence and “Auto trigger ADD PKG DEL” is ignored

This parameter is not applicable if parameter "Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by shipment" is active and pick list lines where listed based on Shipment search and Pick Lists screen skipped.

This parameter is not applicable if parameter "Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by wave" is active and pick list lines where listed based on Wave search and Pick Lists screen skipped.

1 or 1;PROFILEX 0
Auto trigger ADD PKG DEL



If set to 1:

* Will auto trigger option ADD PKG DEL for the first pick list line in the list

* A specific Add Package transaction profile can be set using format “1;X” where X=Add Package profile ID (if no profile is set the default profile is used)

This parameter is not dependent on parameter ”Enable option to add package - One delivery”

This parameter is only applicable when action to report is move to pack/dock/confirm issue with packing or packing only (parameter “Report Pick Line Aggregated - Action to report”)

1 or 1;PROFILEX 0
Balance ID search - Sequence

1: Location

2: Item

3: Lot

4: Container (SSCC)

3;4 3;4;2;1
Balance ID search - Stock zone Any zone P1 Blank (no default)
Balance ID search - Trigger

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1, a balance ID search is triggered for anything that is scanned

1 0
Column order

Set columns to display, column order and column width in the format “N=X;N=X;N=X”

N = Column number

X = Fixed width in no of characters or “A” for auto adjust or “D” for default width

This parameter only applies when list is displayed in grid format (not tile format)

1. Location “Loc”

2. Item number ”Item”

3. Item name “Item name”

4. Quantity ”Qty”

5. Unit of measure “U/M”

6. Lot number “Lot”

7. Container “Cont”

8. No of lines “Lns”

9. Item description “Item Desc”

Default width: 1=10;2=15;3=30;4=15;5=6;6=20;7=20;8=7;9=30






Display item description

0 : No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed leaving only single spaces.

This parameter is only available for M3 16+

This parameter is not applicable if Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by shipment parameter is active and pick list lines where listed based on Shipment search and the Pick Lists screen is skipped.

This parameter is not applicable if parameter Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by wave is active and pick list lines aggregated where listed based on Wave search and Pick Lists screen skipped.

This parameter applies to:
  • Item description displayed in the grey area when List Balance ID is triggered via search/browse in the Report Pick Line or Report Pick Line aggregated screen
  • Item description displayed per Balance ID in the list when List Balance ID is triggered via search in the Pick List Lines or .
If List Balance ID screen is triggered from Report Pick Line based on allocation rules/allocation attributes:
  • This parameter is not applicable if parameter Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by shipment is active and pick list lines where listed based on Shipment search and Pick Lists screen skipped.
  • This parameter is not applicable if parameter "Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by wave" is active and pick list lines aggregated where listed based on Wave search and Pick Lists screen skipped.
1 0
Display unit

1: Basic unit

2: Reporting unit

Set the unit to be used for displaying quantity.

If set to Reporting unit (2):

Quantity is displayed in the unit on the Report Pick Line Aggregated screen using Reporting unit - Sequence and Reporting unit - Conversion parameters. If the reporting unit is not activated on the Report Pick Line Aggregated screen, the parameter is set to the default value (1).

If Pick List Lines Aggregated list contains lines for more than one item, the parameter is set to the default value (1).

The Display or Reporting unit set for the aggregated line is applied to the Report Pick Line screen for the individual lines if the DETAILS option is used. This is regardless of settings applied on the Pick List Lines - Display unit, Report Pick Line - Reporting unit - Conversion and Report Pick Line - Reporting unit - Sequence parameters.

2 1
Enable option to add package - All deliveries



If set to 1:

* Function button ADD PKG ALL is available

* Using function button ADD PKG ALL opens the Add Package screen with all selected deliveries defaulted

* In the Add Package screen one or multiple packages can be added to each of the selected deliveries

* A specific Add Package transaction profile can be set using format “1;X” where X=Add Package profile ID (if no profile is set the default profile is used)

This parameter is not applicable if parameter "Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by shipment" is active and pick list lines where listed based on Shipment search and Pick Lists screen skipped.

This parameter is not applicable if parameter "Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by wave" is active and pick list lines where listed based on Wave search and Pick Lists screen skipped.

1 or 1:X 0
Enable option to add package - One delivery

Options (not remember):



Options (remember/auto confirm)

2=Yes. Remember for all lines. Auto confirm

3=Yes. Remember for lines on same delivery. Auto confirm

Options (remember/no auto confirm)

5=Yes. Remember for all lines. No auto confirm.

6=Yes. Remember for lines on same delivery. No auto confirm.

If set to 1, 2, 3, 5, or 6:

* Function button ADD PKG DEL is available in the second position

* Using function button ADD PKG DEL opens the Add Package screen with delivery from the selected pick list aggregated line defaulted

* In the Add Package screen one or multiple packages can be added to the selected delivery

* A specific Add Package transaction profile can be set using format “N;X” where X=Add Package profile ID (if no profile is set the default profile is used)

If set to 2, 3, 5, or 6:

* If one single package is added to the delivery in the Add Package screen: Input field Package in the Report Pick Line Aggregated screen is remembered with this newly created package. This will take precedence over any previously remembered package.

* Input field Package in the Report Pick Line Aggregated screen is remembered until one of the following occurs:

- New pick lists are selected in the pick lists screen

- A pick list line is reported in the Report Pick Line Aggregated screen. In this case the parameter “Report Pick Line Aggregated - Remember input field data” controls if and how the reported Package is remembered

* If multiple packages are added to the delivery in the Add Package screen (input field “No of Pkgs” > 1): This option 2 will work as option 1 (not remember package)

This parameter is only applicable when action to report is move to pack/dock/confirm issue with packing or packing only (parameter “Report Pick Line Aggregated - Action to report”

1 or 3;PROFILEX 0
Enable option to auto refresh list

0: No. No auto refresh. Manual refresh only (function button).

1: Yes. Auto refresh. Manual refresh possible (function button).

2: Yes. Auto refresh only.

If set to 0:
  • A Refresh button is displayed to trigger a refresh of the list.
  • No API is called to refresh the reported lines after reporting an aggregated line. Reported lines are removed from the list of lines to report.
  • This option is only applicable if the full quantity of the aggregated line is reported and action is not 5 (packing only). If less then remaining is reported or action to report is 5 (packing only), the full list is auto refreshed.

If set to 1:

A Refresh button is displayed and refresh is automatically triggered when the list is displayed after reporting. Refresh is not automatically triggered when list is displayed when Back option is selected from a subsequent screen.

If set to 2:

No Refresh button is displayed. Refresh is automatically triggered when list is displayed after reporting. Refresh is not automatically triggered when list is displayed when Back option is selected from a subsequent screen.

1 2
Enable option to list packages


1=Yes. For all selected deliveries

If set to 1: Function button PACKAGES is available that opens the List Packages screen of transaction Package Repack.

If set to 1: Function button PACKAGES lists all packages with content from all deliveries selected in the Pick Lists screen. This means there may be packages listed that was packed on pick lists not selected by the current picker.

A specific Package Repack transaction profile can be set by using format ”N;PROFILE ID” where N = 1. If no profile is set it uses the default profile.

This parameter is not applicable when the Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by shipment parameter is active, pick list lines are listed based on the Shipment search and the Pick Lists screen is skipped.

This parameter is not applicable if parameter Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by wave is active and pick list lines aggregated where listed based on Wave search and Pick Lists screen skipped.

Enable option to update package



If set to 1: Function button UPDATE PKG is available that opens Update screen of transaction Package Update

For option 1 a specific Package Update transaction profile can be set by using format ”N;PROFILE ID” where N = 1. If no profile is set it uses the default profile.

In Package Update:

* No package is defaulted

* After update of a package user can update more packages or press Exit to go back to

Pick line picking status to include (shipment pick)

Any numeric (multi)


40;50 40

Action move to pack/dock/issue with/without packing (set on the Report Pick Line screen): "40"

Action only packing (set in Report Pick Line Aggregated screen):
  • Include lines when the Quantity Remaining to pack > 0.
  • Cannot filter on line pick status.
  • Only hard allocated lines.
Sorting order

A maximum of 10 fields to sort by in the format N=X; N=X etc. where N = field number and X = either A for ascending or D for descending.


A Ascending

D Descending



2 Stock zone (STLP)

4 Delivery number (RIDI)

7 Sort value (SORT)

9 Location (WHSL)

10 Item number (ITNO)

11 Item name (ITDS)

12 Lot number (BANO)

13 Container (CAMU)

27: To location (TWSL)

28: To location - pick line (TWS2)

33 Soft allocation (SOFT)

65. Item description (FUDS)

  • Item description (65) is only available for M3 16+
  • To location (27) and To location - pick line (28) are only applicable for replenishment orders,
45=A;46=D; 2=D;9=A; 10=A;12=D; 13=A

7=A;9=A;10=A;12=A;13=A;4=A(Sort value,Location,Item,Lot,Container,Delivery)

Note:  If you do not specify a value to the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

For instructions on configuring parameters that affect this screen, see Configuring Pick and Pack Transaction parameters.

Report Pick Line screen

Use this screen to report: Move to pack (with/without packing), Move to dock (with/without packing), Packing only or Replenishment.

Report Pick Line screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Action to report

1: Move to pack location without packing

2: Move to dock location without packing

3: Move to pack location with packing

4: Move to dock location with packing

5: Pack without moving

6: Confirm issue no packing

7: Confirm issue with packing

  • Replenishment orders are always reported as Confirm Issues irrespective of the parameter configuration.
  • Action 5 changes pick line status to 50 if the previous status is 40. If pick line status is 50 or 60 there is no change of status.
  • Replenishment orders is not be listed in the Pick Lists screen if this parameter is set to 5.
4 3
Auto confirm input field data

The input fields:

1: To Location

2: Location

3: Item

4: Lot

5: Container

6: Quantity

7: Packaging

8: Catch weight

9: Unit

10: Qty per Pkg

11: No of Pkgs

12: Search

A : No. Requires confirmation by scanning or entering data.

B : Yes. Always auto confirm field.

C : Yes. The field is automatically confirmed, if the suggested data is not blank.

D : Yes. The field is automatically confirmed, if the suggested data is blank.

  • If no value is suggested for a mandatory field, the user must scan a value regardless of how this parameter is configured.
  • This parameter is not applicable for location, item, lot, container and quantity after a balance ID search.
2=A;3=B;7=C 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A;5=A;6=A;7=A;8=A;9=A;10=A;11=A;12=A
Auto trigger ADD PKG DEL after report line

1. Yes. After pick line reported (partially/fully reported, backordered or closed)

2. Yes. After pick line finished

(fully reported, backordered or closed)

3. Yes. After last pick line on delivery finished

(no more lines to report for delivery)

4. Yes. After last pick line finished

(no more lines to report)

A specific Add Package transaction profile can be set using format “N=X” where N=1, 2, 3, or 4 and X=Add Package profile ID (if no profile is set the default profile is used)

This parameter is only applicable if packing is active for the delivery (packing status > 00)

This parameter is not dependent on parameter “Enable option to add package - One Delivery”

This parameter does not apply if option DETAILS was used in the Report Pick Line Aggregated screen to display/report individual pick list lines

2;4 or 2=PROFILEX: 4=PROFILEY Blank
Auto trigger function - Sequence

1. Print Package Label

2. Package Repack (Packages)

3. Package Update

If an action auto triggers multiple function buttons this setting controls in what order the functions are displayed

If an action is set to auto trigger but not set in this parameter, it still triggers but last in sequence

2;3 1;2;3
Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Auto trigger PACKAGES after report line

1. Yes. After pick line reported (partially/fully reported, backordered, or closed)


. Yes. After pick line finished (fully reported, backordered, or closed)


. Yes. After last pick line on delivery finished (no more lines to report for delivery)


. Yes. After last pick line finished (no more lines to report)

5. Yes. When package created (line reported with non-existing package or package confirmed with *AUTO*)

A. For current delivery

B. For current package

C. For all selected deliveries

This parameter is available only if packing is active for the delivery (packing status > 00)

This parameter is not dependent on “Enable option to list packages” parameter

A specific Package Repack transaction profile can be set by using ”Package repack profile” parameter

Option “C” is not applicable when Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by shipment parameter is active and pick list lines are listed based on the Shipment search and the skipped Pick Lists screen.

Option “C” is not applicable if parameter Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by wave is active and pick list lines aggregated where listed based on Wave search and Pick Lists screen skipped.

2=B;3=A;4=C Blank
Auto trigger UPDATE PKG after report line

1. Yes. After pick line reported (partially/fully reported, backordered, or closed)

2. Yes. After pick line finished (fully reported, backordered, or closed)

3. Yes. After delivery finished (no more lines to report for delivery)

4. Yes. After last line finished

A. No default package

B. Default current package

Note: If package is confirmed with *AUTO* and a new package is created, and option is set to B (default current package) then default the newly created package.

This parameter is available only if input field “Package” is displayed in the “Report Pick Line” screen.

This parameter is not dependent on “Enable option to update package” parameter

A specific Package Update transaction profile can be set by using ”Package update profile” parameter

1=B;4=A Blank
Balance ID browse - Stock zone Any zone P1 Blank (no default)
Balance ID search - Auto confirm input field Quantity

0: No

1: Yes

Note: This parameter is also applicable if balance ID search is triggered from pick list lines screen.

If the Quantity input and the suggested quantity are different and the Verify input field suggested data parameter is set to trigger a warning message, the Quantity input field is suggested but not confirmed with the selected data. No warning or error is displayed.

If the Balance ID search - Suggest data for input field Quantity parameter is set to “N;A”, if No of Pkg/Total Quantity/Quantity input (from the suggested quantity from selected balance ID) is different from the suggested remaining to pick quantity and the Verify input field suggested data parameter is set to trigger a warning or error, then Quantity input field along with No of Pkg, Total Quantity are suggested but not confirmed. No warning or error is displayed at this point.

If set to 1 and No of Pkgs, Qty / Pkg and Total Qty are displayed if the Balance ID search - Suggest data for input field Quantity parameter = “N;A” (where N = 0-4) and input field “Qty / Pkg” confirmed with data <> blank/0 then auto confirm calculated suggested value in input fields No of Pkgs and Quantity, else

  • Auto confirm Quantity with suggested data
  • If PD25 <> “5”, Auto confirm Unit, Qty per Pkg and No of Pkgs with blank.
1 0
Balance ID search - Check allocation rules

0: No

1: Yes. Check allocation rules.

2: Yes. Check allocation and attribute rules.

If set to 1 or 2, only balance IDs that are allowed according to M3 allocation rules are returned.

If set to 2: Only the balance IDs that match with attribute requirements are retrieved and returned to the order line.
Note: Option 2 is applicable only for M3 BE 16+
1 0
Balance ID search - Force to verify lot and container

Based on the value, the fields are confirmed:

0: No

  • Lot is auto confirmed.
  • Container is auto confirmed.

1: Lot

  • Lot must be scanned.
  • Container is auto confirmed.

2: Container

  • Lot is auto confirmed.
  • Container must be scanned.

3: Lot and Container

  • Lot must be scanned.
  • Container must be scanned.

4: Lot and Container (Only Lot if both Lot+Container)

  • Lot must be scanned always.
  • Container must be scanned if lot field is not displayed.
  • Container is auto confirmed if both lot and container are fields are displayed.

5: Lot and Container (Only Cont if both Lot+Container)

  • Container must be scanned always.
  • Lot must be scanned if container field is not displayed.
  • Lot is auto confirmed if both lot and container fields are displayed.
  • This parameter is also applicable if balance ID search is triggered from pick list lines screen.
  • If Lot or Container field is set to be forced to scan, the field must not be set as a balance ID search trigger field since scanning triggers another search.
3 0
Balance ID search - Sequence

1: Location

2: Item

3: Lot

4: Container (SSCC)

5: Sublot

Option 5 (Sublot) is available only for M3 v16 and higher

3;4 3;4;2;1
Balance ID search - Stock zone

Any zone

P1 Blank (no default)
Balance ID search - Suggest data for input field Quantity

0: Remaining to pick

1: Balance ID on-hand balance

2: Balance ID allocatable (on-hand balance - allocated qty)

3: Balance ID movable (on-hand balance - picklist quantity - pending putaway quantity)

4: Fixed value 1

5: Do not suggest Quantity

6: Balance ID on-hand balance if that is less or equal to remaining quantity. Else suggest remaining quantity.

7: Balance ID allocatable (on-hand balance - allocated qty) if that is less or equal to remaining quantity. Else suggest remaining quantity.

8: Balance ID movable (on-hand balance - picklist qty - pending putaway qty) if that is less or equal to remaining quantity. Else suggest remaining quantity.

A. Suggest No of Pkgs

Set in the “N” or “N;A” format where N = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8. Settings N;A are only applicable if input fields No of Pkgs, Qty / Pkg and Total Qty are displayed, else defaults to N

Note: This parameter is also applicable if balance ID search is triggered from pick list lines screen.

If the No of Pkgs, Qty / Pkg and Total Qty fields are displayed,

When set to “5” or “5;A”, no change of Quantity, Unit, Qty per Pkg or No of Pkgs fields.

When set to “N”,

  • Suggest Quantity based on this parameter
  • Suggest blank for Unit, Qty per Pkg and No of Pkgs

When set to “N;A”, if input field “Qty / Pkg” confirmed with data <> blank/0,

  • Does not suggest blank for Unit, Qty per Pkg and No of Pkgs.
  • Works similar to setting “Suggest data for input field No of Pkgs” = A but suggested quantity is based on this parameter (quantity option 0-4 or 6-8) instead of ”Suggested data for input field Quantity”.
  • After ”Qty / Pkg” is confirmed: Suggested value for ”No of Pkgs” is calculated as integer of suggested Quantity / ”Qty / Pkg”.
  • After ”Qty / Pkg” is confirmed: Suggested value for ”Quantity” is calculated as suggested Quantity - suggested ”No of Pkgs” * ”Qty / Pkg”.
  • After ”No of Pkgs” is confirmed: Suggested value for ”Quantity” is re-calculated as suggested Quantity - confirmed ”No of Pkgs” * ”Qty / Pkg”.
  • If Quantity is confirmed with value <> suggested before No of Pkgs is confirmed: Suggest blank ”No of Pkgs” (since calculated value is no longer valid).

If input field “Qty / Pkg” confirmed with data = blank/0 or not confirmed,

  • Suggest Quantity based on this parameter
  • Suggest blank for Unit, Qty per Pkg and No of Pkgs.

If the Reporting unit is active, the Quantity is converted from Basic unit to Reporting unit except for the fixed value.

2;A 1
Balance ID search - Trigger fields

1: Location

2: Item

3: Lot

4: Container

Note: Confirmed Location, Lot or Container are used as filters. Item is always used as filter.

5: Search

2;3;4 Blank

(default = no trigger)

Catch weight input

0: Optional

1: Mandatory

1 0
Change container when packing

Container management method 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

A. No

B. Yes if split. Set container = delivery package number after reporting pick and pack if part of a container is reported

C. Yes always. Set container = delivery package after reporting pick and pack (always).

If set to B: If part of a container is moved to pack/dock, the container is changed to the same as the delivery package number that it was packed into.

If set to C: If part or whole of a container is moved to pack/dock, the container is changed to the same as the delivery package number that it was packed into. This setting is only applicable if ”Action to report” is set to 3 or 4 (Move to pack/dock with packing).

If container method is 7 (package in stock) a package in stock will be created before the move (if it does not previously exist). If it does already exist but with another packaging than was confirmed in the report pick line screen then the packaging for the package in stock is not changed.

If package in stock already exists but in another location than the To Location that was confirmed in the report pick line screen then an error message will display, This is to prevent the pick reporting when the move will fail since one package in stock is not allowed to be split over multiple locations.

7=B;1=C 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A; 5=A;6=A;7=A
Check allocation attributes

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • A check is done when the Next option is clicked and the selected balance identity match with the attribute requirements, set on the order line. If not, the balance ID is considered invalid.
  • If the Enable option to report deviating balance identity parameter is set to 2 or 3 (check allocation rules), the check for allocation rules is done only for the balance IDs that match with the attribute requirements. All other balance IDs are considered invalid.
Note: This parameter is applicable only for M3 BE 16+
1 0
Check lot expiration date

1= Verify if expiration date has passed.

2= Verify if last sales date has passed.

3= Verify if best before date has passed.

A : Warning

B : Error

2=A;1=B Blank (no check)
Check packaging quantity
  1. Check packaging standard quantity
  2. Check packaging minimum quantity
  3. Check packaging maximum quantity

A. Warning

B. Error

If this parameter is active:
  • If input field Packaging is displayed in the list, a check is made when pressing Next to report.
  • If input field Qty / Pkg is displayed: Check Total Qty against packaging quantity.
  • If input field Qty / Pkg is not displayed: Check Quantity against packaging quantity.

If set to 1=X:

A warning (if X=A) or error (if X=B) is displayed if quantity to be reported is different from the standard packaging quantity.

If set to 2=X:

A warning (if X=A) or error (if X=B) is displayed if quantity to be reported is less than the minimum packaging quantity.

If set to 3=X:

A warning (if X=A) or error (if X=B) is displayed if quantity to be reported is more than the maximum packaging quantity.

If multiple warnings/errors generated:
  • Warnings are displayed in the order set up in this parameter.
  • Error is always displayed before warning.
  • If error is displayed then no warnings will be displayed.

When packaging quantity is retrieved it will retrieve the most specific record set up in M3 program MMS053. If more than one record is set up for the item/packaging on the same level it will use the first record returned by MMS053MI.RtvQtyByItemPkg

This parameter is only applicable for M3 BE 16+

1=A;2=B;3=B Blank (no check)
Date format Earliest exp date
















15= YYMM

16= MMYY


A. None (Example: “YYMMDD”)

B. Period (Example: “YY.MM.DD”)

C. Dash (Example: “YY-MM-DD”)

D. Slash (Example: “YY/MM/DD”)

E. Space (Example: “YY MM DD”)

2=B 1=C
Display item description

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • If item description is blank the extra line is not displayed.
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed leaving only single spaces.

This parameter is only available for M3 16+

This parameter is not applicable if Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by shipment parameter is active and pick list lines where listed based on Shipment search and the Pick Lists screen is skipped.

1 0
Enable option to add package - One delivery



2=Yes. Suggest package (Always)

3=Yes. Auto confirm package (Always)

4=Yes. Suggest package (If package not confirmed)

5=Yes. Auto confirm package (If package not confirmed)

If set to 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5:
  • Function button ADD PKG DEL is available.
  • Using function button ADD PKG DEL opens the Add Package screen with delivery from the current pick list line defaulted.
  • In the Add Package screen one or multiple packages can be added to the current delivery.
  • A specific Add Package transaction profile can be set using format “N;X” where N=1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 and X=Add Package profile ID (if no profile is set the default profile is used).
If set to 2, 3, 4 or 5:
  • If multiple packages are added to the delivery in the Add Package screen (input field “No of Pkgs” > 1): The options 2 and 3 will work as option 1 (not suggest/auto confirm package).
  • If user exits from Report Pick Line screen without reporting, the package created in the Add Package screen will no longer be suggested/confirmed.
  • After reporting the line this parameter no longer controls the suggesting/confirmation of Package.

If set to 2: If one single package is added to the delivery in the Add Package screen: Input field Package in the Report Pick Line screen is suggested with the newly created package. This will override any package that is already suggested or confirmed.

If set to 3: If one single package is added to the delivery in the Add Package screen: Input field Package in the Report Pick Line screen is auto confirmed with the newly created package. This will override any package that is already suggested or confirmed.

If set to 4: Same as 2 but if package is already confirmed it will not be changed.

If set to 5: Same as 3 but if package is already confirmed it will not be changed.

This parameter does not apply if option DETAILS was used in the Report Pick Line Aggregated screen to display/report individual pick list lines

3 or 4; PROFILEX 0
Enable option to browse balance identities

0: No

1: Yes. List all.

2: Yes. List based on allocation rules.

3: Yes. List based on allocation and attribute rules.

  • If set to 1 or 2or 3 then Browse is enabled for Location, Lot and Container. The Browse displays stock enquiry list. Already confirmed input fields (Location, Lot, Container)are used as filters when listing the balance identities. Item is always used as filter.
  • If set to 2or 3 the list only displays balance identities that are allowed according to allocation rules [M3 program MMS124 (Alloc Control Selection Table. Open)].
  • If set to 3: The list displays balance identities that match with attribute requirements, set on the order line. This option is applicable only for M3 BE 16+

  • This parameter defaults to 0 (no Browse button is displayed) if parameter Enable option to report deviating balance identity is set to 0 and line is hard allocated.
  • After selecting a balance ID the input field quantity is not affected.
0 1
Enable option to clear filter fields before search

1. Location

2. Lot

3. Container

If this parameter is active and input field “Search” is displayed:

A function button CLR FILTER (Clear Filters) is displayed in the second position when highlight is on the “Search” input field. Using the function button sets the input fields configured in this parameter to not confirmed.

Note: Input fields (Location, Lot and Container) that are confirmed will always be used as fixed filters when a balance ID search is triggered. Item is always used as fixed filter even if not confirmed. If one or more of the input fields used as filters are confirmed and a search did not return anything the function button CLR FILTER can be used to set one or more of the fields to not confirmed. Then a new search can be performed where those fields are no longer fixed filters since no longer confirmed.


(option not available)

Enable option to list packages


1=Yes. For current delivery

2=Yes. For current package

3=Yes. For all selected deliveries

If set to 1-3: Function button PACKAGES is available that opens List Packages screen of transaction Package Repack

If set to 1: List all packages for the delivery that the currently selected pick list line is on

If set to 2: List currently suggested/confirmed package

If set to 3: List all packages for all deliveries that are selected in the Pick Lists screen

Option “3” is not applicable if the Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by shipment parameter is active and pick list lines are listed based on the Shipment search and the skipped Pick Lists screen.

For option 1-3 a specific Package Repack transaction profile is set by using ”Package repack profile” parameter

If option DETAILS was used in Report Pick Line Aggregated to report individual lines, only parameter values 1/2 are applicable. If set to 3, it is default to 0.

This parameter is available only if packing is active for the delivery (packing status > 00)

2 0
Enable option to list reported lines

0: No.

1: Yes.

If set to 1, REP LINES function is available that displays the Reported Pick List Lines screen.

1 0
Enable option to move part of a package in stock

0: No

1: Yes. Display warning.

2: Yes. No warning.

If set to 1 or 2: It is possible to report part of a package in stock as moved to pack or dock.

If set to 1: a warning is displayed before the move.

Note: If action to report = 5 (pack only) then SSCC will not be transferred.
0 2
Enable option to report deviating balance identity

0: No

1: Yes. No check against allocation rules.

2: Yes. Check allocation rules. Warn if not allowed.

3: Yes. Check allocation rules. Error if not allowed.

  • If set to 1, 2 or 3 any data can be scanned in the Location,Lot and Container fields.
  • If set to 2 or 3, a check is performed when pressing Next that selected balance identity, is allowed according to allocation rules [M3 program MMS124 (Alloc Control Selection Table. Open)].
  • If the Check allocation attributes parameter is active, the check for allocation rules is done only for the balance IDs that match with the attribute requirements. All other balance IDs are considered invalid.
  • For soft allocated pick lines setting 0 work similar as 1.
  • If set to 0 there is no option to browse balance identities.
0 1
Enable option to report sublots

0 : No

1: Yes. Manual (function button)

2:Yes. Auto (when select Quantity) + Manual (function button)

3:Yes. Auto (when confirm Quantity less than total on-hand) + Manual (function button).

When the values are set to 1,2 or 3:

  • The SUBLOTS function is available for input field Quantity to display the Sublots screen.
  • The Numpad function is not displayed.
  • Input field Quantity is not manually confirmed with quantity other than total balance ID on-hand. Quantity can be auto confirmed with the number of sublots that are selected in the Sublots screen.
  • These input fields are not displayed:
    • Qty per Pkg
    • Unit
    • No of Pkgs
    • Total Qty (info)
  • No potency support
  • Input fields Location, Lot, Container (if applicable) and Package (if applicable) must be confirmed before Sublots option is available.

When set to 2, the Sublots function is automatically triggered when the Quantity input field is highlighted. This is applicable only if Quantity is yet to be confirmed and the input fields such as Location, Lot, Container (if applicable) and Package (if applicable) are confirmed.

When set to 3, the Sublots function is automatically triggered when quantity less than total on-hand is specified in the Quantity input field if the input fields such as Location, Lot, Container (if applicable) and Package (if applicable) are confirmed.

If the Sublots screen is triggered automatically after input of a value in the Quantity input field (setting “3”), the remaining and suggested quantity in the Sublots screen are displayed based on the input value.

  • This parameter is applicable only for sublot controlled items.
  • This parameter is available only for M3 v16 and higher.
  • This parameter is not applicable for items with lot numbering method = 8 or 9.
  • Reporting unit is not applicable for sublot items when sublot reporting is active.
2 0
Enable option to reset package

0: No

1: Yes. Reset.

2: Yes. Reset and clear remembered package.

This parameter is applicable if:

(A) “Package number generation” parameter = “1” (Manual input) and Package field is confirmed with data.


(B) “Package number generation” parameter = “2” (Auto generate) and Package field has suggested data (confirmed or not confirmed).

If set to 1 or 2, (A) the NEW PKG function is available that set Package field = Not confirmed and suggested data blank and (B) the NEW PKG function is available that set Package field = Confirmed with data ”*AUTO*”.

If set to 1, if Package is set to be remembered, the remembered package is still be suggested if another or same pick line is selected by using option Skip Line or going back to the Pick Lists Lines screen and select a line.

If set to 2, if Package is set to be remembered: the remembered package is cleared from memory.
Note: The remembered package will still be suggested if pick list is selected again in the Pick Lists screen.

The New Pkg option is not possible to use if input field “Quantity” is confirmed and sublots were added.

2 1
Enable option to move part of a container

A:Container management method 4

B:Container management method 5

C:Container management method 6

0: No

1: Yes. Display warning

2: Yes. No warning

If set to 1 or 2: It is possible to report part of a container with method 4/5/6 as moved to pack or dock. If set to 1 a warning is displayed before the move.

A=0;B=1;C=2 A=2;B=2;C=2
Enable option to report full container


1Yes. Continue without warning if container not valid

2Yes. Warning if container not valid

3Yes. Error if container not valid

This parameter is only applicable if pick line is soft allocated. For hard allocated line it defaults to "0".

This parameter is only applicable if item is lot controlled or it defaults to "0".

If set to 1 or 2: If scanned container is not valid for full container pick, it continues and triggers balance ID search or confirms the container field (depending on configuration).

If set to 3: If scanned container is not valid for full container pick, it stops. Not possible to continue and trigger balance ID search or confirm the container field.

A container is valid for full container pick if the following criteria are met:

  • * The full container can be picked (all balance IDs in the container can be reported in full)
  • All balance IDs in the container have blank receiving number
  • All balance IDs in the container have the same item = current pick line item
  • All balance IDs in the container are in the same location
  • All balance IDs in the container are allocatable (ALOC=1)
  • All balance IDs in the container are in status 2 (approved)
  • All balance IDs in the container have movable net = total on hand (full balance ID can be picked)
  • If Enable option to report deviating balance identity = 3 (error): All balance IDs in the container are valid according to allocation rules
  • If reporting more than the remaining balance ID for the pick line: On hand for the balance ID with the greatest on hand must be more than the difference between total container quantity and remaining to pick (to avoid the pick line closing before all balance IDs could be reported).
  • This parameter is not applicable for sublot items when sublot reporting is active.
  • This parameter is not applicable if the Reporting unit is active.
2 0
Enable option to report zero

0= No

1= Yes. Only by Zero option

2= Yes. Only by Next option

3= Yes. By Next or Zero option


A: Always

B: If location confirmed

Set in "N" or "N;X" format where N=0,1,2 or 3 and X=A or B. When set in the "N" format, works as "N;B".

If N = 1 or 3, the Zero option is available to report the current line with Quantity 0.

If N = 2 or 3, you can report zero by confirming Quantity as 0 and clicking Next.

If N = 1, 2 or 3, action after selecting Next or Zero option is controlled by the Zero pick action parameter. The Short pick action parameter is applicable when the Zero pick action parameter is not in use.

If set X=A, line can be reported with quantity 0 irrespective of what input fields are confirmed.

If set X=B, line can only be reported with quantity 0 if the Location input field is confirmed.

3;A or 0 2;B
Enable option to update package


1=Yes. No default package

2=Yes. Default current package

If set to 1 or 2: Function button UPDATE PKG is available that open an Update screen of transaction Package Update.

If set to 1:

* Package input field in Package Update is not defaulted (regardless if there is a suggested/confirmed package or not)

* After update of a package user can update more packages or press Exit to go back to Report Pick Line screen

If set to 2:

* Package input field in Package Update is defaulted with current package (if there is a suggested/confirmed package, else blank)

* If a package is defaulted the Report Pick Line screen displays directly after update of a package. If a package is not defaulted user can update more packages or press Exit to go back to Report Pick Line screen

In Package Update:

* After update of a package user can update more packages or press Exit to go back to Pick List Lines screen

For option 1 and 2 a specific Package Update transaction profile can be set by using ”Package update profile” parameter

This parameter is available only if package field is displayed in Report Pick Line

1 0
Enable option to use non unique package

0= No

1= Yes

If set to 0: Package must be unique. Same package number cannot be used for multiple deliveries.

If set to 1: Package does not have to be unique. The same package number can be used for multiple deliveries.

1 0
Enable option to skip line

0= No

1= Yes

If set to 1: A function button SKIP is available that opens the Report Line screen for the next line to pick. Current line is not affected and is displayed again after all the other lines are reported.

0 1
Enable option to transfer package in stock

0: No

1: Yes

  • To transfer the package in stock to the outbound delivery M3 parameter 550 (Allocation based packing activated) in MWS010 (Dispatch Policy. Open) must be set to 1.
  • If set to 1 the input fields Package, SSCC and Packaging is auto confirmed with data from the package in stock if the following criteria are met:
    • Container is confirmed with a package in stock
    • Container contains one balance ID only
    • Quantity is confirmed with the full quantity of the balance ID in the container
    • Enable the option to report full container is equal to 1, 2 or 3
    • Container is valid for full container pick

If action to report = 5 (pack only) then the SSCC is not transferred (API limitation).

If action to report = 3 or 4 (pick and pack) and parameter “Change container when packing” triggers a container change after pack then SSCC is not transferred (API limitation).

For sublot items, when sublot reporting is active, full balance ID quantity must be confirmed without specifying sublots to trigger transfer of package. This cannot be triggered when individual sublots are reported.

1 0
Enable option to use package number as package reference

0: No

1: Yes

Note: This is applicable only when reporting package in stock.
0 1
Enable scan to count

0: No

1: Yes. Manually trigger

2: Yes. Auto + Manually trigger

If set to 1 or 2, the COUNT option is available for input field Quantity that will trigger the Scan to count screen. The Numpad option will not be displayed.

The Scan to count transaction profile can be set using format “1;X” where X=Scan to count profile ID.

If set to 2, the COUNT option is automatically triggered when input field Quantity is highlighted if Quantity is not yet confirmed.

Scan to count is not available if No of Pkgs, Qty / Pkg and Total Qty fields are displayed.

This parameter is not applicable for sublot items when sublot reporting is active.

When the reporting unit is active, the Quantity input on the Scan to Count screen is in the Reporting unit.

Item alias – Default data for input field Unit/Qty Per Pkg *ALS(alias unit/quantity)
When set to *ALS,
  • if Unit input field is displayed, when an item is confirmed by scanning an item alias, the unit from the alias MMS025 is confirmed in the Unit input field.
  • if Qty per Pkg field is displayed, when an item is confirmed by scanning an item alias, the quantity from the alias MMS025 is confirmed in the Qty per Pkg input field.

When the reporting unit is active, Alias quantity is converted from Basic unit to Reporting unit and confirmed as Qty per Pkg.

*ALS Blank
Mandatory input fields

1: Unit

2: Qty per Pkg

3: No of Pkgs

4: Lot Ref 2

Input field Quantity is optional if fields Qty per Pkg, No of Pkgs and Total Qty are displayed, else it is mandatory.

Input field Lot Ref 1 (simple lot tracing):

* Input is mandatory if item’s lot numering method is 8

* Input is optional if item’s lot numering method is 9

Note: All other input fields are always mandatory when displayed.
1 Blank (not mandatory)
Numeric keypad - Activate negative sign

1: Quantity

2: Catch Weight

3: Qty per Pkg

4: No of Pkgs

A: No

B: Yes

1=B;2=A 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A
Numeric keypad– Enable

1: Quantity

2: Catch Weight

3: Qty per Pkg

4: No of Pkgs

A: No

B: Yes

C: Yes, auto display

1=C;2=A 1=B;2=B;3=B;4=B
Package label print

1: Manual print (function button)

2: Prompt to print when package created

3. Prompt to print when package changed

  • For setting 3 these actions triggers a prompt to print package label:
    • Scan/enter a new package.
    • Reset package field to *AUTO*.
    • After last line reported (since no change takes place).
  • For setting 1
    • PRINT PKG is available that will open transaction Pring Package Label.
    • The current package (suggested or confirmed) will be set as the suggested package in the print package label screen.
    • If there is no data in the Package field when function button is triggered the Package field will be blank in Print Package Label.
    • It is possible to configure the Print Package Label profile to auto confirm the Package input field

    A specific Print Package Label transaction profile can be set by Package label print profile parameter.

    If no profile is set it will use the default profile.

1;3 Blank

(remove 1 as default,

else you cannot hide the function button)

Package label print profile

Any profile ID

This controls the Print Package Label transaction profile to use when Print Package Label transaction is triggered manually or automatically. If no profile is set, the default profile Print Package Label is used.

Note: This parameter is configured using the profile ID (not the profile name).
PRINT PROFILE A Default profile: Print Package Label
Package number generation

1: Manual input

2: Auto generate. Package field is confirmed with *AUTO* and package is auto generated according to M3 logic.

Note:  If this is set to 2 the Package field is auto confirmed irrespective of the Auto confirm input field data parameter setting.
1 2
Package repack profile

Any profile

This controls the PACKAGE REPACK transaction profile to use when option PACKAGES is triggered manually (via function button) or automatically (after reporting). If no profile ID is set it uses the default profile ”PACKAGE REPACK”.

Option PACKAGES is enabled by “Enable option to list packages” parameter.

PRID01 Default profile


Package update profile

Any profile

This controls the PACKAGE UPDATE transaction profile to use when option UPDATE PKG is triggered manually (via function button) or automatically (after reporting). If no profile ID is set it uses the default ”PACKAGE UPDATE” profile.

Option UPDATE PKG is enabled by “Enable option to update package” parameter.

PUID01 Default profile


Populate scan field with suggested data

1: To Location

2: Location

3: Item

4: Lot

5: Container

6: Quantity

7: Package

8: Packaging

9: Unit

10: Qty per Pkg

11: No of Pkgs

1;4;7;8 Blank
Potency - Quantity input

0: Normal potency quantity

1: Physical quantity

This setting is applicable only for potency managed items.

If this value is set to 1: * TheQuantity input field is maintained as a physical quantity.

The Quantity input field suggested data is displayed as physical quantity for a required picking lot.

The Quantity input field suggested data is displayed as normal quantity for the unavailable picking lot (soft allocation). If the picking lot is available, this field is displayed as a physical quantity.

Unit, Qty per Pkg, No of Pkgs fields are not displayed.

This parameter is not applicable for sublot items when sublot reporting is active.

This parameter is not applicable for items with lot numbering method = 8 or 9.

Reporting unit is not applicable for potency managed items when this parameter is set to 1.

1 0
Remember input field data

The input fields:

1: To location

2: Package

3: Packaging

4: Package (not upon initial display)

The value of the fields can be set to:

A: Yes. For all lines. Auto confirm.

B: Yes. For lines on same delivery. Auto confirm

C: Yes. For all lines. No auto confirm.

D: Yes. For lines on same delivery. No auto confirm.

E: Yes. For all lines on same pick list. Auto confirm.

F: Yes. For all lines on same pick list. No auto confirm.

  • Input field data is remembered until new pick lists are selected on the Pick Lists screen
  • For field Package (2) the options A and C are only applicable if the parameter “Enable option to use non unique package” = 1 (yes), else reverts to the default setting (blank).
  • If Package(2) is set to be remembered, the last package is retrieved from M3 upon first display of the screen.
  • If Package (4) is set to be remembered and nothing remembered yet, the last package used is not retrieved from M3 upon first display of the screen. This also applies when switching to different deliveries.
  • If both fields Package (2) and Package (4) are set to be remembered, Package (2) takes precedence over Package (4).
  • If To Location is set to be remembered, the last To Location is retrieved from M3 upon first display of the screen
  • If set to "1=A", "1=B", "1=C" or "1=D": If there is no To Location in memory, Last To Location is retrieved from M3 based on current delivery (all suffixes).
  • If set to "1=E" or "1=F": If there is no To Location in memory, last To Location is retrieved from M3 based on current pick list (delivery+suffix).
  • If set to "2=A", "2=B", "2=C" or "2=D": If there is no Package in memory, last Package is retrieved from M3 based on current delivery (all suffixes).
  • If set to "2=E" or "2=F": If there is no Package in memory, last Package is retrieved from M3 based on current pick list (delivery+suffix).
1=A;2=D Blank (no remember)
Reporting unit - Conversion

Set the units to be replaced by other units as Reporting unit.

Format: X=Y;X=Y;X=Y etc.

Where X=From unit and Y=To Unit

Current unit X will be replaced by unit Y if the Conversion option is set in the Reporting unit - Sequence parameter and none of the options in the sequence before conversion are valid.

This parameter does not apply if the DETAILS option was used on the Report Pick Line Aggregated screen to report individual lines. The Display or Reporting unit set for the aggregated line is then used for all individual lines (Pick List Lines Aggregated - Display unit, Report Pick Line Aggregated - Reporting unit - Conversion and Report Pick Line Aggregated - Reporting unit - Sequence parameters)

Reporting unit - Sequence

Set the sequence to search for an alternate reporting unit to be used instead of the basic unit when reporting.

Fixed (Any unit)

1. Warehouse (MMS002)

2. Log unit (MMS015)

3. Conversion (parm "Reporting unit - Conversion")

If set to Log unit (2), the multiple units are set up as logistic unit in MMS015. The first unit found is used (sorted in alphanumerical order).

This parameter is not applicable for sublot items when sublot reporting is active.

If the Reporting unit is active, the reporting unit is be used in these screens:
  • Pick List Lines (controlled by parameter)
  • Scan to Count
  • List Balance ID (controlled by parameter)
  • Report Package In Stock
  • Reported Pick List Lines

This parameter does not apply if the DETAILS option was used on the Report Pick Line Aggregated screen to report individual lines. The Display or Reporting unit set for the aggregated line is then used for all individual lines (Pick List Lines Aggregated - Display unit, Report Pick Line Aggregated - Reporting unit - Conversion and Report Pick Line Aggregated - Reporting unit – Sequence parameters).

3;2;BOX Blank
Screen to display after report last line

0: Search Pick Lists

1: Report Pick Lists

Note: This parameter does not apply if the Details option is used to list and report individual lines in the Report Pick Line Aggregated screen. Instead, Report Pick Line Aggregated - Screen parameter applies here.

If Action to report is set to 6 or 7, Search Pick Lists screen is always displayed after reporting last line regardless of this parameter.

This parameter is not applicable when reporting already reported line in Report Pick Line (Reported Line) screen. Screen after report is then always “Reported Pick List Lines”.

When set to 1, if picklist contains at least one sublot controlled item it is not possible to report on pick list level in the Report Pick List screen and the API displays an error message. Report on package level or line level instead.

This parameter is not applicable if Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by shipment parameter is active and pick list lines are listed based on the Shipment search and the Pick Lists screen is skipped.

This parameter is not applicable if parameter Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by wave is active and pick list lines aggregated where listed based on Wave search and Pick Lists screen skipped.

1 0
Screen to display after report line

1: Report Pick Line (next line)

2: Pick List Lines

Note: If set to 1 and line is partially reported then the same line is displayed again (with updated quantity).

This parameter is not applicable when reporting already reported line in Report Pick Line (Reported Line) screen. Screen after report is then always “Reported Pick List Lines”.

2 1
Sequence of input fields For details about the values of this parameter, see Sequence of input fields. 1;2;16;6;3;4;7;8;15 1;2;3;4;5;6;9;7;8;10
Short pick action

1: Keep line open

2: Create backorder

3: Close line

4: Prompt for options

Note: If set to 4 the available options are configured using parameter Short pick options.
4 1
Short pick action - Reported Pick Line

0: Same settings as Short pick action parameter of the Report Pick Line screen

1: Keep line open

2: Create backorder

3: Close line

4: Prompt for options

  • If set to 0, the action is the same as the settings configured in Short pick action parameter of the Report Pick Line screen.
  • If set to 4 the available options are configured using Short pick options – Reported Pick Line parameter.
4 0
Short pick options

1: Keep line open

2: Create backorder

3: Close line

3;1 1;2;3
Short pick options - Reported Pick Line

1: Keep line open

2: Create backorder

3: Close line

3;1 1;2;3
SSCC number generation

1= Auto generate

2= Same as package number

If set to 1: New packages gets an auto generated SSCC number

If set to 2: New packages gets an SSCC number same as the package number if the following criteria are met:

  • Package is confirmed with an 18-character numerical value
  • Package is confirmed with a package not existing previously
  • Action to report = 5 (pack only), SSSC cannot be set manually

If action to report = 3 or 4 (pick and pack) and the “Change container when packing” parameter triggers a container change after pack then option “2” is not applicable (API limitation).

Note: This parameter is not applicable when a package in stock is transferred (see parameter Enable option to transfer package in stock).
2 1
Suggest balance ID data from order line when soft allocation

0: No.

1: Yes. Optional.

2: Yes. Mandatory.

This parameter only applies for soft allocated pick list lines for customer orders (CO) and distribution orders (DO), requisition orders (RO) and replenishment orders (REPL).

If set to 0:

  • Location, Lot and Container input fields are suggested with data from the pick list line.
  • Lot and Container are suggested as blank.
  • Data suggested from pick list line is optional and can be changed.

If set to 1:

  • Location, Lot and Container input fields are suggested with data from the order line if not blank.
  • If order line data is blank data from pick list lines is suggested.
  • Data suggested from order line is optional and can be changed.
  • Data suggested from pick list line is optional and can be changed.
  • Pick List Lines screen displays same location, lot and container as report pick list line screen.

If set to 2:

  • Location, Lot and Container input fields are suggested with data from the order line if not blank.
  • If order line data is blank data from pick list lines is suggested.
  • Data suggested from order line is mandatory and cannot be changed.
  • Data suggested from pick list line is optional and can be changed.
  • Pick List Lines screen displays same location, lot and container as report pick list line screen.
1 0
Suggest data for input field Packaging

Any packaging

*SYS (suggest packaging based on M3 settings in MMS053)

*AUTO* (suggest packaging as "*AUTO*" and when quantity is confirmed suggest packaging based on M3 settings in MMS053)

  • If set to "*SYS": Packaging can be retrieved from M3 and suggested based on suggested quantity. When quantity is confirmed or re-confirmed, packaging is retrieved again and the suggested packaging is updated (unless packaging field is already confirmed)
  • If set to "*AUTO*": Packaging is retrieved from M3 and suggested based on confirmed quantity (packaging field is defaulted with *AUTO* until quantity is confirmed). If quantity is re-confirmed packaging is retrieved again and the suggested packaging can be updated (unless packaging field is already confirmed with a different value).
  • If Total Qty input field is displayed then value in Total Qty will be used instead of Quantity to retrieve packaging.
*AUTO* Blank
Suggest data for input field To Location

1: Pick line status 40

2: Pick line status 50

3: Pick line status 60

The values are :

A: Blank (nothing suggested)

B: Normal location (MMS002)

C: Pack location (MMS002)

D: Dock location (MMS002)

E: Dock location (cross-dock logic)

F: Load Platform (delivery)

G: Load Platform (shipment)

H: Load Platform (shipment/delivery).


Value B is not applicable for 1.

Value C is not applicable for 2.

Value D is not applicable for 3.

This parameter does not apply if the Details option is used to list and report individual lines. The suggested Location for the aggregated line is then used for all individual lines.

Load Platform (F) is retrieved from delivery.

Load Platform (G) is retrieved from shipment if delivery is connected to it. If not, the Load Platform field is blank.

Load Platform (H) is retrieved from shipment if delivery is connected to it. If not,the Load Platform field is retrieved from delivery.

1=PACK01;2=D;3=E 1=A;2=A;3=A
Suggest data for input field Unit

Any unit

WHS (from item/whs MMS002)

LOG (logistic unit in MMS015)

BAS (basic unit MMS001)

If set to any unit or *WHS: The unit must be set up as s logistic unit for the item in M3 (MMS015) else it will default to blank unit.

If set to *LOG: If multiple units are set up as logistic unit in MMS015 it will use the first one it finds (sorted in alphanumeric order).

*WHS Blank
Suggest data for input field Qty per Pkg

Any numeric value

A:Suggested quantity

B:Packaging quantity (standard quantity)

If set to A:

  • If ”No of Pkgs” is confirmed with value >1 or if Quantity is confirmed with value >0 then suggested data will be blank.
If set to B:
  • After input field Packaging is confirmed: If input field Qty / Pkg is not yet confirmed it will be suggested with the standard quantity of the selected packaging.
  • If input field Packaging is not displayed: Will work as setting blank.

When packaging quantity is retrieved it will retrieve the most specific record set up in M3 program MMS053. If more than one record is set up for the item/packaging on the same level it will use the first record returned by MMS053MI.RtvQtyByItemPkg

Option B is only applicable for M3 BE 16+

A Blank
Suggest data for input field Quantity

Any numeric value

A: Remaining to pick

B: Packaging quantity (standard quantity)

If set to B:
  • After input field Packaging is confirmed:
    • If input field Quantity is not yet confirmed and standard quantity of the selected packaging is less than the remaining quantity to pick then Quantity will be suggested with the standard quantity of the selected packaging. Remaining quantity is displayed in parenthesis.
    • If input field Quantity is not yet confirmed and standard quantity of the selected packaging is equal to or more than the remaining quantity to pick then Quantity will be suggested with remaining quantity to pick (i.e. no change).
  • If input field Packaging is not displayed: Will work as setting A.

If set to fixed numeric value N: If N is less than remaining quantity to pick: Quantity will be suggested with N.

If No of Pkgs, Qty / Pkg and Total Qty are displayed:
  • This parameter is not applicable.
  • Suggested data “Remaining to pick” is displayed as info for the "Total Qty" field.

When packaging quantity is retrieved it will retrieve the most specific record set up in M3 program MMS053. If more than one record is set up for the item/packaging on the same level it will use the first record returned by MMS053MI.RtvQtyByItemPkg

Option B is only applicable for M3 BE 16+

Suggest data for input field No of Pkgs

Any numeric value

A:Suggested quantity

If set to A:

  • After Qty / Pkg is confirmed: Suggested value for No of Pkgs will be calculated as integer of suggested Total Qty / Qty per Pkg.
  • After Qty / Pkg is confirmed: Suggested value for Quantity will be calculated as suggested Total Qty - suggested No of Pkgs * Qty / Pkg.
  • After No of Pkgs is confirmed: Suggested value for Quantity is re-calculated as suggested Total Qty - confirmed No of Pkgs * Qty / Pkg.

  • If Quantity is confirmed with value <> suggested before No of Pkgs is confirmed, Suggest blank No of Pkgs (since calculated value is no longer valid)
  • Suggested quantity is based on parameter Suggested data for input field Quantity and is displayed as suggested data for info field Total Qty.
1 Blank
Texts - Sequence of texts





5Packaging terms

6Item warehouse text

1;3;2 4;3;2;5;6;1
Texts - Display shipment text



1Yes. Manually via function button.

2Yes. Automatically, once per shipment.

3Yes. Automatically, always.

Order types:

  • CO: Customer order
  • DO: Distribution order
  • MO: Manufacturing order
  • RO: Requisition order
  • WO: Work order
Note: If set to 2 or 3 it is possible to display text manually via function button.
1;CO;DO;MO;RO;WO Blank

(no text)

Texts - Display order text



1Yes. Manually via function button.

2Yes. Automatically, once per order.

3Yes. Automatically, always.

Order types:

  • CO: Customer order
  • DO: Distribution order
  • MO: Manufacturing order
  • REPL: Replenishment order
  • RO: Requisition order
  • WO Work order
Note: If set to 2 or 3 it is possible to display text manually via function button.

(no text)

Texts - Display operation text



1Yes. Manually via function button.

2Yes. Automatically, once per operation.

3Yes. Automatically, always.

Order types:

  • MO: Manufacturing order
  • WO: Work order
Note: If set to 2 or 3 it is possible to display text manually via function button
3;MO;WO Blank

(no text)

Texts - Display line text



1Yes. Manually via function button.

2Yes. Automatically, always.

Order types:

  • CO: Customer order
  • DO: Distribution order
  • REPL: Replenishment order
  • RO: Requisition order
  • WO: Work order
Note: If set to 2 it is possible to display text manually via function button.

(no text)

Texts - Display pack terms text



1Yes. Manually via function button.

2Yes. Automatically, once per order.

3Yes. Automatically, always.

  • If set to 2 or 3 it is possible to display text manually via function button.
  • Packaging terms are only applicable for order type CO (customer order)
2 Blank

(no text)

Texts - Display item warehouse text



1Yes. Manually via function button.

2Yes. Automatically, always.

Order types:

  • CO: Customer order
  • DO: Distribution order
  • MO: Manufacturing order
  • REPL: Replenishment order
  • RO: Requisition order
  • WO: Work order
Note: If set to 2 it is possible to display text manually via function button.

(no text)

Texts - Order text to display (CO)

1Doc class CO01

2Doc class CO02

3Doc class CO03

4Doc class CO04

5Doc class CO05

6General text



Note: For 6 (General text), Pre/Post is not applicable and is not set.
2=A Blank

(no text)

Texts - Line text to display (CO)

1Doc class CO01

2Doc class CO02

3Doc class CO03

4Doc class CO04

5Doc class CO05



4=B Blank

(no text)

Verify input field suggested data For details about the values of this parameter, see Verify input field suggested data. 1=E;2=I 1=A;2=C;3=A;4=A;5=A;6=A;7=A;8=A;9=A;10=A;11=A
Verify Quantity when pressing Next

0: No

1: Yes. Error if Remaining = 0

2: Yes. Warning if Quantity > Remaining. Error if Remaining = 0

3: Yes. Error if Quantity > Remaining. Error if Remaining = 0

If set to 1/2/3:

  • When pressing Next the remaining quantity to be reported for the line is retrieved
  • An error is displayed if remaining to pick is 0

If set to 2/3:

  • A warning (2) or error (3) will be displayed if input Quantity is > remaining to pick
Note: This parameter is only applicable if ” Allow multiple pickers per pick list” parameter = ”1” (Yes)
1 0
Zero pick action

1= Create backorder

2= Close line

3= Prompt for options

Note: If set to 3, the available option is configured using the Zero pick options parameter. This parameter is not applicable when action to report = 5 (pack only). If this parameter is active, it overrides the Short Pick Action setting when the line is zero reported.
3 Blank

(not active)

(use options set in Short pick Action)

Zero pick options

1= Create backorder

2= Close line

2;1 1;2
Note:  If you do not specify a value for the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

For instructions on configuring parameters that affect this screen, see Configuring Pick and Pack Transaction parameters.

Report Pick Line – Aggregated Screen

Use this screen to report the aggregated pick list line.

Report Pick Line – Aggregated screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Action to report

1= Move to pack (no packing)

2= Move to dock (no packing)

3= Move to pack with packing

4= Move to dock with packing

5= Only packing (no move)

6=Confirm issue no packing

7= Confirm issue with packing

2 1
Auto confirm input field data

1: To location

2: Location

3: Item

4: Lot

5: Container

6: Quantity

7: Packaging

8: Catch weight

9: Unit

10:Qty per Pkg

11: No of Pkgs

A:No. Require confirm by scan/enter data.

B:Yes. Always auto confirm field.

C:Yes. Auto confirm field if suggested data = NOT blank.

D:Yes. Auto confirm field if suggested data = blank.

Note: Mandatory field with blank suggested data cannot be auto confirmed. This will require input regardless of this setting.

This parameter is not applicable for location, item, lot, container and quantity after a balance ID search.

2=A;3=B 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A; 5=A;6=A;7=A;8=A;9=A;10=A;11=A
Auto trigger ADD PKG DEL after report line

1. Yes. After pick line reported (partially/fully reported, backordered or closed)

2. Yes. After pick line finished

(fully reported, backordered or closed)

3. Yes. After last pick line on delivery finished

(no more lines to report for delivery)

4. Yes. After last pick line finished

(no more lines to report)

A specific Add Package transaction profile can be set using format “N=X” where N=1, 2, 3, or 4 and X=Add Package profile ID (if no profile is set the default profile is used)

This parameter is only applicable if packing is active for the delivery (packing status > 00)

This parameter is not dependent on parameter “Enable option to add package - One Delivery”

This parameter is only applicable when action to report is move to pack/dock/confirm issue with packing or packing only (parameter “Report Pick Line Aggregated - Action to report”)

2;4 or 2=PROFILEX; 4=PROFILEY Blank
Auto trigger function - Sequence

1. Print Package Label

2. Package Repack (Packages)

3. Package Update

4 .Add Package - One delivery

If an action auto triggers multiple function buttons this setting controls in what order the functions are displayed

If an action is set to auto trigger but not set in this parameter, it still triggers but last in sequence

4;2;3 1;2;3;4
Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Auto trigger PACKAGES after report line

1. Yes. After pick line reported (partially/fully reported, backordered, or closed)

2. Yes. After pick line finished (fully reported, backordered, or closed)

3. Yes. After last pick line on delivery finished (no more lines to report for delivery)

4. Yes. After last pick line finished (no more lines to report)

5. Yes. When package created (line reported with non-existing package or package confirmed with *AUTO*)

A. For current delivery

B. For current package

c. For all selected deliveries

This parameter is available only if packing is active for the delivery (packing status > 00)

This parameter is not dependent on “Enable option to list packages” parameter

A specific Package Repack transaction profile can be set by using ”Package repack profile” parameter

Option “C” is not applicable when the Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by shipment parameter is active and pick list lines are listed based on Shipment search and the Pick Lists screen is skipped.

Option “C” is not applicable if parameter "Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by wave" is active and pick list lines aggregated where listed based on Wave search and Pick Lists screen skipped.

2=B;3=A;4=C Blank
Auto trigger UPDATE PKG after report line

1. Yes. After pick line reported (partially/fully reported, backordered, or closed)

2. Yes. After pick line finished (fully reported, backordered, or closed)

3. Yes. After delivery finished (no more lines to report for delivery)

4. Yes. After last line finished

A. No default package

B. Default current package

Note: If package is confirmed with *AUTO* and a new package is created, and option is set to B (default current package) then default the newly created package.

This parameter is available only if input field “Package” is displayed in the “Report Pick Line Aggregated” screen.

This parameter is not dependent on “Enable option to update package” parameter

A specific Package Update transaction profile can be set by using ”Package update profile” parameter

1=B;4=A Blank
Balance ID browse - Stock zone

Any zone

P1 Blank (no default)
Balance ID search - Auto confirm input field Quantity

0: No

1: Yes

Note: This parameter is also applicable if balance ID search is triggered from pick list lines screen.

If Quantity input is different from suggested quantity and ”Verify input field suggested data” parameter is set to trigger a warning or error then Quantity input field is suggested but not confirmed. No warning or error will display at this point.

If set to 1 and No of Pkgs, Qty / Pkg and Total Qty are displayed,

  • Auto confirm Quantity with suggested data
  • Auto confirm Unit, Qty per Pkg and No of Pkgs with blank.
1 0
Balance ID search – Force to verify lot and container

0= No

Lot is auto confirmed

Container is auto confirmed

1= Lot

Lot must be scanned

Container is auto confirmed

2= Container

Lot is auto confirmed

Container must be scanned

3= Lot and Container

Lot must be scanned

Container must be scanned

4= Lot and Container (Only Lot if both Lot + Container)

Lot must be scanned always

Container must be scanned if lot field is not displayed

Container is auto confirmed if both lot and container fields are displayed

5= Lot and Container (Only Cont if both Lot + Container)

Container must be scanned always

Lot must be scanned if container field is not displayed

Lot is auto confirmed if both lot and container fields are displayed

Note: This parameter is also applicable if balance ID search is triggered from pick list lines screen.

If Lot or Container field is set to be forced to scan, then the field is not set as a balance ID search trigger field because scanning can trigger another search.

3 0
Balance ID search - Sequence




4Container (SSCC)

3;4 3;4;2;1
Balance ID search - Stock zone

Any zone

P1 Blank (no default)
Balance ID search – Suggest data for input field Quantity

0= Remaining to pick

1= Balance ID on-hand balance

2= Balance ID allocatable (on-hand balance – allocated qty)

3= Balance ID movable (on-hand balance - picklist qty - pending putaway qty)

4= Fixed value 1

5= Do not suggest Quantity

6: Balance ID on-hand balance if that is less or equal to remaining quantity. Else suggest remaining quantity.

7: Balance ID allocatable (on-hand balance - allocated qty) if that is less or equal to remaining quantity. Else suggest remaining quantity.

8: Balance ID movable (on-hand balance - picklist qty - pending putaway qty) if that is less or equal to remaining quantity. Else suggest remaining quantity.

Note: This parameter is applicable if balance ID search is triggered from pick list lines screen.
If No of Pkgs, Qty / Pkg and Total Qty are displayed,
  • Suggest Quantity based on this parameter
  • Suggest blank for Unit, Qty per Pkg and No of Pkgs.
  • If the setting is <> "5", suggest blank for Unit, Qty per Pkg and No of Pkgs.

If the Reporting unit is active, Quantity is converted from the Basic unit to Reporting unit except for fixed value.

2 1
Balance ID search - Trigger fields

1. Location

2. Item

3. Lot

4. Container

2;3;4 Blank (default = not triggered)
Catch weight input

0= Optional

1= Mandatory

1 0
Check lot expiration date

1= Verify if expiration date has passed.

2= Verify if last sales date has passed.

3= Verify if best before date has passed.

A : Warning

B : Error

2=A;1=B Blank (no check)

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • If item description is blank the extra line is not displayed.
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed leaving only single spaces.

This parameter is only available for M3 16+

This parameter is not applicable if Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by shipment parameter is active and pick list lines where listed based on Shipment search and the Pick Lists screen is skipped.

This parameter is not applicable if parameter "Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by wave" is active and pick list lines aggregated where listed based on Wave search and Pick Lists screen skipped.

1 0
Enable option to add package - One delivery



2=Yes. Suggest package (Always)

3=Yes. Auto confirm package (Always)

4=Yes. Suggest package (If package not confirmed)

5=Yes. Auto confirm package (IF package not confirmed)

If set to 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5:
  • Function button ADD PKG DEL is available.
  • Using function button ADD PKG DEL opens the Add Package screen with delivery from the current pick list line defaulted.
  • In the Add Package screen one or multiple packages can be added to the current delivery.
  • A specific Add Package transaction profile can be set using format “N;X” where N=1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 and X=Add Package profile ID (if no profile is set the default profile is used).
If set to 2, 3, 4 or 5:
  • If multiple packages are added to the delivery in the Add Package screen (input field “No of Pkgs” > 1): The options 2 and 3 will work as option 1 (not suggest/auto confirm package).
  • If user exits from Report Pick Line Aggregated screen without reporting, the package created in the Add Package screen will no longer be suggested/confirmed.
  • After reporting the line this parameter no longer controls the suggesting/confirmation of Package.

If set to 2: If one single package is added to the delivery in the Add Package screen: Input field Package in the Report Pick Line Aggregated screen is suggested with the newly created package. This will override any package that is already suggested or confirmed.

If set to 3: If one single package is added to the delivery in the Add Package screen: Input field Package in the Report Pick Line Aggregated screen is auto confirmed with the newly created package. This will override any package that is already suggested or confirmed.

If set to 4: Same as 2 but if package is already confirmed it will not be changed.

If set to 5: Same as 3 but if package is already confirmed it will not be changed.

This parameter is only applicable when action to report is move to pack/dock/confirm issue with packing or packing only (parameter “Report Pick Line Aggregated - Action to report”)




Enable option to browse balance identities

0= No

1= Yes. List all.

Note: If set to 1, the function button BROWSE is active when highlight is on Location, Lot or Container. Browse button can trigger a stock enquiry. Already confirmed input fields (Location, Lot, Container) is used as filters when listing the balance identities. Item is always used as filter regardless if it is confirmed or not.

This parm is defaulted to 0 (no Browse button is displayed) if parm Enable option to report deviating balance identity is set to 0 and line is hard allocated.

After selecting a balance ID the input field quantity is not affected.

0 1
Enable option to list packages


1=Yes. For current delivery

2=Yes. For current package

3=Yes. For all selected deliveries

If set to 1-3: Function button PACKAGES is available that opens List Packages screen of transaction Package Repack

If set to 1: List all packages for the delivery that the currently selected pick list line is on

If set to 2: List currently suggested/confirmed package

If set to 3: List all packages for all deliveries that were selected in the Pick Lists screen:
  • Option 3 is not applicable when the Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by shipment parameter is active and pick list lines are listed based on the Shipment search and the Pick Lists screen is skipped.
  • Option 3 is not applicable if parameter Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by wave is active and pick list lines aggregated where listed based on Wave search and Pick Lists screen skipped.

For option 1-3 a specific Package Repack transaction profile can be set by using ”Package repack profile” parameter

This parameter is available only if packing is active for the delivery (packing status > 00)

2 0
Enable option to update package


1=Yes. No default package

2=Yes. Default current package

If set to 1 or 2: Function button UPDATE PKG is available that opens Update screen of transaction Package Update.

If set to 1:

* Package input field in Package Update is not defaulted (regardless if there is a suggested/confirmed package or not)

* After update of a package user can update more packages or press Exit to go back to Report Pick Line Aggregated screen

If set to 2:

* Package input field in Package Update is defaulted with current package (if there is a suggested/confirmed package, else blank)

* If a package is defaulted the Report Pick Line Aggregated screen is displayed directly after update of a package. If a package is not defaulted user can update more packages or press Exit to go back to Report Pick Line Aggregated screen

For option 1 and 2 a specific Package Update transaction profile can be set by using ”Package update profile” parameter

This parameter is available only if package field is displayed in Report Pick Line Aggregated

1 0
Enable option to use non unique package

0= No

1= Yes

If set to 0: Package must be unique. Same package number cannot be used for multiple deliveries.

If set to 1: Package does not have to be unique. The same package number can be used for multiple deliveries.

1 0
Enable option to use package number as package reference

0: No

1: Yes

Note: This is applicable only when reporting package in stock.
0 1
Enable option to list individual lines

0= No

1= Yes

If set to 1: A function button DETAILS is available that opens the Pick List Lines screen with a list of all individual lines that make up the current aggregated line. Parameters for Pick List Lines screen applies here.

Selecting a line from the Pick List Lines screen, opens the Report Pick Line screen to allow reporting the individual line. Parameters for Report Pick Line screen applies here.

After reporting an individual line, the Pick List Lines screen is displayed again.

When all individual lines are reported, either the or Report Pick Line aggregated screen is displayed depending on the parameter settings.

Click Back in the Pick List Lines screen, the Report Pick Line Aggregated screen is displayed again.

The Pick List Line parameters Pick line picking status to include and Pick line picking status to include (shipment pick) are not applicable when using option Details. Instead the lines that make up the aggregated line are always listed (regardless of status to include settings).

0 1
Enable option to move part of a container

A:Container management method 4

B:Container management method 5

C:Container management method 6

0: No

1: Yes. Display warning

2: Yes. No warning

If set to 1 or 2: It is possible to report part of a container with method 4/5/6 as moved to pack or dock. If set to 1 a warning is displayed before the move.

A=0;B=1;C=2 A=2;B=2;C=2
Enable option to move part of a package in stock

0= No

1= Yes. Display warning.

2= Yes. No warning.

If set to 1 or 2: It is possible to report part of a package in stock as moved to pack or dock.

If set to 1: a warning is displayed before the move.

0 2
Enable option to transfer package in stock

0= No

1= Yes

If set to 1, the input fields Package, SSCC and Packaging will be auto confirmed with data from the package in stock if these criteria are met:

  • Container is confirmed with a package in stock
  • Container contains one balance ID only
  • Quantity is confirmed with the full quantity of the balance ID in the container

If action to report = 5 (pack only) then SSCC will not be transferred (API limitation).

1 0
Enable option to report deviating balance identity

0= No

1= Yes

Note: If set to 1, any data can be scanned in the Location, Lot and Container fields.

For soft allocated pick lines setting 0 works as 1.

If set to 0 there can be no option to browse balance identities.

0 1
Enable option to skip line

0= No

1= Yes

If set to 1: A function button SKIP is available that opens the report line screen for the next line to pick. Current line is not affected and is displayed again after all other lines are reported.

0 1
Enable option to zero report line


0= No

1= Yes. No warning displayed.

2= Yes. Warning is displayed.


A: Always

B: If Location confirmed.

Set in "N" or "N;X" format where N=0,1 or 2 and X=A or B. When set in "N" format, works as "N;B".

When N is set to 0, it is not possible to confirm zero in the quantity input field.

When N is set to 1 or 2, confirming zero in the quantity input field reports all individual lines as picked with zero quantity when clicking Next.

If fields Qty per Pkg, No of Pkgs and Total Qty are displayed then also No of Pkgs must be zero for Next to be available.

If set to X = A, lines can be reported with 0 regardless of what input fields are confirmed.

If set to X = B, lines can only be reported with 0 if input field Location is confirmed.

When N is set to 2, a warning is displayed if user confirms zero in the Quantity field. User can override warning by inputting zero again.

If Qty per Pkg, No of Pkgs and Total Qty fields are displayed, warning/error is displayed when pressing Next instead of when Quantity input is 0.

0 or 1;A 1
Enable scan to count

0: No

1: Yes. Manually trigger

2: Yes. Auto + Manually trigger

If set to 1 or 2, the COUNT option is available for input field Quantity that triggers the Scan to count screen. The Numpad option is not displayed.

The Scan to count transaction profile can be set using format “1;X” where X=Scan to count profile ID.

If set to 2, the COUNT option is automatically triggered when input field Quantity is highlighted if Quantity is not yet confirmed.

Scan to count is not available if No of Pkgs, Qty / Pkg and Total Qty fields are displayed.

If the Reporting unit is active, Quantity input on the Scan to Count screen is in the Reporting unit.

Item alias – Default data for input field Unit/Qty Per Pkg *ALS(alias unit/quantity)
When set to *ALS,
  • if Unit input field is displayed, when an item is confirmed by scanning an item alias, the unit from the alias MMS025 is confirmed in the Unit input field.
  • if Qty per Pkg field is displayed, when an item is confirmed by scanning an item alias, the quantity from the alias MMS025 is confirmed in the Qty per Pkg input field.

If reporting unit is active: Alias quantity is converted from the Basic unit to the Reporting unit and confirmed as Qty per Pkg.

*ALS Blank
Mandatory input fields

1: Unit

2: Qty per Pkg

3: No of Pkgs

4: Lot Ref 2

Input field Quantity is optional if fields Qty per Pkg, No of Pkgs and Total Qty are displayed, else it is mandatory.

Input field Lot Ref 1 (simple lot tracing):

* Input is mandatory if item’s lot numbering method is 8

* Input is optional if item’s lot numbering method is 9

Note: All other input fields are always mandatory when displayed.
1 Blank (not mandatory)
Numeric keypad - Activate negative sign

1: Quantity

2: Catch Weight

3: Qty per Pkg

4: No of Pkgs

A: No

B: Yes

1=B;2=A 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A
Numeric keypad– Enable

1: Quantity

2: Catch Weight

3: Qty per Pkg

4: No of Pkgs

A: No

B: Yes

C: Yes, auto display

1=C;2=A 1=B;2=B;3=B;4=B
Package label print
  1. Manual print (function button)
  2. Prompt to print when package created
  3. Prompt to print when package changed

If settings includes 1:

  • Function button PRINT PKG is available that will open transaction Print Package Label
  • The current package (suggested or confirmed) will be set as the suggested package in the print package label screen
  • If there is no data in the Package field when function button is triggered the Package field will be blank in Print Package Label
  • It is possible to configure the Print Package Label profile to auto confirm the Package input field
A specific Print Package Label transaction profile to use can be set by parameter ”Package label print profile”. If no profile is set it will use the default profile.
Note: For setting ”3” the following actions will trigger a prompt to print package label:
  1. Scan/enter a new package
  2. Reset package field to *AUTO*
  3. After last line reported (since no change will take place)

This parameter is not applicable when package is created/changed from the Add Package screen.

1;3 Blank
Package label print profile

Any profile

This controls the PRINT PACKAGE LABEL transaction profile to use when PRINT PACKAGE LABEL transaction is triggered manually or automatically. If no profile ID is set it will use the default profile PRINT PACKAGE LABEL.

Package number generation

1: Manual input

2: Auto generate. Package field will be confirmed with ”*AUTO*” and package will be auto generated according to M3 logic.

If set to 2: Package field will be auto confirmed regardless of setting ”Auto confirm input field data”.

1 2
Package repack profile

Any profile

This controls the PACKAGE REPACK transaction profile to use when option PACKAGES is triggered manually (via function button) or automatically (after reporting). If no profile ID is set it uses the default profile ”PACKAGE REPACK”.

Option PACKAGES is enabled by “Enable option to list packages” parameter.

PRID01 Default profile ”PACKAGE REPACK”
Package update profile

Any profile

This controls the PACKAGE UPDATE transaction profile to use when option UPDATE PKG is triggered manually (via function button) or automatically (after reporting). If no profile ID is set it uses the default ”PACKAGE UPDATE” profile.

Option UPDATE PKG is enabled by “Enable option to update package” parameter.

PUID01 Default profile ”PACKAGE UPDATE”
Populate scan field with suggested data

1: To Location

2: Location

3: Item

4: Lot

5: Container

6: Quantity

7: Package

8: Packaging

9: Unit

10: Qty per Pkg

11: No of Pkgs

1;4;6 Blank
Remember input field data

The input fields:

1: To location

2: Package

3: Packaging

The value of the fields can be set to:

A: Yes. For all lines. Auto confirm.

B: Yes. For lines on same delivery. Auto confirm

C: Yes. For all lines. No auto confirm.

DYes. For lines on same delivery. No auto confirm.

  • Input field data is remembered until new pick lists are selected on the Pick Lists screen
  • The values A and C are applicable if Enable option to use non unique package parameter is set to 1. Else, it reverts to the default setting (blank).

    If Package is set to be remembered, the last used package will be retrieved from M3 upon first display of the screen.

    If To Location is set to be remembered, the last To Location will be retrieved from M3 upon first display of the screen.

1=A;2=D Blank (no remember)
Reporting unit - Conversion

Set the units to be replaced by other units based on the Reporting unit.

Format: X=Y;X=Y;X=Y etc.

Where X=From unit and Y=To Unit

Current unit X is replaced by unit Y if the Conversion option is set in the Reporting unit - Sequence parameter and none of the options in the sequence before conversion are valid.

The Display or Reporting unit set for the aggregated line is applied to the Report Pick Line screen for the individual lines if DETAILS option is used. This is regardless of settings in the Pick List Lines - Display unit, Report Pick Line - Reporting unit - Conversion and Report Pick Line - Reporting unit - Sequence parameters.

Reporting unit - Sequence

Set the sequence to search for an alternate Reporting unit to be used instead of the Basic unit when reporting.

Fixed (Any unit)

1. Warehouse (MMS002)

2. Log unit (MMS015)

3. Conversion (parm "Reporting unit - Conversion")

If set to Log unit (2), the multiple units are set up as logistic unit in MMS015. The first unit found is used (sorted in alphanumerical order).

If reporting unit is active, the reporting unit is used in these screens,
  • Pick List Lines Aggregated (controlled by parameter)
  • Scan to Count
  • List Balance ID (controlled by parameter)

The Display or Reporting unit set for the aggregated line is applied on the Report Pick Line screen for the individual lines when the DETAILS option is used. This is regardless of settings in the Pick List Lines - Display unit, Report Pick Line - Reporting unit - Conversion and Report Pick Line - Reporting unit - Sequence parameters.

3;2;BOX blank
Screen to display after report line

1= Report Pick Line - Aggregated (next aggregated line)

2= Pick List Lines - Aggregated

Note: If set to 1 (next aggregated line) and line is partially reported it displays the same aggregated line again but with updated quantity
2 1
Screen to display after report last line

0= Search Pick Lists

1= Report Pick Lists

If Action to report is set to 6 or 7, Search Pick Lists screen is always displayed after reporting last line regardless of this parameter.

This parameter is not applicable when the Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by shipment parameter is active and pick list lines are listed based on the Shipment search and the Pick Lists screen is skipped.

This parameter is not applicable if parameter Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by wave is active and pick list lines aggregated where listed based on Wave search and Pick Lists screen skipped.

1 0
Sequence of input fields For details about the values of this parameter, see Sequence of input fields. 1;2;11;6;3;4 1;2;3;4;5;6;9
Suggest data for input field To Location

1. Pick line status 40

2. Pick line status 50

3. Pick line status 60

A. Blank (nothing suggested)

C. Pack location (MMS002)

D. Dock location (MMS002)

Any location

1=C;2=D;3=PACK01 1=A;2=A;3=A
Suggest data for input field Packaging

Fixed (any alpha)

*SYS (suggest packaging based on M3 settings in MMS053)

*AUTO* (suggest packaging as *AUTO* and when quantity is confirmed suggest packaging based on M3 settings in MMS053)

Note: If set to *SYS: Packaging will be retrieved from M3 and suggested based on suggested quantity using order info from the first individual line making up the aggregated line.

When quantity is confirmed or re-confirmed packaging will be retrieved again and the suggested packaging will be updated (unless packaging field is already confirmed).

If set to *AUTO*: Packaging will be retrieved from M3 and suggested based on confirmed quantity (packaging field will be suggested with *AUTO* until quantity is confirmed) using order info from the first individual line making up the aggregated line. If quantity is re-confirmed packaging will be retrieved again and the suggested packaging will be updated (unless packaging field is already confirmed with something else than *AUTO*).

If no packaging can be retrieved from M3 then the field will be set to blank and not confirmed

If Total Qty field is displayed then value in Total Qty is used instead of Quantity field to retrieve packaging.

*AUTO* Blank
Suggest data for input field No of Pkgs

Any numeric value

A:Suggested quantity

If set to A:

  • After Qty / Pkg is confirmed: Suggested value for No of Pkgs is calculated as integer of suggested Total Qty / Qty per Pkg.
  • After Qty / Pkg is confirmed: Suggested value for Quantity will be calculated as suggested Total Qty - suggested No of Pkgs * Qty / Pkg.
  • After No of Pkgs is confirmed: Suggested value for Quantity is re-calculated as suggested Total Qty - confirmed No of Pkgs * Qty / Pkg.

  • If Quantity is confirmed with value <> suggested before No of Pkgs is confirmed, Suggest blank No of Pkgs (since calculated value is no longer valid).
1 Blank
Suggest data for input field Qty per Pkg

Any numeric value

A: Suggested quantity

B: Packaging quantity (standard quantity)

When set to A, if ”No of Pkgs” is confirmed with value >1 or if ”Quantity” is confirmed with value >0 then suggested data will be blank.

A Blank
Suggest data for input field Unit

Any unit

  • WHS (from item/whs MMS002)
  • LOG (logistic unit in MMS015)
  • BAS (basic unit MMS001)

If set to any unit or *WHS: The unit must be set up as s logistic unit for the item in M3 (MMS015) else it will default to blank unit.

If set to *LOG: If multiple units are set up as logistic unit in MMS015 it will use the first one it finds (sorted in alphanumeric order).

If set to B:
  • After input field Packaging is confirmed: If input field “Qty / Pkg” is not yet confirmed it will be suggested with the standard quantity of the selected packaging.
  • If input field Packaging is not displayed: Will work as setting blank.

Option B is only applicable for M3 BE 16+

*WHS Blank
SSCC number generation

1: Auto generate

2: Same as package number

If set to 1: New packages will get an auto generated SSCC number.

If set to 2: New packages will get an SSCC number that is the same as the package number if these conditions are met:

  • Input field Package is confirmed with an 18 character numerical value
  • Input field Package is confirmed with a package that does not previously exist
  • Action to report <> 5 (pack only). For pack only the SSCC cannot be set manually (API limitation)
Note:  This parameter is not applicable when a package in stock is being transferred (see parameter “Enable option to transfer package in stock”).
2 1
Verify input field suggested data For details about the values of this parameter, see Verify input field suggested data. 1=E;2=I

1=A;2=F;3=A;4=A;5=A;6=A;7=A; 8=A;9=A;10=A;11=A;

Note:  If you do not specify a value for the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

For instructions on configuring parameters that affect this screen, see Configuring Pick and Pack Transaction parameters.

Add Package screen

Use this screen to create and print one or multiple packages per delivery.
Note: This is a separate transaction that can be called from Pick and Pack transaction.
Table 1. Add Package screen parameters
Parameter Name Values Example Default Values
Auto confirm input field data

1. Package

2. Packaging

3. No of Pkgs

4. No of Pkgs / Del

5. Printer

6. Copies / Pkg

A. No. Require confirm by scan/enter data.

B. Yes. Always auto confirm field.

C. Yes. Auto confirm field if suggested data = NOT blank.

D. Yes. Auto confirm field if suggested data = blank.

E. Yes. Auto confirm field if suggested data = NOT blank. Set input field as info field (user cannot change the value and browse is not available)

Mandatory field with blank suggested data cannot be auto confirmed. This will require input regardless of this setting.

1=B;2=C 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A; 5=A;6=A
Auto trigger next when all fields confirmed



1 0
Mandatory input fields

1. Package

2. Printer

3. Weight

4. Volume

5. Free capacity unit

6. Length

7. Width

8. Height

9. Remark

10. Goods Mark

11. External Tracking no

The following input fields are always mandatory when displayed:
  • Packaging
  • No of Pkgs
  • No of Pkgs / Del
  • Copies / Pkg
1;5;11 Blank
Numeric keypad - Activate negative sign

1. No of Pkgs

2. No of Pkgs / Del

3. Copies / Pkg

4. Weight

5. Volume

6. Free capacity unit

7. Length

8. Width

9. Height

A. No

B. Yes

1=B;2=B 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A; 5=A;6=A;7=A;8=A; 9=A
Numeric keypad – Enable

1. No of Pkgs

2. No of Pkgs / Del

3. Copies / Pkg

4. Weight

5. Volume

6. Free capacity unit

7. Length

8. Width

9. Height

A. No

B. Yes

C. Yes and auto display when field is selected.

1=C;2=C 1=B;2=B;3=B;4=B; 5=B;6=B;7=B;8=B; 9=B
Package label print



If set to 1: Package label is printed for each new package created

If set to 0:
  • Package label is not printed,
  • Input fields “Printer” and “Copies / Pkg” and info field “Total Copies” will not be displayed regardless of setting “Sequence of input fields”.
1 0
Packaging browse - Packaging to include

Any packaging (multiple or range)

If this parameter is active: Only values set in this parameter are allowed


Blank (all packaging included)

Populate scan field with suggested data

1. Package

2. Packaging

3. No of Pkgs

4. No of Pkgs / Del

5. Printer

6. Copies / Pkg

1;2 Blank
Print mode

1=Batch / Synchronous

2=Interactive / Synchronous

3=Batch / Asynchronous

4=Interactive / Asynchronous

Batch: Document is generated using batch

Interactive: Document is generated online

Batch/Interactive: Setting is only applicable for M3 BE16+. For earlier M3 versions setting “2” will work as “1” and setting “4” will work as “3”.

  • Wait for API reply until continue process.
  • Error message from API is displayed.
  • Do not wait for API reply until continue process.
  • Error message from API is ignored
2 1
Printer browse - Printers to include

Any printer (multiple and/or range)


Printer group (format *GRP=X where X=Modification field in CRS290


*All (include all, overrides any printer group set in FT admin Users form)

If this parameter is active:

Only printers set in this parameter are allowed

If this parameter is not active (blank):

* Use Printer group set in the “Printer group - Label Printer” field in the “User parameters” tab of the FTUsersMaint form in Factory Track admin. If there is no group set for current user then all printers are available to select from

If set to range: Both from and to data values must exist in M3

PRT01;PRT13-PRT26;PRT87 or *GRP=PG1 or *ALL


(all printers are included)

Screen to display after add package

1=Back to calling screen (Pick List Lines, Pick List Lines Aggregated, Report Pick Line or Report Pick Line Aggregated)

2=Add Package (stay and refresh screen)

3=Packages (Package Repack)

For option 3 a specific Package Repack transaction profile can be set by using

format ”N;PROFILE ID” where N = 3. If no profile is set it will use the default profile

2 or 3;PROFILE ID X 1
Sequence of input fields

Input fields:

2. Package

3. Packaging

4. No of Pkgs / No of Pkgs per Del

5. Printer

6. Copies / Pkg

7. Weight

8. Volume

9. Free capacity unit

10. Length

11. Width

12. Height

13. Remark

14. Goods Mark

15. External Tracking no

Info fields:

1. Delivery

16. Total Packages

17. Total Copies

Delivery (1):
  • If use option “Add Pkg Del”: Defaults to the selected delivery.
  • If use option “Add Pkg All”: Defaults to “*ALL* (N)” where N= no of unique deliveries remaining to pick
No of Pkgs / No of Pkgs per Del (4):
  • If use option “Add Pkg Del”: Displays “No of Pkgs”
  • If use option “Add Pkg All”: Displays “No of Pkgs per Del”

Copies / Pkg (6): The no of copies to print per package

Printer (5), Copies / Pkg (6) and Total Copies (17): Hidden if parameter “Package Label Print” = 0 (no print)

Total Packages (16):
  • If use option “Add Pkg Del”: Info field is hidden
  • Calculated as ”No of Pkgs / Del” x No of deliveries (see info field “Delivery”)
  • If ”No of Pkgs / Del” is blank or not displayed: Assumes ”No of Pkgs / Del” = ”1”
Total Copies (17): If use option “Add Pkg Del”:
  • Calculated as ”No of Pkgs” x ”Copies / Pkg”
  • If ”No of Pkgs” is blank or not displayed: Assumes ”No of Pkgs” = ”1”
  • If ”Copies / Pkg” is blank or not displayed: Assumes ” Copies / Pkg” = ”1”
If use option “Add Pkg All”:
  • Calculated as ”Total Pkgs” x ”Copies / Pkg”
  • If ”Copies / Pkg” is blank or not displayed: Assumes ” Copies / Pkg” = ”1”
1;2;3;15;5;10 1;2;3;4;16;5;6;17; 7;8;9;10;11;12;13; 14;15
Suggest data for input field Copies / Pkg Any numeric value 2 Blank
Suggest data for input field No of Pkgs Any numeric value 2 Blank
Suggest data for input field No of Pkgs / Del Any numeric value 2 Blank
Suggest data for input field Package

Any package



If set to ”*AUTO*”: A new package will be created with package number based on logic from selected Packaging

If set to ”*BLANK*”:
  • Blank Package is suggested
  • If Package is set as mandatory input field: Specific Package must be input.
  • If Package is set as optional input field: Specific Package can be input or blank can be input to confirm *AUTO* in which case Package is auto created with package number based on logic from selected Packaging.
Suggest data for input field Packaging Any packaging BOX Blank
Suggest data for input field Printer

Any printer

If no printer is set it suggests the Label Printer set in the "Factory Track Info" tab of the Users form (FTUsersMaint)

Verify input field suggested data

1. Package

2. Packaging

3. No of Pkgs

4. No of Pkgs / Del

5. Printer

6. Copies / Pkg

A. No. No check if match

B. Yes. Warn if not match

C. Yes. Warn if value higher

D. Yes. Warn if value lower

E. Yes. Error if not match

F. Yes. Error if value higher

G. Yes. Error if value lower

H. Yes. Error if value lower, warn if value higher

I. Yes. Error if value higher, warn if value lower

Note:  If suggested data is blank then all work like A.
1=B;2=B 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A;5=A;6=A

List Balance ID screen

Use this screen to list balance identities from a balance ID search triggered in the Pick List Lines screen or in the Report Pick Line screen.

List Balance ID screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Balance ID browse - Auto select first record

0: No

1: Yes - always

2: Yes - if only one record in the list

3: Yes - if one record in the list after filtering.

Option 3 is required when:

  • Auto select should happen after filter scan
  • Scan should always be done to validate correct record is selected
  • Setting 2 is not enough since it will auto select if only one record in list and not require a scan.
1 0
Balance ID browse - Balance ID status to include

Order Types:

  • DO- Distribution Order
  • RO- Requisition Order
  • REPL Replenishment order

Balance ID status:1,2,3 (specify single value or multiple values without semicolon, for example: “123”)

This parameter is applicable only if the balance ID browse is triggered at report pick line or report package in stock screen.

The status to include is always 2 for order types CO, MO and WO.

RO=23;DO=123;REPL=13 RO=123;DO=2;REPL=2
Balance ID browse - Extra info - Line 1

Set max 3 extra info fields to display.

Format: N=X;N=X;N=X. N = field number, X = length in no of characters (including unit where applicable).

Tile format: Info is displayed in an extra line.

Grid format: Info is displayed as extra columns added after existing columns.

Fields configured in this parameter can be used for filtering.

Extra info fields are not supported for multi data barcode.


MMS060MI.LstBalID / LstBalIDByOrd

1. Lot reference 1 (BREF) “Ref 1”

2. Lot reference 2 (BRE2) “Ref 2”

3. Remark (BREM) “Remk”

4. Allocatable (ALOC) “Abl”

5. Location type (WHLT) “Loc Tp”

6. Movable net 1 (MVB1) “Allocbl” + Unit

7. Movable net 2 (MVB2) “Movbl” + Unit

8. Allocated quantity (ALQT) “Alloctd” + Unit

9. Catch weight (CAW2) ”CW” + CW Unit

11. Last receipt date (IDDT) ”Rec Dt”

12. Last issue date (ODDT) ”Is Dt”

13. Latest phys inv date (INDT) “Inv Dt”

14. Phys inv in progress (INON) ”Inv Pr”

15. Reclass date (RCLS) ”Rcl Dt”

16. Status item (STAT) ”Itm Sts”

17. Stock zone (SLTP) “Zone”

18.ABC class freq (ABFC) “ABC”

19. Phys Inv no (STNB) “Inv No”

20. Outer package no (OPAN) “Out Pkg”

21. Qty in alt unit 1 (N/A) “Qty”

22. Qty in alt unit 2 (N/A) “Qty”

23. Qty in alt unit 3 (N/A) “Qty”

24. Attribute 1 (ATV1) “Attr 1”

25. Attribute 2 (ATV2) “Attr 2”

26. Attribute 3 (ATV3) “Attr 3”

27. Attribute 4 (ATV4) “Attr 4”

28. Attribute 5 (ATV5) “Attr 5”

Fields Qty in alt unit N (21/22/23): Displays quantity set in “Quantity to display” parameter re-calculated into alternate unit set in “Extra info - Alt unit N” parameter. Quantity in three different alternate units can be displayed. Quantity in alternate unit is only displayed if all records in the List Balance ID screen is for the same item.

Date fields (10-15): Date format is controlled b the Date display format parameter

Fields Movable net 1 (6), Movable net 2 (7) and Allocated quantity (8):

If the Display Unit parameter = 2 (reporting unit) and the Reporting unit is activated then these fields are displayed in the reporting unit.

Note: The Attribute fields (24-28) are available only for M3 16+
10=12;9=12;1=15 or 10=23;1=12 or 3=105 Blank
Balance ID search - Extra info - Line 1

Set max 3 extra info fields to display.

Format: N=X;N=X;N=X. N = field number, X = length in no of characters (including unit where applicable).

Tile format: Info is displayed in an extra line.

Grid format: Info is displayed as extra columns added after existing columns.

Fields configured in this parameter can be used for filtering.

Extra info fields are not supported for multi data barcode.


MMS060MI.LstBalID / LstBalIDByOrd

1. Lot reference 1 (BREF) “Ref 1”

2. Lot reference 2 (BRE2) “Ref 2”

3. Remark (BREM) “Remk”

4. Allocatable (ALOC) “Abl”

5. Location type (WHLT) “Loc Tp”

6. Movable net 1 (MVB1) “Allocbl” + Unit

7. Movable net 2 (MVB2) “Movbl” + Unit

8. Allocated quantity (ALQT) “Alloctd” + Unit

9. Catch weight (CAW2) ”CW” + CW Unit

11. Last receipt date (IDDT) ”Rec Dt”

12. Last issue date (ODDT) ”Is Dt”

13. Latest phys inv date (INDT) “Inv Dt”

14. Phys inv in progress (INON) ”Inv Pr”

15. Reclass date (RCLS) ”Rcl Dt”

16. Status item (STAT) ”Itm Sts”

17. Stock zone (SLTP) “Zone”

18.ABC class freq (ABFC) “ABC”

19. Phys Inv no (STNB) “Inv No”

20. Outer package no (OPAN) “Out Pkg”

21. Qty in alt unit 1 (N/A) “Qty”

22. Qty in alt unit 2 (N/A) “Qty”

23. Qty in alt unit 3 (N/A) “Qty”

24. Attribute 1 (ATV1) “Attr 1”

25. Attribute 2 (ATV2) “Attr 2”

26. Attribute 3 (ATV3) “Attr 3”

27. Attribute 4 (ATV4) “Attr 4”

28. Attribute 5 (ATV5) “Attr 5”

Fields Qty in alt unit N (21/22/23), displays quantity set in parm “Quantity to display” re-calculated into alternate unit set in parm “Extra info - Alt unit N”. Quantity in three different alternate units can be displayed. Quantity in alternate unit is only displayed if all records in the List Balance ID screen is for the same item.

Date fields (10-15): Date format is controlled by Date display format parameter.

Fields Movable net 1 (6), Movable net 2 (7) and Allocated quantity (8):

* If the Display Unit parameter = 2 (reporting unit) and the Reporting unit is activated then these fields are displayed in the Reporting unit.

The Attribute fields (24-28) are available only for M3 16+

10=12;9=12;1=15 or 10=23;1=12 or 3=105 Blank
Balance ID browse - Hide non-allocatable balance identities

0: No

1: Hide non-allocatable balance IDs

2: Hide non-movable balance IDs

  • If set to 1; Balance ID is hidden if ID is not allocatable or if allocatable net is 0.
  • If set to 2; Balance ID is hidden if ID is not allocatable or if movable net is 0.
0 1
Balance ID browse - Extra info - Alt unit 1 Options:

Any unit

*WHS (from item/whs MMS002)

*BAS (basic unit)

No of decimals:

Any number of decimals

*UNIT (alt unit no of decimals in MMS015).

Set parameter in format “Option;No of decimals” or just “Option” (No of decimals will default to *UNIT).

Trailing zeroes in decimals are always removed regardless of setting for no of decimals.

Option to display field with quantity in alt unit is activated using “Extra info - Line 1” parameter.

If set to *BAS (basic unit):

Setting No of decimals is not applicable. Uses the default no of decimals set for the item (MMS001).

*WHS;*UNIT or PAL;2 Blank
Balance ID browse - Extra info - Alt unit 2 Options:

Any unit

*WHS (from item/whs MMS002)

*BAS (basic unit)

No of decimals:

Any number of decimals

*UNIT (alt unit no of decimals in MMS015).

Set parameter in format “Option;No of decimals” or just “Option” (No of decimals will default to *UNIT).

Trailing zeroes in decimals are always removed regardless of setting for no of decimals.

Option to display field with quantity in alt unit is activated using “Extra info - Line 1” parameter.

If set to *BAS (basic unit):

Setting No of decimals is not applicable. Uses the default no of decimals set for the item (MMS001).

*WHS;*UNIT or PAL;2 Blank
Balance ID browse - Extra info - Alt unit 3 Options:

Any unit

*WHS (from item/whs MMS002)

*BAS (basic unit)

No of decimals:

Any number of decimals

*UNIT (alt unit no of decimals in MMS015).

Set parameter in format “Option;No of decimals” or just “Option” (No of decimals will default to *UNIT).

Trailing zeroes in decimals are always removed regardless of setting for no of decimals.

Option to display field with quantity in alt unit is activated using “Extra info - Line 3” parameter.

If set to *BAS (basic unit):

Setting No of decimals is not applicable. Uses the default no of decimals set for the item (MMS001).

*WHS;*UNIT or PAL;2 Blank
Balance ID search - Extra info - Alt unit 1 Options:

Any unit

*WHS (from item/whs MMS002)

*BAS (basic unit)

No of decimals:

Any number of decimals

*UNIT (alt unit no of decimals in MMS015).

Set parameter in format “Option;No of decimals” or just “Option” (No of decimals will default to *UNIT).

Trailing zeroes in decimals are always removed regardless of setting for no of decimals.

Option to display field with quantity in alt unit is activated using “Extra info - Line 1” parameter.

If set to *BAS (basic unit):

Setting No of decimals is not applicable. Uses the default no of decimals set for the item (MMS001).

*WHS;*UNIT or PAL;2 Blank
Balance ID search - Extra info - Alt unit 2 Options:

Any unit

*WHS (from item/whs MMS002)

*BAS (basic unit)

No of decimals:

Any number of decimals

*UNIT (alt unit no of decimals in MMS015).

Set parameter in format “Option;No of decimals” or just “Option” (No of decimals will default to *UNIT).

Trailing zeroes in decimals are always removed regardless of setting for no of decimals.

Option to display field with quantity in alt unit is activated using “Extra info - Line 1” parameter.

If set to *BAS (basic unit):

Setting No of decimals is not applicable. Uses the default no of decimals set for the item (MMS001).

*WHS;*UNIT or PAL;2 Blank
Balance ID search - Extra info - Alt unit 3 Options:

Any unit

*WHS (from item/whs MMS002)

*BAS (basic unit)

No of decimals:

Any number of decimals

*UNIT (alt unit no of decimals in MMS015).

Set parameter in format “Option;No of decimals” or just “Option” (No of decimals will default to *UNIT).

Trailing zeroes in decimals are always removed regardless of setting for no of decimals.

Option to display field with quantity in alt unit is activated using “Extra info - Line 3” parameter.

If set to *BAS (basic unit):

The No of decimals setting is not applicable. Uses the default no of decimals set for the item (MMS001).

Balance ID browse - Quantity to display

0: Total on-hand balance

1: Allocatable (On-hand balance - allocated qty)

2: Movable (On-hand balance - pick list qty - pending putaway qty)

1 0
Balance ID browse - Sorting order For details about the values of this parameter, see Balance ID browse - Sorting order. 19=A;3=D;4=A;5=A 1=A;3=A;4=A;5=A

(Item / Location / Lot / Container)

Balance ID search - Auto select first record

0: No

1: Yes - always

2: Yes - if only one record in list

3=Yes. If one record in the list after filtering.

If set to 2: Auto select is triggered if there is one record in the list, either when list is first displayed or after a filter scan.

If set to 3: Auto select is triggered if there is one record in the list after a filter scan. Auto select is not triggered if there is one record in the list when list is first displayed.

2 0
Balance ID search - Balance ID status to include

Order Types:

  • DO- Distribution Order
  • RO- Requisition Order
  • REPL Replenishment order

Balance ID status:1,2,3 (specify single value or multiple values without semicolon, for example: “123”)

This parameter is applicable only if the balance ID search is triggered at report pick line screen.

The status to include is always 2 for order types CO, MO and WO.

RO=23;DO=123;REPL=13 RO=123;DO=2;REPL=2
Balance ID search - Hide non-allocatable balance identities

0: No

1: Hide non-allocatable balance IDs

2: Hide non-movable balance IDs

  • If set to 1; Balance ID is hidden if the ID is not allocatable or if allocatable net is 0.
  • If set to 2; Balance ID is hidden if ID is not allocatable or if movable net is 0.
0 1
Balance ID search - Quantity to display

0: Total on-hand balance

1: Allocatable (On-hand balance - allocated qty)

2: Movable (On-hand balance - pick list qty - pending putaway qty)

1 0
Balance ID search - Sorting order For details about the values of this parameter, see Balance ID search - Sorting order. 19=A;3=D;4=A;5=A 1=A;3=A;4=A;5=A

(Item / Location / Lot / Container)

Column order

Set columns to display, column order and column width in the format “N=X;N=X;N=X”

N = Column number

X = Fixed width in no of characters or “A” for auto adjust or “D” for default width

This parameter only applies when list is displayed in grid format (not tile format)

1. Item number “Item”

2. Item name “Item Name”

3. Location “Loc”

4. Quantity “Qty”

5. Unit of measure “U/M”

6. Lot number “Lot”

7. Container “Cont”

8. Stock Zone “Zn”

9. Priority Date “Prio”

10. Extra info field 1 “Extra info – Line 1 label”

11. Extra info field 2 “Extra info – Line 2 label”

12. Extra info field 3 “Extra info – Line 3 label”

13. Item description “Item Desc”

Default width: 1=15;2=30;3=10;4=15;5=6;6=20;7=20;8=6;9=15;10=20;11=20;12=20;13=30

Note: If item number and item name is already displayed in the grey area, fields Item number (1) and Item name (2) will no longer be displayed.







Date display format


0. Relative (+/- no of days from today)














A. None (Example: “YYMMDD”)

B. Period (Example: “YY.MM.DD”)

C. Dash (Example: “YY-MM-DD”)

D. Slash (Example: “YY/MM/DD”)

E. Space (Example: “YY MM DD”)

7=B 0
Display item description

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • If item description is blank the extra line is not displayed (this only applies if item description is displayed in the grey area).
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed leaving only single spaces.

This parameter is only available for M3 16+

This parameter is not applicable if Search Pick Lists – Enable picking/packing by shipment parameter is active and pick list lines where listed based on Shipment search and Pick Lists screen is skipped.

This parameter applies to the following conditions:
  • Item description displayed in the grey area when List Balance ID is triggered via search/browse in the Report Pick Line or Report Pick Line aggregated screen.
  • Item description displayed per Balance ID in the list when List Balance ID is triggered via search in the Pick List Lines or .
If List Balance ID screen is triggered from Report Pick Line based on allocation rules/allocation attributes:
  • This parameter is not applicable if parameter Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by shipment is active and pick list lines where listed based on Shipment search and Pick Lists screen skipped.
  • This parameter is not applicable if parameter Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by wave is active and pick list lines aggregated where listed based on Wave search and Pick Lists screen skipped.
1 0
Display unit

1: Basic unit

2: Reporting unit

Set unit to be used for displaying quantity.

If set to Reporting unit (2)

Quantity is displayed in the unit set as reporting unit on the Report Pick Line or Report Pick Line Aggregated screen using the Reporting unit - Sequence and Reporting unit - Conversion parameters. If the reporting unit is not activated, the parameter is set to the default value (1).

If List Balance ID contains balance IDs from more than one item: This parameter will default to “1”.

2 1
Potency - Quantity display

0: Normal potency quantity

1: Physical quantity

If this value is set to 1: * For potency managed items the quantity is displayed as physical quantity and not as normal quantity.

This parameter is not applicable for items with lot numbering method = 8 or 9.

Reporting unit is not applicable for potency managed items when this parameter is set to 1.

1 0
Note:  If you do not specify a value for the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

For instructions on configuring parameters that affect this screen, see Configuring Pick and Pack Transaction parameters.

Report Pick List screen

Use this screen to report one or multiple pick lists as issued, moved to pack or moved to dock.

Report Pick List screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Action to report

1: Move to pack location

2: Move to dock location

3: Confirm issue

2 1
Auto confirm input field data

Input field:

1: To Location

The user can specify these values for the input fields:

A: No. The user must confirm the value either by scanning or entering the data manually.

B: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically.

C: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is not Blank.

D: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is Blank.

Note: If no value is suggested for a mandatory field, the user must scan a value regardless of how this parameter is configured.
1=B 1=A
Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Populate scan field with suggested data

1: To Location

1 Blank
Suggest data for input field To Location Any location PACK01 Blank (nothing defaulted)
Verify input field suggested data 1. To location    

The values for the field are:

A: No. The scanned value is not verified against the suggested value.

B: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value does not match the suggested value.

C: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.

D: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value.

E: Yes. The scanned value must match the suggested value.

F: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value.

G: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value.

H: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.

I: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value.

Note: Values C, D, F, G, H and I are only applicable for numeric input fields.
1=B 1=A
Note:  If you do not specify a value for the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

For instructions on configuring parameters that affect this screen, see Configuring Pick and Pack Transaction parameters.

Unlock Pick List screen

Use this new screen to display all the pick lists with the corresponding picker based on the search performed in the Search Pick Lists screen.

  • Use this new parameter to confirm unlocking of pick list and to set the next screen to display after report.
Note: A locked pick list is a pick list with picker <> blank.

Unlock Pick List screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto trigger next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes


Screen to display after report

1: Search Pick Lists

2: Pick Lists


Note:  If you do not specify a value to the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

Report Package in Stock screen

A package in stock is reported on this screen, moved to pack or dock location. The reporting is done on pick list level (delivery + suffix) or pick list line level (pick list line reporting number)

Report Package in Stock screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Action to report

1: Move to pack location

2: Move to dock location

3: Confirm issue

2 1
Auto confirm input field data

Input field:

1: To Location

2: Package

The user can specify these values for the input fields:

A: No. The user must confirm the value either by scanning or entering the data manually.

B: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically.

C: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is not Blank.

D: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is Blank.

Note: If no value is suggested for a mandatory field, the user must scan a value regardless of how this parameter is configured.
1=B;2=B 1=A;2=A
Auto trigger browse

1: Package

Controls for field browse is auto triggered when non-confirmed input field is selected/highlighted.

1 Blank
Auto trigger function - Sequence

1. Print Package Label

2. Package Repack (Packages)

If an action auto triggers multiple function buttons this setting controls in what order the functions are displayed

If an action is set to auto trigger but not set in this parameter, it will still trigger but last in sequence

2;1 1;2
Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Auto trigger PACKAGES after report line

1. Yes. After package reported

2. Yes. After pick line finished (nothing more to report for current pick line. Only applicable when report on pick list line level)

3. Yes. After last pick line on delivery finished (no more lines to report for current delivery)

4. Yes. After last pick line finished (no more lines to report)

A=For current delivery

C=For all selected deliveries

This parameter is only applicable if packing is active for the delivery (packing status > 00)

This parameter is not dependent on parameter “Enable option to list packages”

A specific Package Repack transaction profile can be set by using parameter ”Package repack profile”

Option “C” is not applicable when the Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by shipment parameter is active and pick list lines are listed based on the Shipment search and the Pick Lists screen is skipped.

2=A;3=A;4=C Blank
Balance ID browse - Check allocation rules

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1, only balance IDs that are allowed according to M3 allocation rules are listed.

1 0
Balance ID browse - Hide balance identities with no container

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1, only balance IDs with containers are listed.

0 1
Balance ID browse - Stock zone

Any zone

P1 Blank (no default)

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • If item description is blank the extra line is not displayed.
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed leaving only single spaces.

This parameter is only available for M3 16+

This parameter is not applicable if the Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by shipment parameter is active and pick list lines where listed based on Shipment search and the Pick Lists screen is skipped.

1 0
Enable option to browse balance identities

0: No

1: Yes. Auto confirm after select.

2: Yes. No auto confirm after select.

If set to 1 or 2, the BROWSE function is available when input field Package is selected. Browse function triggers stock enquiry that lists balance IDs that matches the item to be picked. Only balance ID with container ID can be selected.

If set to 1, package is confirmed with container from selected balance ID. Location info field is updated with data from the selected balance ID.

If set to 2, package is suggested (but not confirmed) with container from the selected balance ID. If unique container is scanned in the list, then Package is auto confirmed. Location info field is updated with data from the selected balance ID.

This parameter is not applicable for hard allocated pick list lines.

1 0
Enable option to list packages


1=Yes. For current delivery

3=Yes. For all selected deliveries

If set to 1-3: Function button PACKAGES is available that will open List Packages screen of transaction Package Repack

If set to 1: List all packages for the delivery that the currently selected pick list line is on

If set to 3: List all packages for all deliveries that were selected in the Pick Lists screen

For option 1-3 a specific Package Repack transaction profile can be set by using parameter ”Package repack profile”

This parameter is only applicable if packing is active for the delivery (packing status > 00)

Option “3” is not applicable when the Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by shipment parameter is active and pick list lines are listed based on the Shipment search and the Pick Lists screen is skipped.

Option “3” is not applicable if parameter Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by wave is active and pick list lines aggregated where listed based on Wave search and Pick Lists screen skipped.

1 0
Enable option to report zero

0= No

1= Yes. By Zero option

If set to 1, the Zero option is available to report the current line with Quantity 0.

Action after selecting Zero function option is controlled by the Zero pick action parameter. The Enable option to report zero parameter is applicable when reporting package per pick list line and not per pick list.

1 0
Package label print

0: No print

1: Prompt to print after report package

If set to 1, a specific Print Package Label transaction profile can be set by using the format "N;PROFILE ID" where N=1. If no profile is set, it will use the default profile.

Package repack profile

Any profile

This controls the PACKAGE REPACK transaction profile to use when option PACKAGES is triggered manually (via function button) or automatically (after reporting). If no profile ID is set it will use the default profile ”PACKAGE REPACK”.

Option PACKAGES is enabled by parameter “Enable option to list packages”.


Default profile ”PACKAGE REPACK”

Populate scan field with suggested data

1: To Location

2: Package

1;2 Blank
Remember input field data

The input fields:

1: To location (not upon initial display)

2: To location

The value of the fields can be set to:

A: Yes. For all lines. Auto confirm.

B: Yes. For lines on same delivery. Auto confirm

C: Yes. For all lines. No auto confirm.

D: Yes. For lines on same delivery. No auto confirm.

E: Yes. For all lines on same pick list. Auto confirm.

F: Yes. For all lines on same pick list. No auto confirm.

  • Input field data is remembered until new pick lists are selected on the Pick Lists screen.
  • If To Location (2) is set to be remembered and there is no To Location in memory, the Last To Location is retrieved from M3.
  • If To Location (1) is set to be remembered and there is no To Location in memory, the Last To Location is not retrieved from M3.
  • If set to "2=A", "2=B", "2=C" or "2=D": If there is no To Location in memory, the Last To Location is retrieved from M3 based on current delivery (all suffixes).
  • If set to "2=E" or "2=F": If there is no To Location in memory. the Last To Location is retrieved from M3 based on current pick list (delivery+suffix)
  • If To Location (1) and To Location (2) are set to be remembered, the To Location (1) will take precedence over To Location (2).
1=A Blank (no remember)
Screen to display after report last line

0: Search Pick Lists

1: Report Pick Lists


If Action to report is set to 3 (Confirm issue), Search Pick Lists screen is always displayed after reporting last line regardless of this parameter.

This parameter is not applicable when the Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by shipment parameter is active and the pick list lines are listed based on the Shipment search and the Pick Lists screen is skipped.

1 0
Screen to display after report line

1: Report Package in Stock (next line)

2: Pick List Lines

Note: If set to 1 and line is partially reported then the same line is displayed again (with updated quantity).

If the reporting is done on pick list level, the parameter is defaulted to 2.

2 1
Sequence of input fields

1: Package

2: To Location


3: Location

4: Item

5: Quantity

6: Lot

Note: Lot (6) is not displayed for soft allocated pick list lines
5;4;1;2 3;4;5;1;2
Suggest data for input field To Location

Any location

*CUR (current location)

*REP (use logic from Report Pick Line screen)

If set to *CUR, To Location will be suggested as blank if an outer package (with packages inside) is reported.

If set to *REP:
  • The To Location is suggested with the logic set in Suggest data for input field To Location parameter on the Report Pick Line screen.
  • Option *REP is applicable only when the package is reported per pick list line (not per pick list.)
PACK01 or *CUR Blank (nothing defaulted)
Verify input field suggested data

1. To location

The values for the field are:

A: No. The scanned value is not verified against the suggested value.

B: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value does not match the suggested value.

C: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.

D: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value.

E: Yes. The scanned value must match the suggested value.

F: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value.

G: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value.

H: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.

I: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value.

Note: Value A is if the suggested data is blank.
1=B 1=A
Zero pick action

1= Create backorder

2= Close line

3= Prompt for options

Note: If set to 3, the available option is configured using the Zero pick options parameter.
1 3
Zero pick options

1= Create backorder

2= Close line

2;1 1;2
Note:  If you do not specify a value for the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

Reported Pick List Lines screen

This screen lists reported pick list lines based on the selected pick lists.

Reported Pick List Lines screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Action when pressing Select

0: Select not available (screen is for info only)

1:Display Report Line screen

If set to 1, the reporting is not possible when line is already packed.

1 0
Auto select first record

0: No

1: Yes. Always.

2: Yes. If only one record in list.

3: Yes. If one record in the list after filtering.

If set to 2: Auto select is triggered if there is one record in the list, either when list is first displayed or after a filter scan.

If set to 3: Auto select is triggered if there is one record in the list after a filter scan. Auto select is not triggered if there is one record in the list when list is first displayed.

1 0
Column order

Set columns to display, column order and column width in the format “N=X;N=X;N=X”

N = Column number

X = Fixed width in no of characters or “A” for auto adjust or “D” for default width

This parameter only applies when list is displayed in grid format (not tile format)

1. Location “Loc”

2. Item number ”Item”

3. Item name “Item Name”

4. Quantity ”Qty”

5. Unit of measure “U/M”

6. Lot number “Lot”

7. Container “Cont”

8. Item description “Item Desc”

Default width: 1=10;2=15;3=30;4=15;5=6;6=20;7=20;8=30






0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed leaving only single spaces.

This parameter is only available for M3 16+

This parameter is not applicable if Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by shipment parameter is active and pick list lines where listed based on Shipment search and the Pick Lists screen is skipped.

This parameter applies to:
  • Item description displayed in the grey area when List Balance ID is triggered via search/browse in the Report Pick Line or Report Pick Line aggregated screen.
  • Item description displayed per Balance ID in the list when List Balance ID is triggered via search in the Pick List Lines or .
If List Balance ID screen is triggered from Report Pick Line based on allocation rules/allocation attributes:
  • This parameter is not applicable if parameter "Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by shipment" is active and pick list lines where listed based on Shipment search and Pick Lists screen skipped.
  • This parameter is not applicable if parameter "Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by wave" is active and pick list lines aggregated where listed based on Wave search and Pick Lists screen skipped.
1 0
Pick line picking status to include

Any numeric (multi)


50;60 Blank
Sorting order For details about the values of this parameter, see Sorting order. 45=A;46=D;2=D;9=A;10=A;12=D;13=A 7=A;4=A;5=A;6=A (Sort value, Delivery, Suffix, Reporting number)
Note:  If you do not specify a value for the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

Sublots screen

Use this screen to add and remove sublot(s).

Sublots screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto trigger ADD ALL



This parameter is not dependent on the setting of parameter “Enable option ADD ALL”

Auto trigger is only applicable when list is blank

1 0
Auto trigger DONE


1: Remaining > 0 after add

2: Remaining = 0 after add

3: Remaining < 0 after add


A. No

  • No message
  • No sound
  • No trigger of Done

B. No

  • Display count complete
  • Complete message
  • Complete sound
  • No trigger of Done

C. Yes

  • Trigger done
  • Complete message
  • Complete sound
  • Confirm quantity

If set to A or B, the user must click Done to leave the sublots screen (and confirm Quantity/Catch weight input fields) when finished adding sublots.

1=A;2=C;3=A 1=A;2=C;3=C

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • If item description is blank the extra line is not displayed.
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed leaving only single spaces.

This parameter is only available for M3 16+

This parameter is not applicable if Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by shipment parameter is active and pick list lines where listed based on Shipment search and the Pick Lists screen is skipped.

1 0
Enable option ADD ALL

1. Add

2. Remove

3. Available

Set the lists where function button ADD ALL should be available to add all the sublots available for the current balance ID to the list of added sublots.



Enable option CLEAR ALL

1. Add

2. Remove

3. Available

A. Warning

B. No warning

Set the lists where function button CLEAR ALL should be available to remove all the sublots from the list of added sublots.

If set to X=A: A warning is displayed before clearing the list



Enable option to add more than suggested

0: No

1: Yes. Always

2: Yes. Display warning for the first time.

3: Yes. Display warning every time.

If set to 0, it is not possible to add more than suggested quantity.

If set to 1,2 or 3, it is possible to add more than suggested quantity.

If set to 2, a warning is displayed if add more than suggested quantity. Warning is only displayed if the first time quantity is more than suggested.

If set to 3, a warning is displayed if add more than suggested quantity. Warning is displayed every time quantity is updated and is more than suggested.

0 1
Lists to display

1: Add

2: Remove

3: Available

Set the lists that should be available to display. The first list in the sequence is defaulted when the screen is first displayed. Other lists are available through the function option.

Add: Add a sublot by scanning. The list displays added sublots.

Remove: Remove a sublot by scanning. The list displays added sublots.

Available: Add a sublot by scanning or selecting and the list displays available sublots that are not added. A selected sublot is removed from the list.

3;2 1;2;3
Task area layout

1: Add

2: Remove

3: Available

4: Add (CW item)

5: Remove (CW item)

6: Available (CW item).

A: Remain (unit) + Total Qty

B: Total Qty (unit) + Remain

C: Total (unit)

D: Remain (unit)

E: Total Qty/Suggested (unit)

F: Total Qty (unit) + Catch Wt (CW unit)

G: Total Qty/Suggested (unit) + Catch Wt (CW unit).

If Sublots screen is triggered automatically after input of a value in the Quantity input field, then Remaining and Suggested quantity is based on the input value instead of remaining for the line.

When set to E, if the suggested quantity is blank, this setting works like C.

When set to G, if the suggested quantity is blank, this setting works like F.

Note: It is not mandatory to display Catch Wt for CW items since CW is not scanned for sublots in this transaction.
1=B;2=C;4=A;5=E 1=E;2=E;3=E;4=F;5=F;6=F