User Parameters

Use the User Parameters form to configure settings for selected ERPs.

User Parameters screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Alias search - Alias qualifiers to include

Any alias qualifier (multi)

*ALL (include all)


This parameter is only applicable to alias categories 2 and 3. Alias search result is filtered based on this parameter.

If user parameter setting is blank: Use global parameter
Note: This parameter is only applicable for Move, Receive, Pick, Pack and Count transactions.

EA13;DU14;UPC or

EA13;DU14;*BLANK or


Alias search - Enable option to list items


1=Yes. For one alias category

2=Yes. For all alias categories in search sequence

If set to 1:

Display list if alias category of first match in search sequence is connected to multiple items. Only items connected to that alias category are displayed.

If set to 2:

Display list of all items connected to alias categories included in Alias search sequence parameter.

If Alias search sequence parameter contains 0 but not first, and at least one numeric value: Item is included in the list if scanned data is also an item.

If alias is connected to same item but different alias categories, only one item will display. It will work like the item connected to alias category of first match in the list based on Alias search sequence parameter.

If set to 1/2:

It will work like 0 if Alias search sequence parameter is set to *DEF, *OFF or “0” (item only).

If user parameter setting is blank: Use global parameter

Note: This parameter is only applicable for Move, Receive, Pick, Pack and Count transactions.
1 0
Alias search sequence

*DEF: Alias must be unique and must exist only once for all alias categories.

0-88: Any alias category (1-88) and 0 for item (multi)

*OFF: No alias support, assume item input always.

Alias categories:

1: Popular number

2: EAN number

3: External database (not use by M3)

4: Manufacturer’s item number

5: Supplier’s item number

6: Customer’s item number

7: Assortment

9: EDI partner’s item number

84-87: As defined in MMS024 (Fashion)

88: Style number (Fashion)


If set to “0;N;M”: Initially, verify if the scanned data is an item. If not, verify if the scanned data is an alias with category N. If the scanned data is not an alias with category N, verify if the scanned data is an alias with category M.

If set to “N;M;0”: Initially, verify if the scanned data is an alias with category N. If not, verify if the scanned data is an alias with category M. If the scanned data is not an alias with category M, verify if the scanned data is an item.

If set to “N;0;M”: Initially, verify if the scanned data is an alias with category N. If not, verify if the scanned data is an item. If the scanned data is not an item, verify if the scanned data is an alias with category M.

Note: When input non multi data barcode in list screen, always verify if the scanned data can be used to filter records. If so, the system does not validate for an alias (regardless of setting).

If user parameter setting is blank, use global parameter.

4;6;1;3 or 0;3;1;2 or *OFF *DEF
Default Facility

*M3 (Current behavior)

Facility value will be retrieved from User. Open (MNS150) of M3 BE.

Fixed value (Any)

General note: If set to invalid value, the parameter will reset to its default value , *M3.

A01 *M3 (current behavior)
Default Warehouse

*M3 (Current behavior)

Warehouse value will be retrieved from User. Open (MNS150) of M3 BE.

Fixed value (Any)

General note: If set to invalid value, the parameter will reset to its default value , *M3.

001 *M3 (current behavior)
Enable profile switcher

0: No

1: Yes

When set to 1, the application allows user to browse multiple tabs and perform action on the selected tab such as exit, new, or open previous transaction. For Receive, it is possible to open multiple instances using multiple unique transaction profiles.

A hamburger icon is placed on the upper right hand corner of all Factory Track M3 forms. This icon displays the following tab actions:

  • EXIT: clears the state of current transaction and exits to main menu
  • NEW: keeps the state of current transaction and exits to main menu.

When NEW option is selected, the current screen is displayed as the last state of current transaction. In some cases, however, when NEW is triggered from a generic screen such as Browse, the previous screen of Browse is displayed as the last state of current transaction.

TRANSACTION X – keeps the state of current transaction, and opens the selected transaction in its last remembered state. Maximum limit for open transactions is set to 3. It is not possible to open more transactions without closing the opened ones. NEW is not available in the tab actions when maximum limit for open transactions is reached.

Tab actions in main menu include the open transactions only. EXIT and NEW options are not available.

Navigation: The list is triggered when clicking on the hamburger icon or by clicking the equivalent configuration set in Special Value3 of ‘Function Key Action Values’. The actions can be navigated using up or down keys and selected by clicking the equivalent configuration set in Submit Form of ‘Function Key Action Values’.

1 0
Printer group – Document printer

Any printer group

PG1 Blank
Printer group – Label printer

Any printer group

PG1 Blank
Tile mode
*STD: Standard value. Character unit is set to 50 and the layout is set to Tile mode. Tile mode is set if character units is <=50, else it is set to grid mode. Number of character units vary depending on the device.
Note: *STD is the default value of the parameter that is used in both User parameters and Global parameters.
Fixed value (numeric): For a fixed value, the layout is always set to the defined character units. Tile mode is set if character units is <=50, else it is set to grid mode. For example: 70.
Note: Only whole numbers are accepted.
*ALW: Layout is always set to tile mode.
Note: Tile mode is best used for portrait orientation.

*NVR: Layout is always set to grid mode.

X;O where X refers to the selected values and O for override. For example: *ALW;O. This configuration is applicable only in the Global Parameters form “ICGlobalParameters”.

With this setting, an application overrides the parameter settings defined in the User parameters of Users form (“FTUsersMaint”).
Note: If set to blank or invalid value, the parameter resets to its default value *STD.