Move Transaction

You can use the Move transaction to move balance IDs or full containers from one location to another. This transaction can be configured to use the directed putaway logic of M3, to suggest a destination for the items to be moved.

See Configuring Move Transaction Parameters, for more information about configuring this transaction.

This transaction is comprises of these screens:

To open the Move transaction, select a transaction profile associated with the Move transaction from the main menu.

Note:  Any time you scan an item number, you have the option to scan an item or the alias number instead.

Search Balance ID screen

Use this screen to search for balance IDs or containers to move. If the Move Full Container (when scan container only) parameter is set to 1, you can move all balance identities in a container, in a single move. You can also move a balance ID from one container to another.

Search Balance ID screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto trigger MOVE CONT

0: No

1: Yes

Note: Not dependent on parameter “Enable option MOVE CONT”
1 0
Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Default data for input field From location

Any location

JL1LOC1 Blank
Default data for input field Warehouse


Any warehouse

*USER (warehouse from User settings)

*BLANK (blank)


I. Set as info field

If ”I” character is added to a fixed warehouse or *USER using the format ”X;I” or ”*USER;I”, the input field is set as info field (user cannot change the value and browse is not available).

If set to *BLANK:
  • No warehouse is defaulted.
  • The Warehouse field must be confirmed before Search is trigged.
If the Warehouse field is not specified in Sequence of filter fields parameter:
  • The value set in Default data for input field Warehouse parameter is applied.
  • Setting *BLANK is not applicable, however when set to *BLANK the value is defaulted to *USER






Enable option BAL ID


1=Yes. Manual (function button)

If set to 1

* If at least one balance ID was added to the List Balance ID to Move screen then function button BAL ID is available that will display the “List Balance ID to Move” screen

* Label is displayed in format “BAL ID (N)” where N= the no of balance IDs in the “List Balance ID to Move” screen

0 1
Enable option MOVE CONT

0= No

1= Yes. Manual (function button)

If set to 1

* Function button MOVE CONT is available that will display the “Move Container” screen.

1 0
Enable option MOVE LIST


1=Yes. Manual (function button)

If set to 1

* If at least one balance ID was added to the List Balance ID to Move screen then function button MOVE LIST is available that will display the “Report Move - List” screen.

0 1
Move full container (when scan container only)Any Location

0: No. Move is always performed by balance ID.

1: Yes. If the container is the only value used in the search (location, item and lot = blank), the entire container is moved and the only input field on the Report Move screen is To Location. Container may contain one or multiple balance IDs.

This parameter is not applicable when parameter “List Balance ID - Action when pressing Select” is set to “2” “Display Add Balance ID” screen

1 1
Remember input field data

1: From Location

2: Item

3: Lot

4: Container

5: Warehouse

A: Yes. Auto Confirm

Note: The input field defaults the already specified data, until the user specifies a new data on the search screen.

Warehouse data is remembered, and the warehouse field is set as info field (user cannot change the value and Browse is not available) if a record is added in the List Balance Id To Move screen even if Warehouse (5) is not included in this parameter.

Note: This is not applicable to the MOVE CONT function.

1 = A

Search field search sequence

1: Location

2: Item

3: Lot

4: Container

5: Sublot

Option 5 (Sublot) is only available for M3 v16 and higher.

1;4;2 1;2;3;4
Sequence of filter fields

1: Search

2: Location

3: Item

4: Lot

5: Container

6: Sublot

7: Warehouse

Option 6 (Sublot) is only available for M3 v16 and higher.

1;3;4 1;2;3;4;5
Warehouse browse - Warehouses to include

Any warehouse (multiple or range)


Warehouse group (format *GRP=X where X=warehouse group in MMS009)

  • If this parameter is active: Only values set in this parameter are allowed.
  • The values set in this parameter is applied even if the Warehouse input field is not set in Sequence of filter fields parameter.

or *GRP=WG1

Blank (all warehouses are included)
Note:  If you do not specify a parameter value, or you specify an invalid value, the default value will be used.

See Move Transaction Parameters: Search Balance ID, for instructions on configuring parameters that affect this screen.

List balance ID screen

Use this screen to select a balance ID to move. The balance IDs displayed on this screen reflect the results of the search performed on the Search Balance ID screen.

List balance ID screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Action when pressing Select

1=Display Report Move screen

2=Display Add Balance ID screen

If set to 2:

This activates the option to select multiple balance IDs and then report the move for all balance IDs in one step in the “Report Move - List” screen. Use Select to add one balance ID to the list or Select All (if active) to add multiple balance IDs to the list.

2 1
Auto select first record

0: No

1: Yes - always

2: Yes - if only one record is listed. Also applies after filtering.

3=Yes. If one record in the list after filtering.

If set to 2: Auto select is triggered if there is one record in the list, either when list is first displayed or after a filter scan.

If set to 3: Auto select is triggered if there is one record in the list after a filter scan. Auto select is not triggered if there is one record in the list when list is first displayed.

1 0
Auto trigger SELECT ALL



Note: Not dependent on parameter “Enable option SELECT ALL”

If both parameters "Auto trigger SELECT ALL" and "Auto trigger SEL ALL CONT" are active then parameter "Auto trigger SELECT ALL" takes precedence.

1 0
Auto trigger SEL ALL CONT


1=Yes. If at least one balance ID connected to a container

2=Yes. If all balance IDs connected to a container

If set to 1:

Option SEL ALL CONT is auto triggered if at least one of the balance IDs in the list is connected to a container

If set to 2:

Option SEL ALL CONT is auto triggered if all the balance IDs in the list is connected to a container

Parameter "Move Container - Enable option to report multiple containers" must be set to 1 or 2 for option 1 and 2 in this parameter to be applicable, else this parameter will default to 0.

This parameter is not dependent on parameter “Enable option SEL ALL CONT"

If both parameters "Auto trigger SELECT ALL" and "Auto trigger SEL ALL CONT" are active then parameter "Auto trigger SELECT ALL" takes precedence.

2 0
Balance ID status to include

Any status (multi)




(all statuses are included).

Date display format


0. Relative (+/- no of days from today)














A. None (Example: “YYMMDD”)

B. Period (Example: “YY.MM.DD”)

C. Dash (Example: “YY-MM-DD”)

D. Slash (Example: “YY/MM/DD”)

E. Space (Example: “YY MM DD”)

7=B 0
Display item description

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed, displaying only single space between words.
Note: This parameter is only available for M3 16+
1 0
Display Unit

1=Basic unit

2=Reporting unit

Set unit to be used for displaying quantity

If set to Reporting unit (2) and parameter "Action when pressing Select" = 1 (Display Move screen):

Quantity is displayed in the unit set as reporting unit in the Report Move screen using parameters “Reporting unit - Sequence” and “Reporting unit - Conversion”. If reporting unit is not activated in the Report Move screen: This parameter will default to “1”.

If set to Reporting unit (2) and parameter "Action when pressing Select" = 2 (Display Add Balance ID screen):

* Quantity is displayed in the unit set as reporting unit in the Add Balance ID screen using parameters “Reporting unit - Sequence” and “Reporting unit - Conversion”. If reporting unit is not activated in the Add Balance ID screen: This parameter will default to “1”.

If List Balance ID contains balance IDs from more than one item: This parameter will default to “1”.

2 1
Enable option BAL ID


1=Yes. Manual (function button)

If set to 1

* If at least one balance ID was added to the List Balance ID to Move screen then function button BAL ID is available that will display the “List Balance ID to Move” screen

* Label is displayed in format “BAL ID (N)” where N= the no of balance IDs in the “List Balance ID to Move” screen

0 1
Enable option MOVE LIST


1=Yes. Manual (function button)

If set to 1

* If at least one balance ID was added to the List Balance ID to Move screen then function button MOVE LIST is available that will display the “Report Move - List” screen.

0 1
Enable option SELECT ALL



Note: Options SELECT ALL is not available after a filter scan
1 0
Enable option SEL ALL CONT


1=Yes. If at least one balance ID connected to a container

2=Yes. If all balance IDs connected to a container

If set to 1 or 2:

Option SEL ALL CONT will display the Move Container screen with all containers from the List Balance ID screen selected to be moved

If set to 1:

Option SEL ALL CONT is available if at least one of the balance IDs in the list is connected to a container

If set to 2:

Option SEL ALL CONT is available if all the balance IDs in the list is connected to a container

Parameter "Move Container - Enable option to report multiple containers" must be set to 1 or 2 for option 1 and 2 in this parameter to be applicable, else this parameter will default to 0.

Note. After selecting balance IDs the move will be on container level. Move will include all the balance IDs in the container and not just the selected balance ID. If there are balance IDs in the container that were no part of the selection in the List Balance ID screen, these will still be moved.

Note: Option SEL ALL CONT is not available after a filter scan

2 0
Extra info - Alt unit 1


Any unit

*WHS (from item/whs MMS002)

*BAS (basic unit)

No of decimals:

Any number of decimals

*UNIT (alt unit no of decimals in MMS015)

Set parameter in format “Option; No of decimals”

Trailing zeroes in decimals are always removed regardless of setting for no of decimals

Option to display field with quantity in alt unit is activated using “Extra info - Line 1” parameter.

If set to *BAS (basic unit):

Setting “No of decimals” is not applicable. Will use the default no of decimals set for the item (MMS001)

*WHS;*UNIT or PAL;2 Blank
Extra info - Alt unit 2


Any unit

*WHS (from item/whs MMS002)

*BAS (basic unit)

No of decimals:

Any number of decimals

*UNIT (alt unit no of decimals in MMS015)

Set parameter in format “Option; No of decimals”

Trailing zeroes in decimals are always removed regardless of setting for no of decimals

Option to display field with quantity in alt unit is activated using “Extra info - Line 1” parameter.

If set to *BAS (basic unit):

Setting “No of decimals” is not applicable. Will use the default no of decimals set for the item (MMS001)

*WHS;*UNIT or PAL;2 Blank
Extra info - Alt unit 3


Any unit

*WHS (from item/whs MMS002)

*BAS (basic unit)

No of decimals:

Any number of decimals

*UNIT (alt unit no of decimals in MMS015)

Set parameter in format “Option; No of decimals”

Trailing zeroes in decimals are always removed regardless of setting for no of decimals

Option to display field with quantity in alt unit is activated using “Extra info - Line 1” parameter.

If set to *BAS (basic unit):

Setting “No of decimals” is not applicable. Will use the default no of decimals set for the item (MMS001)

*WHS;*UNIT or PAL;2 Blank
Extra info - Labels

Set alternative label for extra field in the format N=X; N=X;N=X

N= field number and X= new label, set to *blank to display info without label.

Label (X) is in upper case by default. Use prefix “^” to use lower case with first character in each word in upper case. Example: “N=ABC DE” is displayed as “ABC DE” in the device. “N=^ABC DE” is displayed as “Abc De”.



1: Lot reference 1 "Ref 1"

2: Lot reference 2 "Ref 2"

3: Remark "Remk"

4: Allocatable "Abl"

5: Location type "Loc Tp"

6: Movable net 1 "Allocbl"

7: Movable net 2 "Movbl"

8: Allocated Quantity "Alloctd"

9: Catch Weight "CW"

10: Priority Date "Prio"

11: Last receipt date "Rec Dt"

12: Last issue date "Is Dt"

13: Latest phys inv date "Inv Dt"

14: Phys inv in progress "Inv Pr"

15: Reclass date "Rcl Dt"

16: Status item "Itm Sts"

17: Stock zone "Zone"

18: ABC class freq "ABC"

19: Phys Inv no "Inv No"

20: Outer package no "Out Pkg"

21: Qty in alt unit 1 "Qty"

22: Qty in alt unit 2 "Qty"

23: Qty in alt unit 3 "Qty"

1=Batch no;2=*blank;11=^REC DT
Note: “^REC DT” is displayed as “Rec Dt” in the device.


(default labels are used).

Extra info - Line 1

Set max 3 extra info fields to display in the format N=X; N=X;N=X.

N= field number and X= length in no of characters (including unit where applicable)

Tile format: Info is displayed in an extra line.

Grid format: Info is displayed as extra columns added after existing columns.

Fields configured in this parameter can be used for filtering.

Extra info fields are not supported for multi data barcode.



1: Lot reference 1 (BREF) "Ref 1"

2: Lot reference 2 (BRE2) "Ref 2"

3: Remark (BREM) "Remk"

4: Allocatable (ALOC) "Abl"

5: Location type (WHLT) "Loc Tp"

6: Movable net 1 (MVB1) “Allocbl” + Unit (UMNS)

7: Movable net 2 (MVB2) “Movbl” + Unit (UNMS)

8: Allocated Quantity (ALQT) “Alloctd” + Unit (UNMS)

9: Catch Weight (CAW2) ”CW” + CW Unit (CWUN)

10: Priority Date (PRDT) "Prio"

11: Last receipt date (IDDT) "Rec Dt"

12: Last issue date (ODDT) "Is Dt"

13: Latest phys inv date (INDT) "Inv Dt"

14: Phys inv in progress (INON) "Inv Pr"

15: Reclass date (RCLS) "Rcl Dt"

16: Status item (STAT) "Itm Sts"

17: Stock zone (SLTP) "Zone"

18: ABC class freq (ABFC) "ABC"

19: Phys Inv no (STNB) "Inv No"

20: Outer package no (OPAN) "Out Pkg"

21: Qty in alt unit 1 (N/A) “Qty” + Unit

22: Qty in alt unit 2 (N/A) “Qty” + Unit

23: Qty in alt unit 3 (N/A) “Qty” + Unit

Fields Qty in alt unit N (21/22/23): Displays quantity set in the “Quantity to display” parameter is re-calculated into alternate unit that is set in the “Extra info - Alt unit N” parameter. Quantity in three different alternate units can be displayed. Quantity in alternate unit is only displayed if all records in the List Balance ID screen is for the same item.

Date fields (10-15): Date format is controlled by the “Date display format" parameter.

Fields Movable net 1 (6), Movable net 2 (7) and Allocated quantity (8):

* If parameter "Display Unit" = 2 (reporting unit) and reporting unit is activate then these fields are displayed in reporting unit

For details about this parameter, see Extra info - Line 1.

10=12;9=12;1=15 or 10=23;1=12 or 3=105


Hide non-movable balance identities

0: No

1: Hide the non-allocatable balance IDs.

2: Hide the non-movable balance IDs

  • If the parameter is set to 1, and ID is not allocatable or if allocatable net = 0, Balance ID is not displayed.
  • If the parameter is set to 2, and movable net = 0, Balance ID is not displayed.
1 0
Move full container

Any container method: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7

If a container method for the selected item is from any of these lists, after selecting a Balance ID, the container level move is performed. Move includes all the Balance ID in the container and not only the selected Balance ID.

If a container method is not from these lists, the Balance ID level move is performed.

This parameter is not applicable when parameter “List Balance ID - Action when pressing Select” is set to “2” “Display Add Balance ID” screen

1;4;6 Blank
Quantity to display

0: Total on-hand balance

1: Allocatable quantity (On-hand balance - allocated qty)

2: Movable quantity (On-hand balance - pick list qty - pending putaway qty)

1 0
Sorting Order

Set maximum of 10 fields to sort by N=X;N=X format where N is the field number and X=A for ascending or X=D for descending.


  • A: Ascending
  • D: Descending



  1. Item number (ITNO)
  2. Item name (ITDS)
  3. Location (WHSL)
  4. Lot number (BANO)
  5. Container (CAMU)
  6. Lot reference 1 (BREF)
  7. Lot reference 2 (BRE2)
  8. Remark (BREM)
  9. Status - balance ID (STAS)
  10. Allocatable (ALOC)
  11. Stock zone (SLTP)
  12. Location type (WHLT)
  13. On-hand balance approved (STQT)
  14. Movable net 1 (MVB1)
  15. Movable net 2 (MVB2)
  16. Allocated quantity - basic U/M (ALQT)
  17. Basic unit of measure (UNMS)
  18. Catch weight (CAW2)
  19. Priority date (PRDT)
  20. Last receipt date (IDDT)
  21. Last issue date (ODDT)
  22. Latest physical inventory date (INDT)
  23. Physical inventory in progress (INON)
  24. Reclassification date (RCLS)
  25. Status item (STAT)
  26. Receiving number (REPN)
19=A;3=D;4=A;5=A 1=A;3=A;4=A;5=A


Note:  If you do not specify a parameter value, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

See Move Transaction Parameters: List Balance ID, for instructions on configuring parameters that affect this screen.

Report Move screen

Use this screen to report the move of a balance ID or a container.

You can also use this screen to set:

  • The method of printing the balance ID label.
  • The printer group as printer in the list.

Report Move screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto confirm input field data

Input fields:

1: Quantity

2: To Location

3: Catch Weight

4: To Container

5: Packaging (To Container)

6: Unit

7:Qty per Pkg

8: No of Pkgs

9: From Location

10: Item

11: Lot

12: Container

The user can specify these values for the input fields:

A: No. Require confirmation by scanning/specifying data.

B: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically.

C: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is not Blank.

D: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is Blank.

Note: If no value is suggested for a mandatory field, the user must scan a value regardless of the parameter configuration.
1=C;2=B 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A;5=A;6=A;7=A;8=A;9=B;10=B;11=B;12=B
Auto trigger browse

1: To Location

2: Packaging

3: Unit

Controls for field browse is auto triggered when non-confirmed input field is selected/highlighted.

1;2;3 Blank
Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Bridge multidata barcode


  1. Search Balance ID
  2. List Balance ID


A. No. Do not bridge.

B. Yes. Bridge and auto confirm

When set N=B;

  • If multidata barcode is scanned in screen N and there is at least one mapped field in the screen with data in the scanned barcode, the data from the barcode is saved and automatically used in the report screen. Mapped report screen input fields are auto confirmed with the data in the barcode.
  • Bridging of multidata barcode take precedence over all parameters used to suggest and confirm input fields including remember reported data settings.
  • After bridged data is used to confirm mapped fields in the report screen, the data is no longer remembered. Leaving the report screen and going back in does not bridge the scanned data again.
1=B;2=B 1=A;2=A
Catch weight input

0: Optional

1: Mandatory

1 0
Container move - Display balance ID details

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1, the Balance ID details such as item number, item name and lot are displayed as Info fields when moving a full container. Specific information is displayed only if unique for the container, else "MULTI" is displayed.

1 0
Display item description

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • If item description is blank the extra line is not displayed.
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed, displaying only single space between words.
Note: This parameter is only available for M3 16+
1 0
Enable option to browse To Location

0: No

1: Yes. Auto confirm after select.

2: Yes. No auto confirm after select.

When set to 1 or 2, a list of either balance IDs (details or summary) or available locations are displayed.

When set to 1, data is confirmed in the calling screen after selecting a record in the list.

When set to 2, data is suggested but not confirmed in the calling screen after selecting a record in the list. If unique key data is scanned in the list, data is auto confirmed in the calling screen.

This parameter is applicable only when moving a single Balance ID or a full container with single balance ID.

2 0
Enable option to print balance ID label

1 : Manual print (function button)

2: Print From balance ID

3:Print To balance ID (full quantity)

4: Print To balance ID (reported quantity)

If this parameter is set to 1, Print option is available to access the Print Label screen. The values for these fields such as; Confirmed Item, Location, Lot, Container and Quantity from current balance ID are defaulted.

If this parameter is set to 2, the Print Label screen displays the data defaulted from the From balance ID after reclassify is reported.

If set to 3: the Print Label screen is displayed with data defaulted from the To balance ID, after the item move is reported. Quantity is set to the full quantity.

If this parameter is set to 3/4, the Print Label screen displays the data defaulted from the To balance ID, after reclassify is reported. The Quantity is set to the full quantity (3) or the reported quantity (4).

If this parameter is set to multiple options, the order set in this parameter controls the order sequence for displaying the screens.

The settings 1, 2, 3 and 4 values are only applicable for single balance ID move and not for multi balance ID move or container move.

The putaway label (MWS450PF) is printed.

If reporting unit is active:

Quantity input in the Print Label screen is in basic unit

1;2;4 Blank
Enable option to report sublots

0 : No

1: Yes. Manual (function button)

2:Yes. Auto (when select Quantity) + Manual (function button)

3:Yes. Auto (when confirm Quantity less than total on-hand) + Manual (function button).

When the values are set to 1,2 or 3:

  • The SUBLOTS function is available for input field Quantity to display the Sublots screen.
  • The Numpad function is not displayed.
  • Input field Quantity is not manually confirmed with quantity other than total balance ID on-hand. Quantity can be auto confirmed with the number of sublots that are selected in the Sublots screen.
  • These input fields are not displayed:
    • Qty per Pkg
    • Unit
    • No of Pkgs
    • Total Qty (info)

When set to 2, the Sublots function is automatically triggered when the Quantity input field is highlighted. This is applicable only if Quantity is yet to be confirmed.

When set to 3, the Sublots function is automatically triggered when quantity less than total on-hand is specified in the Quantity input field.

If the Sublots screen is triggered automatically after input of a value in the Quantity input field (setting “3”), the remaining and suggested quantity in the Sublots screen are displayed based on the input value.

  • This parameter is applicable only for sublot controlled items.
  • This parameter is available only for M3 v16 and higher.

Reporting unit is not applicable for sublot items when sublot reporting is active

2 0
Enable scan to count

0: No

1: Yes. Manually trigger

2: Yes. Auto + Manually trigger

If set to 1 or 2, the COUNT option is available for the Quantity input field that triggers the Scan to Count screen. The Numpad option is not displayed in this scenario.

If set to 2, the COUNT option is automatically triggered when Quantity input field is selected. This is possible only if the value specified in the Quantity field is not confirmed.

If set to 1 or 2, the Scan to Count transaction can be set using the "1:X" format. In this format, X is considered as Scan to Count profile ID.

Scan to count is not available if No of Pkgs, Qty / Pkg and Total Qty fields are displayed.

If reporting unit is active:

Quantity input in the Scan to Count screen is in reporting unit

Item alias – Default data for input field Unit/Qty Per Pkg *ALS(alias unit/quantity)

When set to *ALS,

  • if Unit input field is displayed, when an item is confirmed by scanning an item alias, the unit from the alias MMS025 is displayed in the Unit input field.
  • if Qty per Pkg field is displayed, when an item is confirmed by scanning an item alias, the quantity from the alias MMS025 is displayed in the Qty per Pkg input field.

If reporting unit is active:

Alias quantity is converted from basic unit to reporting unit and confirmed as Qty per Pkg

*ALS Blank
Mandatory input fields

1: To Container

2: Unit

3: Qty per Pkg

4: No of Pkgs

Note: These input fields are always mandatory:
  • To location
  • From Location
  • Item
  • Lot
  • Container

Input field Quantity is optional if fields Qty per Pkg, No of Pkgs and Total Qty are displayed, else it is mandatory.

1 Blank

(not mandatory)

Multi balance ID move – Move full package


1=Yes. Always

2=Yes. If all balance IDs in package part of the selection

This parameter controls if balance IDs where item has container method 7 (package in stock) will be moved by the full package instead of by each balance ID after using option Select All in the List Balance ID screen.

This parameter is only applicable when the move is from and to the same container. If the To Container is different from the From Container the move will be by balance ID (not by package).

This parameter is only applicable after using option Select All in the List Balance ID screen.

If set to 1:

Balance IDs where item has container method 7 (package in stock) will always be moved by the package instead of by balance ID if from and to container are the same. This will move all the balance IDs in the package, also balance IDs thare were not in the selection from List Balance ID screen.

If set to 2:

Balance IDs where item has container method 7 (package in stock) will be moved by the package instead of by balance ID if from and to container are the same and if all balance IDs in the package were included in the selection from List Balance ID screen.

1 0
Numeric keypad - Activate negative sign

1: Quantity

2: Catch Wt.

3: Qty per Pkg

4: No of Pkgs

A: No

B: Yes

1=B;2=B 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A
Numeric keypad– Enable

1: Quantity

2: Catch Wt.

3: Qty per Pkg

4: No of Pkgs

A: No

B: Yes

C: Yes, auto display when field is selected.

1=C;2=B 1=B;2=B;3=B;4=B
Populate scan field with suggested data

1: Quantity

2: To Location

3: To Container

4: Packaging (To Container)

5: Unit

6: Qty per Pkg

7: No of Pkgs

8: From Location

9: Item

10: Lot

11: Container

1;2 Blank
Remember input field data

1: To Location

2: To Container

3: Packaging (To Container)

4: Unit

5: Qty per Pkg

A: Yes. Until exit transaction. Auto confirm.

C: Yes. Until exit transaction. No auto confirm.

For parameter options A and C, the data is remembered until user exits the Move transaction.

1=A;2=C;4=A Blank

(nothing remembered)

Reporting unit - Conversion

Set the units to be replaced by other units as reporting unit

Format: X=Y;X=Y:X=Y etc.

Where X=From unit and Y=To Unit

Current unit X will be replaced by unit Y if option “Conversion” is set in parameter “Reporting unit - Sequence” and none of the options in the sequence before conversion are valid



Reporting unit - Sequence

Set the sequence to search for an alternate reporting unit to be used instead of the basic unit when reporting

Fixed (Any unit)

1. Warehouse (MMS002)

2. Log unit (MMS015)

3. Conversion (parm "Reporting unit - Conversion")

If set to Log unit (2):

If multiple units are set up as logistic unit in MMS015 the first unit found will be used (sorted in alphanumerical order)

This parameter is not applicable for sublot items when sublot reporting is active



Screen to display after report


= Search Balance Identity

1 = List Balance Identity

1 0
Sequence of input fields For details about the values of this parameter, see Sequence of input fields. 1;4;2;3 1;2;3;4;7;5;8;6;9;10
Suggest data for input field SSCC

1=Blank (auto generate)

2=Same as To Container

This parameter is only applicable for item whose container method is 7.

If set to 1: New package in stock to be created will get an auto generated SSCC number.

If set to 2: New package in stock to be created will get an SSCC number that is the same as To Container.

2 1
Suggest data for input field Quantity

Any quantity or

A: Total on-hand balance

B: Allocatable quantity (On-hand balance – allocated qty)

C: Movable quantity (On-hand balance – pick list qty – pending putaway qty)

If reporting unit is active:

Quantity is converted from basic unit to reporting unit

Suggest data for input field To Container

Any container


Note: *AUTO* is only applicable for the container method 7. For container method 1-6, suggested data is blank, if this parameter is set to *AUTO*.
*AUTO* Blank
Suggest data for input field Packaging

Any packaging.

*SYS (suggest packaging based on M3 settings in MMS053).

*FROM (same packaging as that of the package).

*AUTO* (suggest packaging as ”*AUTO*” and when quantity is confirmed suggest packaging based on M3 settings in MMS053).

  • If set to *SYS: Packaging is retrieved from M3 and suggested based on suggested quantity. When quantity is confirmed or re-confirmed, packaging is retrieved again and the suggested packaging is updated (unless packaging field is already confirmed).
  • Setting *SYS is only applicable if input field value is displayed, else this parameter is defaulted to Blank.
  • If set to *AUTO, packaging is retrieved from M3 and suggested based on confirmed quantity (packaging field is suggested with ”*AUTO*” until quantity is confirmed).

    If quantity is re-confirmed, packaging is retrieved again and the suggested packaging is updated (unless packaging field is already confirmed with something else than ”*AUTO*”).

If no packaging can be retrieved from M3 then the field will be set to blank and not confirmed.

If input field ”Total Qty” is displayed then value in ”Total Qty” will be used instead of ”Quantity” to retrieve packaging.

If set to ”*FROM” and input field Container = *MULTI*, this parameter defaults to Blank.

*FROM Blank
Suggest data for input field To Location

Any location

*SYS: Location according to M3 system directed putaway logic

*FROM: Same as From Location field

Note: Use *FROM and set the To Location field to be auto confirmed, to allow moving of items between containers without changing location.
*SYS Blank
Suggest data for input field No of Pkgs

Any numeric value

A:Suggested quantity

If set to A:

  • After Qty / Pkg is confirmed: Suggested value for No of Pkgs will be calculated as integer of suggested Total Qty / Qty per Pkg.
  • After Qty / Pkg is confirmed: Suggested value for Quantity will be calculated as suggested Total Qty - suggested No of Pkgs * Qty / Pkg.
  • After No of Pkgs is confirmed: Suggested value for Quantity is re-calculated as suggested Total Qty - confirmed No of Pkgs * Qty / Pkg.

  • If Quantity is confirmed with value <> suggested before No of Pkgs is confirmed, Suggest blank No of Pkgs (since calculated value is no longer valid)
  • Suggested quantity is based on parameter Suggested data for input field Quantity and is displayed as suggested data for info field Total Qty.
1 Blank
Suggest data for input field Qty per Pkg

Any numeric value

A:Suggested quantity

If set to A:

  • If ”No of Pkgs” is confirmed with value >1 or if Quantity is confirmed with value >0 then suggested data will be blank.
  • Qty per Pkg is suggested based on parameter "Suggested data for input field Quantity".
A Blank
Suggest data for input field Unit

Any unit

*WHS (from item/whs MMS002)

*LOG (logistic unit in MMS015)

*BAS (basic unit MMS001)

If set to any unit or *WHS: The unit must be set up as s logistic unit for the item in M3 (MMS015) else it will default to blank unit.

If set to *LOG: If multiple units are set up as logistic unit in MMS015 it will use the first one it finds (sorted in alphanumeric order).

*WHS Blank
Verify input field suggested data

Input fields:

1: Quantity

2: To Location

3: To Container

4: Packaging (To Container)

5: Unit

6: Qty per Pkg

7:No of Pkgs

8: Total Qty

The user can set the value of the fields to:

A: No. The scanned value is not verified against the suggested value.

B: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value does not match the suggested value.

C: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.

D: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value.

E: Yes. The scanned value must match the suggested value.

F: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value.

G: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value.

H: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.

I: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value.

Note: If data is not specified, the value A is defaulted.

If field "No of Pkgs", "Qty per Pkg", "Quantity" or "Unit" is set to be verified together with "Total Qty" then the input field will be verified first and if that updates "Total Qty" then also "Total Qty" is verified.

If set to be verified, "Total Qty" is verified when the total quantity is re-calculated and updated which happens when one of the following input fields are confirmed: "No of Pkgs", "Qty per Pkg", "Quantity" or "Unit".

For No of Pkgs and Qty per Pkg both input fields must have a value for Total Qty to be updated.

1=F;2=B 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A;5=A;6=A;7=A;8=A
Note:  If you do not specify a parameter value, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

See Move Transaction Parameters: Report Move, for instructions on configuring parameters that affect this screen.

Print Label screen

Use this screen to print a putaway label for the old and new container.

Print Label screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto confirm input field data

1: Quantity

2: Printer

3: No of Copies

The user can specify these values for the input fields:

A: No. Require confirmation by scanning/specifying data.

B: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically.

C: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is not Blank.

D: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is Blank.

Note: If no value is suggested for a mandatory field, the user must scan a value regardless of the parameter configuration.
1=B;2=B 1=B;2=B
Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Display item description

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • If item description is blank the extra line is not displayed.
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed, displaying only single space between words.
Note: This parameter is only available for M3 16+
1 0
Numeric keypad- Activate negative sign

1: Quantity

2: No of Copies

A: No

B: Yes

1=B 1=A;2=A
Numeric keypad– Enable

1: Quantity

2: No of Copies

A: No

B: Yes

C: Yes and auto display when field is selected

1=C;2=A 1=B;2=B
Populate scan field with suggested data

1: Quantity

2: Printer

3: No of Copies

1;2 Blank
Print mode

1: Synchronous

2: Asynchronous

  • Wait for API reply until continue process
  • Error message from API is displayed
  • Do not wait for API reply until continue process
  • Error message from API is ignored
2 1
Print unit

1: Basic unit

2: Reporting unit

Set unit to be used for quantity when printing putaway label.

If set to 2 (Reporting unit):
  • Quantity is displayed as Reporting unit set on the Report Move screen using the Reporting unit - Sequence and Reporting unit – Conversion parameters.
  • This parameter is defaulted to 1 if the Reporting unit is not activated on the Report Move screen.
  • Quantity in the Reporting unit is sent as input to the MMS060MI.PrtPutAwayLbl API for the UQTY field and output to the XML for the CLUQTY field.
  • The Reporting unit is sent as input to the MMS060MI.PrtPutAwayLbl API for the UNMS field and output to the XML for the CLUNMS field.
  • Quantity in the basic unit is sent as input to the MMS060MI.PrtPutAwayLbl API for the RPQT field and output to the XML for the CLRPQT field (same as when the Reporting unit is not active).
  • The basic unit is output to the XML for the MMUNMS field.
2 1
Printer browse- Printers to include

Any printer (multiple and/or range)or Printer group (format *GRP=X where X=Modification field in CRS290 or*All (include all, overrides any printer group set in FT admin Users form)

If this parameter is selected, the printers set in this parameter are only allowed.

If this parameter is cleared (blank), the Printer group defined in the Printer group - Label Printer field of the User parameters tab available in the FTUsersMaint screen for the Factory Track admin is used. If the group is not defined for the current user, all the printers are available for printing.






Blank (all printers are included)
Sequence of input fields

Info fields:

1: Location

2: Item

3: Lot

4: Container

5: Quantity

6: Printer

7: No of Copies

1;2;3;6;7 1;2;3;4;5;6;7
Suggest data for input field No of Copies


2 Blank

Any printer

PRINTER01 Blank (nothing defaulted)Suggest data for input field Printer
Verify input field suggested data

1: Quantity

2: Printer

3: No of Copies

The user can set the value of the fields to:

A: No. The scanned value is not verified against the suggested value.

B: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value does not match the suggested value.

C: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.

DSuggest data for input: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value.

E: Yes. The scanned value must match the suggested value.

F: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value.

G: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value.

H: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.

I: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value.

Note: If data is not specified, the value A is defaulted.
1=A;2=B 1=C;2=A;3=A
Note:  If you do not specify a parameter value, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

Sublots screen

Use this screen to add and remove sublot(s).

Sublots screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto trigger DONE


1: Remaining > 0 after add

2: Remaining = 0 after add

3: Remaining < 0 after add


A. No

  • No message
  • No sound
  • No trigger of Done

B. No

  • Display count complete
  • Complete message
  • Complete sound
  • No trigger of Done

C. Yes

  • Trigger done
  • Complete message
  • Complete sound
  • Confirm quantity

If set to A or B, the user must click Done to leave the sublots screen (and confirm Quantity/Catch weight input fields) when finished adding sublots.

1=A;2=C;3=A 1=A;2=C;3=C
Display item description

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • If item description is blank the extra line is not displayed.
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed displaying only single space between words.
Note: This parameter is only available for M3 16+
1 0
Enable option to add more than suggested

0: No

1: Yes. Always

2: Yes. Display warning for the first time.

3: Yes. Display warning every time.

If set to 0, it is not possible to add more than suggested quantity.

If set to 1,2 or 3, it is possible to add more than suggested quantity.

If set to 2, a warning is displayed if add more than suggested quantity. Warning is only displayed if the first time quantity is more than suggested.

If set to 3, a warning is displayed if add more than suggested quantity. Warning is displayed every time quantity is updated and is more than suggested.

0 1
Lists to display

1: Add

2: Remove.

3: Available.

Set the lists that should be available to display. The first list in the sequence is defaulted when the screen is first displayed. Other lists are available through the function option.

Add: Add a sublot by scanning. The list displays added sublots.

Remove: Remove a sublot by scanning. The list displays added sublots.

Available: Add a sublot by scanning or selecting and the list displays available sublots that are not added. A selected sublot is removed from the list.

3;2 1;2;3
Task area layout

1: Add

2: Remove.

3: Available.

4: Add (CW item).

5: Remove (CW item).

6: Available (CW item).

A: Remain (unit) + Total Qty

B: Total Qty (unit) + Remain

C: Total (unit)

D: Remain (unit)

E: Total Qty/Suggested (unit)

F: Total Qty (unit) + Catch Wt (CW unit)

G: Total Qty/Suggested (unit) + Catch Wt (CW unit).

If Sublots screen is triggered automatically after input of a value in the Quantity input field, then Remaining and Suggested quantity is based on the input value instead of remaining for the line.

If set to A, B, D or E and suggested is blank: Default setting to C.

If set to G and suggested is blank: Default setting to F.

Note: It is not mandatory to display Catch Wt for CW items since CW is not scanned for sublots in this transaction.
1=B;2=C;4=A;5=E 1=E;2=E;3=E;4=F;5=F;6=F

List Locations screen

Use this screen to List balance IDs details, balance ID summary or available locations after using browse in the To Location field.

List Locations screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto select first record

0: No

1:Yes. Always

2:Yes. If only one record is in the list. This is also applicable after filtering.

3:Yes. If one record is in the list after filtering.

4:Yes. If Location is scanned.

Option 3 is applicable for these scenarios:
  • Auto select should happen after filter scan
  • Scan should always be done to validate correct record is selected
  • Setting 2 is not sufficient since it auto selects if only one record in list and does not require a scan.

Option 4 is applicable to work in a similar way as single select browse screens where record is auto selected if unique data is scanned.

1 4
Balance ID status to include

Any status (multi)


1;3 Blank (all statuses are included)
Display item description

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • If item description is blank the extra line is not displayed.
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed displaying only single space between words.
Note: This parameter is only available for M3 16+
1 0
Filter fields - List Balance ID

1: Lot

2: Container

This parameter controls the input fields from the calling screen that are used as fixed filters in the List Balance ID screen if already confirmed when performing a To Location browse.

1;2 Blank (no filter on Lot/Container)
Lists to display

1: List Balance ID

2: List Balance ID (summary).

3: List Available Locations.

Set the lists that must be available to display. The first list in the sequence is defaulted when the screen is first displayed. Other lists are available through the function option.

2;3 1;2;3
No of available locations to display

Any no of locations.

If set to X, List Available Locations screen displays the first X locations where all of the suggested/confirmed quantity fits. These are the first X locations according to M3 system directed putaway logic. It may not be the same as the X first records in the list if a specific sorting order is set up in the Sorting order - List Available Locations parameter.

25 Blank (list all)
Sorting order - List Available Locations

Set maximum 10 fields to sort by the N=X; N=X format where N = field number and X = either A for ascending or D for descending.


A. Ascending

D. Descending



  1. Location (WHSL)
  2. Stock zone (SLTP)
  3. Number of balance IDs (NBRL)

Blank (list in the order the API returns records = M3 system directed putaway logic order)

Sorting order - List Balance ID

Set maximum 10 fields to sort by the N=X; N=X format where N = field number and X = either A for ascending or D for descending.


A. Ascending

D. Descending



3: Location (WHSL)

4: Lot number (BANO)

5: Container (CAMU)

9: Status - balance ID (STAS)

11: Stock zone (SLTP)

13: On-hand balance approved (STQT)

19: Priority date (PRDT)

26: Receiving number (REPN)

13=D;3=A;4=D 3=A;4=A;5=A(Location / Lot / Container)
Sorting order - List Balance ID (summary)

Set maximum 10 fields to sort by the N=X; N=X format where N = field number and X = either A for ascending or D for descending.


A. Ascending

D. Descending



1: Location (WHSL)

2: Stock zone (SLTP)

3: On-hand balance approved (STQT)

4: Total number of lots (TNOL)

5: Total number of containers (TNOC)

6: Total number of balance ID (TNOB)

3=D;6=A;1=D 1=A(Location)

Move Container screen

Use this screen to move one or multiple containers in a single location.

Move Container Screen Parameter

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto confirm input field data

1: To location

2: To Container

3: Packaging (To Container)

A: No. Require confirm by scan/enter data.

B: Yes. Always auto confirm field.

C: Yes. Auto confirm field if suggested data = NOT blank.

D: Yes. Auto confirm field if suggested data = blank.

Note: Mandatory field with blank suggested data cannot be auto confirmed. This will require input regardless of this setting.
1=C;2=B 1=A;2=A;3=A
Auto trigger next when all fields confirmed

0= No

1= Yes

1 0
Enable option to report multiple containers

0= No

1= Yes. Manual (function button)

2= Yes. Auto (when select Container) + Manual (function button)

If set to 1 or 2

* Function button ADD CONT is available for input field Container to display the Containers screen

* If multiple containers are added in the Containers screen then input field Container will be confirmed with “*MULTI*” after Done/Back from the Containers screen

* Input field Container can still be manually confirmed with a specific container without displaying the Containers screen

If set to 2: Function button ADD CONT will be automatically triggered when input field Container is highlighted if Container is not yet confirmed

2 1
Mandatory input fields

1: To Container

Note: The following input fields are always mandatory when displayed:

* Container

* To location

* Packaging (if To Container does not exist)


Blank (not mandatory)

Populate scan field with suggested data

1. To Location

2. To Container

3. Packaging (To Container)

1;3 Blank
Remember input field data

1. To Location

2. To Container

3. Packaging (To Container)

A. Yes. Until exit the Move Container screen. Auto confirm

C. Yes. Until exit the Move Container screen. No auto confirm

For parameter options A and C the data is remembered until user exits the Move Container screen


Blank (nothing remembered)

Screen to display after report

1= Search balance identity

2= Move Container

3= List Balance ID

Option 3 (List Balance ID): Only applicable if Move Container screen was displayed after using option SEL ALL CONT in the List Balance ID screen

1 2
Sequence of input fields

Input fields:

1. Container

2. To Location

3. To Container

4. Packaging (To Container)

Info fields:

5. From Location

Field “From Location” (5):

* Displays the location of the first balance ID in the container when one container is scanned in the Container input field. No check if multiple balance IDs with multiple locations in the container.

* Displays location if all containers added in the containers screen are in the same location, else it displays *MULTI*

Field “To Container” (3):

* Will only display if all selected containers have container method 7 (package in stock)

* Selected containers will be packed into the To Container (included in package)

1;2;5 1;5;2;3;4
Suggest data for input field Packaging

Any packaging

*FROM (same packaging as the from package)

If set to ”*FROM” and input field Container = *MULTI* and packaging is not the same for all selected containers: This parameter will default to blank.



Suggest data for input field SSCC

1=Blank (auto generate)

2=Same as To Container

This parameter is only applicable for item whose container method is 7.

If set to 1: New package in stock will get an auto generated SSCC number

If set to 2: New package in stock will get an SSCC number that is the same as To Container.

2 1
Suggest data for input field To Container

Any container




Suggest data for input field To Location

Any location



Verify input field suggested data

1. To Location

2. To Container

3. Packaging (To Container)

A. No. No check if match

B. Yes. Warn if not match

C. Yes. Warn if value higher

D. Yes. Warn if value lower

E. Yes. Error if not match

F. Yes. Error if value higher

G. Yes. Error if value lower

H. Yes. Error if value lower, warn if value higher

I. Yes. Error if value higher, warn if value lower

Note: If suggested data is blank then all work like A.
1=B;3=E 1=A;2=A;3=A

Container screen

Use this screen to add containers to be moved or remove scanned containers

Containers Screen Parameter

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Container search sequence

1. Container


If set to 2:

* Will search for SSCC only if input is 18 chars numeric

Search by SSCC (2) is only applicable for containers with container method 7 (packages in stock)

1 2;1
Enable option to display location



Note: The location displayed is from the first balance ID in the container. Does not consider the other balance IDs in the container (if more than one).
0 1
Enable option to toggle add/remove



If set to 1:

Function button “REMOVE” is displayed that will change to Remove mode where containers can be removed from the list. In Remove mode function button “ADD” is displayed that will change back to Add mode where containers are added.

0 1

Add Balance ID screen

Use this screen to add a balance ID or multiple balance identities to the list of balance IDs to move

Add Balance ID Screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto confirm input field data

1. Quantity

2. Catch Weight

3. Unit

4. Qty per Pkg

5. No of Pkgs

6. From Location

7. Item

8. Lot

9. Container

A. No. Require confirm by scan/enter data.

B. Yes. Always auto confirm field.

C. Yes. Auto confirm field if suggested data = NOT blank.

D. Yes. Auto confirm field if suggested data = blank.

Note:  Mandatory field with blank suggested data cannot be auto confirmed. This will require input regardless of this setting.
1=C;5=B 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A;5=A;6=B;7=B;8=B;9=B
Auto trigger browse

1. Unit

Controls for what fields browse is auto triggered when non-confirmed input field is selected/highlighted

1 Blank
Auto trigger next when all fields confirmed



1 0
Bridge multidata barcode


1. Search Balance ID

2. List Balance ID


A. No. Do not bridge.

B. Yes. Bridge and auto confirm.

If set to N=B:

* If multidata barcode is scanned in screen N and there is at least one mapped field in the screen with data in the scanned barcode, then the data from the barcode will be saved and automatically used in the report screen. Mapped report screen input fields will be auto confirmed with the data in the barcode.

* Bridging of multidata barcode will take precedence over all parameters used to suggest and confirm input fields including remember reported data settings.

* After bridged data is used to confirm mapped fields in the report screen the data is no longer remembered. Leaving the report screen and going back in will not bridge the scanned data again.

1=B;2=B 1=A;2=A
Catch weight input



1 0
Display item description

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • If item description is blank the extra line is not displayed.
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed displaying only single space between words.
Note: This parameter is only available for M3 16+
1 0
Enable scan to count


1=Yes. Manually trigger

2=Yes. Auto+Manually trigger

If set to 1 or 2: Function button COUNT is available for input field Quantity that will trigger the Scan to count screen. Function button Numpad will not be displayed in this case.

If set to 2: Function button COUNT will be automatically triggered when input field Quantity is highlighted if Quantity is not yet confirmed

If set to 1 or 2: A specific Scan to count transaction profile can be set using format “1;X” where X=Scan to count profile ID

Scan to count is not available if fields ”No of Pkgs”, ”Qty / Pkg” and ”Total Qty” are displayed

If reporting unit is active:

Quantity input in the Scan to Count screen is in reporting unit


Item alias - Default data for input field Unit/Qty Per Pkg

*ALS (alias unit/quantity)

If set to *ALS:

If Unit input field is displayed:

If item is confirmed by scanning an item alias the unit from the alias in MMS025 is confirmed in the Unit input field

If Qty per Pkg input field is displayed (but not Unit)

If item is confirmed by scanning an item alias the quantity from the alias in MMS025 is confirmed in the Qty per Pkg input field

If reporting unit is active:

Alias quantity is converted from basic unit to reporting unit and confirmed as Qty per Pkg



Mandatory input fields

1. Unit

2. Qty per Pkg

3. No of Pkgs

Note: The following input fields are always mandatory when displayed:
  • From Location
  • Item
  • Lot
  • Container

Input field Quantity is optional if fields Qty per Pkg, No of Pkgs and Total Qty are displayed, else it is mandatory


Blank (not mandatory)

Numeric keypad - Activate negative sign

1. Quantity

2. Catch Wt

3. Qty per Pkg

4. No of Pkgs

A. No

B. Yes

1=B;2=B 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A
Numeric keypad - Enable

1. Quantity

2. Catch Wt

3. Qty per Pkg

4. No of Pkgs

A. No

B. Yes

C. Yes and auto display when field is selected.

1=C;2=B 1=B;2=B;3=B;4=B
Populate scan field with suggested data

1. Quantity

2. Unit

3. Qty per Pkg

4. No of Pkgs

5. From Location

6. Item

7. Lot

8. Container

1;2 Blank
Remember input field data

1. Unit

2. Qty per Pkg

A. Yes. Until exit transaction. Auto confirm

C. Yes. Until exit transaction. No auto confirm

For parameter options A and C the data is remembered until user exits the Move transaction


Blank (nothing remembered)

Reporting unit - Conversion

Set the units to be replaced by other units as reporting unit

Format: X=Y;X=Y:X=Y etc.

Where X=From unit and Y=To Unit

Current unit X will be replaced by unit Y if option “Conversion” is set in parameter “Reporting unit - Sequence” and none of the options in the sequence before conversion are valid

Reporting unit - Sequence

Set the sequence to search for an alternate reporting unit to be used instead of the basic unit when reporting

Fixed (Any unit)

1. Warehouse (MMS002)

2. Log unit (MMS015)

3. Conversion (parm "Reporting unit - Conversion")

If set to Log unit (2):

If multiple units are set up as logistic unit in MMS015 the first unit found will be used (sorted in alphanumerical order)


Screen to display after add balance ID

0=Search balance identity

1=List balance identity

1 0
Sequence of input fields

Input fields:

1. From location

2. Item

3. Lot

4. Container

5. Quantity

6. Catch Wt

7. Unit

8. Qty per Pkg

9. No of Pkgs

10. Total Qty

Info fields:

11. On Hand

12. No of bal IDs

Quantity, Catch Weight, Unit, Qty per Pkg, No of Pkgs, Total Qty and On Hand fields are not displayed after selecting multiple balance IDs to move. Quantity to move is the quantity displayed in the List Balance ID screen set by parm “Quantity to display”.

Field Unit is only displayed if also field No of Pkgs is displayed. If field Unit is displayed then field Qty per Pkg will act as info field and display the conversion factor

Fields No of Pkgs, Qty per Pkg and Total Qty:

* Fields works in combination and none of the fields will display unless all are set to display.

* If fields are included then field Total Qty will act as info field and display the calculated value No of Pkgs x Qty per Pkg + Quantity

* If fields are included then value input in field Quantity will be added to the calculated value No of Pkgs x Qty per Pkg to get the Total Qty

Field No of Bal IDs is applicable when:

* Multiple balance IDs were selected using Select All option in the List Balance ID screen

1;4;2;5 1;2;3;4;11;5;6
Suggest data for input field No of Pkgs

Any numeric value

A=Suggested quantity

If set to A:

* After ”Qty / Pkg” is confirmed: Suggested value for ”No of Pkgs” will be calculated as integer of suggested Total Qty / ”Qty / Pkg”.

* After ”Qty / Pkg” is confirmed: Suggested value for ”Quantity” will be calculated as suggested Total Qty - suggested ”No of Pkgs” * ”Qty / Pkg”.

* After ”No of Pkgs” is confirmed: Suggested value for ”Quantity” will be

re-calculated as suggested Total Qty - confirmed ”No of Pkgs” * ”Qty / Pkg”.

* If Quantity is confirmed with value <> suggested before No of Pkgs is confirmed: Suggest blank ”No of Pkgs” (since calculated value is no longer valid)

* Suggested quantity is based on parameter ”Suggested data for input field Quantity” and is displayed as suggested data for info field ”Total Qty

1 Blank
Suggest data for input field Qty per Pkg

Any numeric value

A=Suggested quantity

If set to A:

* If ”No of Pkgs” is confirmed with value >1 or if ”Quantity” is confirmed with value >0 then suggested data will be blank

* Qty per Pkg is suggested based on parameter ”Suggested data for input field Quantity”

A Blank
Suggest data for input field Quantity

Any numeric value

A=Total on-hand balance

B=Allocatable (On-hand balance - allocated qty)

C=Movable (On-hand balance - pick list qty - pending putaway qty)

If reporting unit is active:

Quantity is converted from basic unit to reporting unit except for fixed values

Suggest data for input field Unit

Any unit

*WHS (from item/whs MMS002)

*LOG (logistic unit in MMS015)

*BAS (basic unit MMS001)

If set to any unit or *WHS: The unit must be set up as s logistic unit for the item in M3 (MMS015) else it will defautl to blank unit

If set to *LOG: If multiple units are set up as logistic unit in MMS015 it will use the first one it finds (sorted in alphanumeric order)

*WHS Blank
Verify input field suggested data

1. Quantity

2. Unit

3. Qty per Pkg

4. No of Pkgs

5. Total Qty

A. No. No check if match

B. Yes. Warn if not match

C. Yes. Warn if value higher

D. Yes. Warn if value lower

E. Yes. Error if not match

F. Yes. Error if value higher

G. Yes. Error if value lower

H. Yes. Error if value lower, warn if value higher

I. Yes. Error if value higher, warn if value lower

Note: If suggested data is blank then all work like A.

If field "No of Pkgs", "Qty per Pkg", "Quantity" or "Unit" is set to be verified together with "Total Qty" then the input field will be verified first and if that updates "Total Qty" then also "Total Qty" is verified

If set to be verified, "Total Qty" is verified when the total quantity is re-calculated and updated which happens when one of the following input fields are confirmed: "No of Pkgs", "Qty per Pkg", "Quantity" or "Unit".

For "No of Pkgs" and "Qty per Pkg" both input fields must have a value for "Total Qty" to be updated

1=F;5=B 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A;5=A

List Balance ID to Move screen

Use this screen to list all added balance IDs

List Balance ID to Move Screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Action when pressing Next

0=Next not available. Screen is for info only.

1=Display “Report Move - List” screen

0 1
Enable option to remove balance ID


1=Yes. No warning.

2=Yes. Warning.

If set to 1 or 2: Function button “REMOVE ID” is displayed that will remove currently highlighted balance ID from the balance IDs to be moved.

If set to 2: A warning is displayed before the balance ID is removed

0 2

Report Move - List screen

Use this screen to move all balance ids in List Balance ID to Move Screen

Report Move - List Screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto confirm input field data

1. To location

2. To Container

3. Packaging (To Container)

A. No. Require confirm by scan/enter data.

B. Yes. Always auto confirm field.

C. Yes. Auto confirm field if suggested data = NOT blank.

D. Yes. Auto confirm field if suggested data = blank.

Note: Mandatory field with blank suggested data cannot be auto confirmed. This will require input regardless of this setting.
1=C;2=B 1=A;2=A;3=A
Auto trigger next when all fields confirmed



1 0
Display item description

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • If item description is blank the extra line is not displayed.
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed displaying only single space between words.
Note: This parameter is only available for M3 16+
1 0
Mandatory input fields

1. To Container

Note: The following input fields are always mandatory when displayed:
  • To Location
  • Packaging

Blank (not mandatory)

Populate scan field with suggested data

1. To Location

2. To Container

3. Packaging (To Container)

1;2 Blank
Remember input field data

1. To Location

2. To Container

3. Packaging (To Container)

A. Yes. Until exit transaction. Auto confirm

C. Yes. Until exit transaction. No auto confirm

For parameter options A and C the data is remembered until user exits the Move transaction

1=A;2=C Blank (nothing remembered)
Screen to display after report

0=Search balance identity

1=List balance identity

1 0
Sequence of input fields

Info fields:

1. From location

2. Item

3. Lot

4. Container

5. No of bal IDs

Input fields:

6. To location

7. To Container

8. Packaging (To Container)

1;4;2;3;6 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8
Suggest data for input field Packaging Any packaging PAL Blank
Suggest data for input field SSCC

1=Blank (auto generate)

2=Same as To Container

This parameter is only applicable for item whose container method is 7.

If set to 1: New package in stock to be created will get an auto generated SSCC number.

If set to 2: New package in stock to be created will get an SSCC number that is the same as To Container.

2 1
Suggest data for input field To Container

Any container


Note: *AUTO* is only applicable for container method 7. For container method 1-6 suggested value will be blank if this parameter is set to *AUTO*.
*AUTO* Blank
Suggest data for input field To Location

Any location

*FROM (same as From Location)

Note: Use *FROM and set field to auto confirmed to allow move between containers without changing location.




Verify input field suggested data

1. To Location

2. To Container

3. Packaging (To Container)

A. No. No check if match

B. Yes. Warn if not match

C. Yes. Warn if value higher

D. Yes. Warn if value lower

E. Yes. Error if not match

F. Yes. Error if value higher

G. Yes. Error if value lower

H. Yes. Error if value lower, warn if value higher

I. Yes. Error if value higher, warn if value lower

Note: If suggested data is blank then all work like A.
1=B;2=B 1=A;2=A;3=A