Receive Transaction

You can use the Receive transaction to receive items. You can receive items by order lines or by packages. You can use this transaction for purchase orders, distribution orders, requisition orders, manufacturing orders, by product, customer return. The receive line screen can be configured to use the directed put away logic of M3 to suggest a destination for items that are received. The transaction can also retrieve the tasks for putaway to be updated or reported.

Receive by package is supported for Purchase Orders and Distribution Orders. For Purchase Orders a package receipt is automatically triggered for three transactions:

  1. Stage the package
  2. Receive the ASN that the package is connected to and
  3. Putaway the package.

You can also report return of manufacturing order or by-product.

See Configuring Receive Transaction Parameters, for more information about configuring this transaction.

This transaction is comprises of these screens:

To open the Receive transaction, select a transaction profile associated with the Receive transaction from the main menu.

Note: Any time you are scanning an item number, you have the option of scanning an alias instead.

Search screen

Use this screen to search for order lines to receive, or to scan a specific package to receive.

Search screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Default data for input field From date
Note: Set to N ((= no of days back in time), the parameter will list order lines with departure date <= Today - N days.Numeric value (single)

The value set in this parameter will apply even if input field From Date is not set in parameter Sequence of input fields.

14 300
Default data for input field Order type


CR: Customer Return : Manufacturing order By-product

DO:: Distribution Order

MO: Manufacturing Order

PO: Purchase Order

RO: Requisition Order

ALL: All order types

Numeric valueDefault data for input field Status (BY) Numeric value (range) 00-90 00-99
Default data for input field Status (MO) Numeric value (range) 00-79 00-99
Default data for input field Status (PO) Numeric value (range) 40-75 15-49
Default data for input field To date Numeric value (single)
Note: Set to N (= no of days forward in time), parameter will list order lines with departure date <= Today + N days.

The value set in this parameter will apply even if input field To Date is not set in parameter Sequence of input fields.

14 300
Default data for input field Warehouse


Any warehouse

*USER (warehouse from User settings)

*BLANK (blank)


I. Set as info field

If ”I” is added to a fixed warehouse or *USER in the format ”X;I” or ”*USER;I” it will set the input field as info field (user cannot change the value and browse is not available)

If set to “*BLANK”:

No warehouse is defaulted.

Input field “Warehouse” must be confirmed before search can be trigged.

If “Warehouse” is not set in parameter ”Sequence of filter fields”:

* The value set in this parameter will still apply

* Setting *BLANK is not applicable and If set to *BLANK it will revert back to the default *USER











Default data for input field Work center Any work center DRILL01 Blank
Date format From/To Date display













From/To Date is entered using number of days and not the actual date. This parameter controls the display of the calculated date (today +/- the entered number of days).

1 7
Enable option to concatenate Order and Line number

0: Yes

1: No

If set to 1, possible to input data in format “X/Y” (where X=Order and Y=Line) in the Order input field and in the Search field (when search by Order).

If this parameter is active and Order is mapped as a multi data barcode, then the multi data barcode cannot use “/” as a separator.

This parameter is applicable for order types PO, DO, RO, CR and BY (not MO). For order type BY: Line = Sequence no.

1 0
Numeric keypad - Activate negative sign

1: From Date

2: To Date

3: Line

A: No

B: Yes

1=B;2=B;3=B 1=A;2=A;3=A
Numeric keypad - Enable

1: From Date

2: To Date

3: Line

A: No

B: Yes

C: Yes and auto display when the field is selected.

1=C;2=B;3=A 1=B;2=B;3=B
Remember input field data

1. Warehouse

2. Order type

3. Item

4. Lot

5. Container

6. Work center

7. From Date

8. To Date

A. Yes. Auto confirm.

Note: Input field data is remembered until user exits the transaction


(no remember)

Search field search sequence

1: Supplier(PO/DO)

2: Delivery (PO/DO/RO)

3: Order (ALL)

4: Item (ALL)

5: Lot ( DO/MO/BY/CR/RO)

6: Container (DO/RO)

7: Package (PO/DO)

8: Report no (MO/BY)

9: Work center (MO/BY)

10: Customer (CR)

11: Receiving No (CR)

2;3;4 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11
Sequence of filter fields

1: Search (ALL)

2: Order type (ALL)

3: Supplier (PO/DO)

4: Delivery (PO/DO/RO)

5: Order (ALL)

6: Item (ALL)

7: Lot (DO/MO/BY/CR/RO)

8: Container (DO/RO)

9: Package (PO/DO)

10: Report no (MO/BY)

11:  Work center (MO/BY)

12: Customer (CR)

13:  Receiving No (CR)

14: From Date

15:  To Date

16:  Line (PO/DO/RO/CR/BY)

17: Warehouse (ALL)

2;1;6 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15
Warehouse browse - Warehouses to include

Any warehouse (multiple or range)


Warehouse group (format *GRP=X where X=warehouse group in MMS009)

If this parameter is active: Only values set in this parameter are allowed.

The values set in this parameter will apply even if input field “Warehouse” is not set in parameter “Sequence of filter fields”.





(all warehouses are included)

Use facility from selected warehouse (MO/BY)



If set to 1:
  • The facility that the warehouse is connected to is used as input in the search for manufacturing orders (MO) and by-products (BY).
  • Facility retrieved from the warehouse overrides the facility set in User Settings.
  • If input field Warehouse is displayed: Facility is retrieved from the selected warehouse.
  • If input field Warehouse is not displayed: Facility is retrieved from the warehouse set up in parameter “Default data for input field Warehouse”.
1 0
Note:  If you do not specify a value for the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

Lines screen

Use this screen to select an order line to receive. The order lines displayed on this screen reflect the results of the search performed on the Search screen.

Lines screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto select first record

0: No

1: Yes - always

2: Yes - if only one record is listed. Also applies after filtering.

3: Yes - if only one record is listed. Only applies after filtering.

Note: This option is required for the scenarios:
  • Auto select should happen after filter scan
  • Scan should always be done to validate correct record is selected
  • Setting 2 is not enough since it auto selects if only one record in list and does not require a scan.
1 0
Auto trigger SELECT ALL

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Column order

Set columns to display, column order and column width in the format “N=X;N=X;N=X”

N = Column number

X = Fixed width in no of characters or “A” for auto adjust or “D” for default width

This parameter only applies when list is displayed in grid format (not tile format)

1. Item “Item”

2. Item name “Item Name”

3. Quantity ”Qty”

4. Unit “U/M”

5. Order type “Type”

6. Supplier name “From”

7. Delivery date “Date”

8. Order/line/subline “Order”

9. Delivery “Del”

10. Extra info field 1 Parm “Extra info - Labels”

11. Extra info field 2 Parm “Extra info - Labels”

12. Extra info field 3 Parm “Extra info - Labels”

13. item description "Item Desc"

Default width:


8=15;9=20;10=20;11=20;12=20; 13=30







Date display format


0. Relative (+/- no of days from today)














A. None (e.g. “YYMMDD”)

B. Period (e.g. “YY.MM.DD”)

C. Dash (e.g. “YY-MM-DD”)

D. Slash (e.g. “YY/MM/DD”)

E. Space (e.g. “YY MM DD”)

7=B 0
Display item description

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed displaying only single space between words.
Note: This parameter is only available for M3 16+
1 0
Display unit

1: Order unit

2: Reporting unit

Set the unit used to display quantity.

When set to Reporting unit (2):

  • Quantity is displayed as per the unit set for Reporting Unit on the Receive Line screen using the Reporting unit - Sequence and Reporting unit - Conversion parameters. If reporting unit is not set on the Receive Line screen, the value of this parameter is defaulted to 1.

When the Lines list contains lines with more than one item, the value of this parameter is defaulted to 1.

When the Lines list contains lines for only one item but with different order units, the value of this parameter is defaulted to 1.

2 1
Enable option to auto refresh list

0: No. Auto refresh is not enabled.

1: Yes. Auto refresh is enabled. Manual refresh is also allowed.

2: Yes. Auto refresh only

If set to 0: Refresh option is displayed.

If set to1: Refresh option is displayed and the list is automatically refreshed. If you click Back on the Report Screen, the Line details are not updated automatically.

If set to 2: Refresh option is not displayed. List is automatically updated.

2 0
Enable option to close all lines (PO)

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1: Option to close all PO lines using CLOSE ALL function is available when:

  • All lines in the list are for the same order type and the order type is PO
  • No filtering is active
  • All lines in the list are for the same order or same delivery note.
1 0
Enable option SELECT ALL

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1: Option to select all is available when:

  • ALL
    • All lines in the list are for the same order type and the order type is PO, DO or RO
    • No filtering is active.
  • DO/RO
    • All lines in the list are for the same order or same delivery
    • No item in the list is catch weight managed
    • All items with container method > 0 are shipped with a container or All items have the same container method and are shipped with no container.
  • PO
    • All lines in the list are for the same order or same delivery note.
    • No item in the list is lot controlled with manual lot numbering.
    • No item in the list is catch weight managed
    • All items in the list have the same container management method.
1 0
Extra info - Labels

Set alternative label for extra field

Format: N=X;N=X;N=X

N = field number

X = new label, set to *BLANK to display info without label

Label (X) is in upper case by default. Use prefix “^” to use lower case with first character in each word in upper case.

Example: “N=ABC DE” will display as “ABC DE” in the device. “N=^ABC DE” will display as “Abc De”

Common fields between different order types

1. Advised quantity “Adv Qty” + Unit

(ADQA) + (PUUN) <PO>

(REQ0) + (UNMS) <CR>

2. Approved quantity – alternate U/M

“App Qty” + Unit



3. Catch weight “CW” + CW unit


4. Order documents printed “Doc Prt”


5. Location “Loc”


6. Lot number “Lot”


7. Ordered quantity – alternate U/M

“Ord Qty” + Unit

(ORQA) + (PUUN) <PO>

(ORQA) + (MAUN) <MO>

8. Priority “Prio”


9. Received quantity/Receipt quantity “Rec Qty” + Unit

(RVQA) + (PUUN) <PO>

(RVQA) + (MAUN) <MO>

(RVQA) + (PEUN) <BY>


10. Reference order “Ref Ord”



11. Responsible/Responsible for reporting “Resp”



12. Shelf life “Sh Life”


13. Location “To Loc”


60. Remaining quantity in order unit + Unit "Qty"


14. Advance shipment notice exists


15. Buyer (BUYE) “Buy”

16. Confirmed delivery date

(CODT) “Con Dl Dt”

17. Confirmed quantity

(CFQA) + (PUUN) “Con Qty” + Unit

18. Delivery method

(MODL) “Del Mtd”

19. Delivery terms

(TEDL) “Del Trm”

20. Purchase order item description

(PITT) “PO Itm Des”

21. Purchase order item name (PITD) “PO Itm Nm”

22. Receipt date (RCDT) “Rec Dt”

23. Rejected quantity

(RJQA) + (PUUN) “Rej Qty” + Unit

24. Requested delivery date

(DWDT) “Req Dl Dt”

25. Stored quantity

(SDQA) + (PUUN) “Str Qty” + Unit

26. Supplier (SUNO) “Supp”

27. Supplier item number

(SITE) “Supp Itm”

28. Supplier order number

(SORN) “Sup Ord”

29. Trasnport notified quantity

(TNQA) + (PUUN) “Not Qty” + Unit


30. Consignor (CONB) “Cons”

31. Container (CAMU) “Cont”

32. Delivered quantity – basic U/M

(DLQT) + (UNMS) “Del Qty” + Unit

33. Gross weight

(GRWE) + (WEUN) “Grs Wt” + Unit

34. Net weight

(NEWE) + (WEUN) “Net Wt” + Unit

35. Package number (PANR) “Pkg”

36. Shipment (CONN) “Ship”

37. Volume

(VOL3) + (VOUN) “Vol” + Unit


38. Actual finish date

(REFD) “Ac Fin Dt”

39. Actual start date

(RSDT) “Ac St Dt”

40. Finish date (FIDT) “Fin Dt”

41. Finish time (MFTI) “Fin Tm”

42. Manufactured quantity

(MAQA) + (MAUN) “Man Qty” + Unit

43. Original finish date

(FFID) “Or Fin Dt”

44. Original start date

(FSTD) “Or Str Dt”

45. Start date (STDT) “St Dt”

46. Start time (MSTI) “St Tim”

47. Text line 1 (TXT1) “Txt1”

48. Text line 2 (TXT2) “Txt2”


49. Allocated quantity – alternate U/M (ALQA) + (PEUN) “All Qty” + Unit

50. Operation description

(OPDS) “Op Desc”

51. Product number (PRNO) “Prod”

52. Reported quantity in alternative unit (RPQA) + (PEUN) “Rep Qty” + Unit

53. Reserved quantity in alternative unit (REQA) + (PEUN) “Res Qty” + Unit

54. Technical reference

(FMT2) “Tec Ref”

55. Text (FMT1) “Txt”

56. Work center (PLGR) “WC”

OIS390MI.SelOpenLine (CR)

57. Customer (CUNO) “Cust”

58. Customer order number (ORNO)/

Line number (PONR)/

Line suffix (POSX)/

“Cust Ord”

59. Returned quantity

(REQ1) + (UNMS) “Ret Qty” + Unit

Supported characters in label: "A-Z","a-z", "0-9" and "_" (underscore)




(Note: “^DEL METHOD” will display as “Del Method” in the device)


(default labels are used)

Extra info - Line 1

Set max 3 extra info fields to display

Format: N=X;N=X;N=X

N = field number

X = length in no of characters (including unit where applicable)

Tile format: Info is displayed in an extra line

Grid format: Info is displayed as extra columns added after existing columns

Fields configured in this parameter can be used for filtering

Extra info fields are supported for multi data barcode. The data type of the application identifier that will be assigned to the extra info fields should be set to string.

Common fields between different order types

1. Advised quantity “Adv Qty” + Unit

(ADQA) + (PUUN) <PO>

(REQ0) + (UNMS) <CR>

2. Approved quantity – alternate U/M

“App Qty” + Unit



3. Catch weight “CW” + CW unit


4. Order documents printed “Doc Prt”


5. Location “Loc”


6. Lot number “Lot”


7. Ordered quantity – alternate U/M

“Ord Qty” + Unit

(ORQA) + (PUUN) <PO>

(ORQA) + (MAUN) <MO>

8. Priority “Prio”


9. Received quantity/Receipt quantity “Rec Qty” + Unit

(RVQA) + (PUUN) <PO>

(RVQA) + (MAUN) <MO>

(RVQA) + (PEUN) <BY>


10. Reference order “Ref Ord”



11. Responsible/Responsible for reporting “Resp”



12. Shelf life “Sh Life”


13. Location “To Loc”


60: Remaining quantity in order unit + Unit "Qty


14. Advance shipment notice exists


15. Buyer (BUYE) “Buy”

16. Confirmed delivery date

(CODT) “Con Dl Dt”

17. Confirmed quantity

(CFQA) + (PUUN) “Con Qty” + Unit

18. Delivery method

(MODL) “Del Mtd”

19. Delivery terms

(TEDL) “Del Trm”

20. Purchase order item description

(PITT) “PO Itm Des”

21. Purchase order item name (PITD) “PO Itm Nm”

22. Receipt date (RCDT) “Rec Dt”

23. Rejected quantity

(RJQA) + (PUUN) “Rej Qty” + Unit

24. Requested delivery date

(DWDT) “Req Dl Dt”

25. Stored quantity

(SDQA) + (PUUN) “Str Qty” + Unit

26. Supplier (SUNO) “Supp”

27. Supplier item number

(SITE) “Supp Itm”

28. Supplier order number

(SORN) “Sup Ord”

29. Trasnport notified quantity

(TNQA) + (PUUN) “Not Qty” + Unit


30. Consignor (CONB) “Cons”

31. Container (CAMU) “Cont”

32. Delivered quantity – basic U/M

(DLQT) + (UNMS) “Del Qty” + Unit

33. Gross weight

(GRWE) + (WEUN) “Grs Wt” + Unit

34. Net weight

(NEWE) + (WEUN) “Net Wt” + Unit

35. Package number (PANR) “Pkg”

36. Shipment (CONN) “Ship”

37. Volume

(VOL3) + (VOUN) “Vol” + Unit


38. Actual finish date

(REFD) “Ac Fin Dt”

39. Actual start date

(RSDT) “Ac St Dt”

40. Finish date (FIDT) “Fin Dt”

41. Finish time (MFTI) “Fin Tm”

42. Manufactured quantity

(MAQA) + (MAUN) “Man Qty” + Unit

43. Original finish date

(FFID) “Or Fin Dt”

44. Original start date

(FSTD) “Or Str Dt”

45. Start date (STDT) “St Dt”

46. Start time (MSTI) “St Tim”

47. Text line 1 (TXT1) “Txt1”

48. Text line 2 (TXT2) “Txt2”


49. Allocated quantity – alternate U/M (ALQA) + (PEUN) “All Qty” + Unit

50. Operation description

(OPDS) “Op Desc”

51. Product number (PRNO) “Prod”

52. Reported quantity in alternative unit (RPQA) + (PEUN) “Rep Qty” + Unit

53. Reserved quantity in alternative unit (REQA) + (PEUN) “Res Qty” + Unit

54. Technical reference

(FMT2) “Tec Ref”

55. Text (FMT1) “Txt”

56. Work center (PLGR) “WC”

OIS390MI.SelOpenLine (CR)

57. Customer (CUNO) “Cust”

58. Customer order number (ORNO)/

Line number (PONR)/

Line suffix (POSX)/

“Cust Ord”

59. Returned quantity

(REQ1) + (UNMS) “Ret Qty” + Unit

Date fields (14,20,22,37,38,39,43,44,45): Date format is controlled by parameter “Date display format”.

Time fields (41 & 46 ): Time format is HH:MM (24 hour clock)

Field Remaining quantity in order unit (60): Always display remaining quantity or received quantity in the unit of the order depending on parm Action to Report (MO+BY). This is the same data that is displayed in the Quantity field if the Display Unit parameter is set to 1 (order unit).

All quantity fields (except Remaining quantity in order unit (60)): When the Display Unit parameter is set to 2 (reporting unit) and reporting unit is active then these fields are displayed in reporting unit.






Item description to display (PO)

0: Item master

1: Purchase order line

  • This parameter modifies the item description displayed in these screens:
    • Receive Line
    • List Putaway Tasks
    • Report/Update Putaway Task
    • Scan to Count
    • Print Label
    • List Locations
    • Sublots
  • This parameter is only available for M3 16+
1 0
Item name to display (PO)

0: Item master

1: Purchase order line

Note: This settings affects an item name displayed on these screens:
  • Receive Line
  • List Putaway Tasks
  • Report/Update Putaway Task
  • Scan to Count
  • Print Label
  • List Locations
  • Sublots
1 0
Sorting order

Set max 10 fields to sort by in the format N=X;N=X etc. where N = field number and X = either A for ascending or D for descending.


A. Ascending

D. Descending






OIS390MI.SelOpenLine (CR)

1. Item



2. Item name


<PO> (PB3=0; ITDS



3. Quantity+Unit

4. Order type

5. Supplier name



<MO/BY> (“Production”)


<RO> Blank

6. Date






7. Order/Line






8. Delivery




9. Extra info 1

10. Extra info 2

11. Exta info 3

4=A;1=A;9=D;10=D 6=A;8=A;7=A
Note:  If you do not specify a value for the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

Receive Line / Return Line screen

Use this screen to report the receipt of an order line.

Receive Line / Return Line screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Action to report (CR)

1: Receipt + Inspection

2: Receipt only (no inspection)

Note: This parameter is only applicable for M3 BE version 16 and higher.

When set to 1, the line is received and inspected. Use a location with status 2 = Approved.

When set to 2, the line is received only. Use a location with status 1 = Under inspection.

2 1
Action to report (MO+BY)

1: Receipt (receipt can be triggered if quantity is positive, negative quantity is not allowed)

2: Return (return can be triggered irrespective of the quantity input-positive or negative)

  • If the parameter Action to report (MO+BY) in the Receive Line / Return Line screen is set to 1(Receipt), the negative quantity is not allowed in the Receive Line / Return Line screen.
  • If the parameter Action to report (MO+BY) in the If you do not specify a value for the parameter, or you specify Receive Line / Return Line screen is set to 2(Return), the Lot Input field is always displayed (and mandatory) for lot controlled items irrespective of the lot numbering method.
 2 1
API warnings to suppress (BY)


Note: Example ”1;2;4” will send ”1” in DSP1, DPS2 and DSP4 API fields.
1;4;6 Blank
API warnings to suppress (MO)


Note: Example ”1;2;4” will send ”1” in DSP1, DPS2 and DSP4 API fields.
1;4;6 Blank
Attribute - Include non-order attributes

0: No

1: Yes

When set to 1, include attributes connected to the order and attributes not connected to the order.

When set to 0, include attributes connected to the order.

This parameter is only applicable for M3 BE version 16 and higher

1 0
Attribute sequence numbers to include Numeric value (multi or range) 10-30;50;90 Blank
Attribute validation

0: No validation. Any value is allowed.

1: Validation. Any value is allowed. A warning is displayed if a non-valid value is entered.

2: Validation. Only valid values are allowed.

Note: For alphanumeric attributes (type 1) the M3 setting Allow Blank controls if Blank is a valid value. For other attribute types Blank is not a valid value.
2 0
Auto confirm input field data

Input fields:

1: Item

2: Lot

3: Container

4: Quantity

5: To Location

6: Exp Date/Prod Date (PO/MO/BY)

7: Packaging

8: Attributes (PO/MO/BY)

9: Delivery note

10: Outer package

11: Packaging Out

12: No of Pkgs

13: Qty per Pkg

14: Close

15: Manufacturer’s serial no

16: Manufacturing Date

17: Unit

18: Remark (PO)

19: Import Decl No (PO)

The user can specify these values for the input fields:

A: No. The user must confirm the value either by scanning or by entering the data manually.

B: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically.

C: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is not Blank.

D: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is Blank.

  • If no value is suggested for a mandatory field, the user must scan a value regardless of how this parameter is configured.
  • The setting for 8 (Attributes) applies to all attributes.
 1=B;5=C 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A;5=A;6=A;7=A;8=A; 9=A;10=A;11=A;12=A;13=A;14=A;15=A;16=A;17=A;18=A;19=A
Auto trigger browse

1: To location

2: Packaging

3: Packaging Out

4: Unit

5: Attributes (PO/MO/BY)

This parameter controls the browse to be auto-triggered when the configured field is selected.

1;3;5 Blank
Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Auto trigger ADD LINE

0: No

1: Yes

Note: This parameter will always take precedence over Auto trigger next when all input fields confirmed parameter. This parameter is not dependent on Enable option to add line (DO) parameter
1 0
Bridge multidata barcode
  1. Search
  2. Lines


A. No. Do not bridge.

B. Yes. Bridge and auto confirm

When set N=B;

  • If multidata barcode is scanned in screen N and there is at least one mapped field in the screen with data in the scanned barcode, the data from the barcode is saved and automatically used in the report screen. Mapped report screen input fields are auto confirmed with the data in the barcode.
  • Bridging of multidata barcode take precedence over all parameters used to suggest and confirm input fields including remember reported data settings.
  • After bridged data is used to confirm mapped fields in the report screen, the data is no longer remembered. Leaving the report screen and going back in does not bridge the scanned data again.
1=B;2=B 1=A;2=A
Check packaging quantity

1: Check packaging standard quantity

2: Check packaging minimum quantity

3: Check packaging maximum quantity

A: Warning

B: Error

If this parameter is active:
  • If input field Packaging is displayed in the list, a check is made when pressing Next to report the receipt.
  • If input field Qty / Pkg is displayed and multi package receipt is triggered: Check Qty / Pkg against packaging quantity
  • If input field Qty / Pkg is displayed and multi package receipt is not triggered: Check Total Qty against packaging quantity
  • If input field Qty / Pkg is not displayed: Check Quantity against packaging quantity

If set to 1=X: A warning (if X=A) or error (if X=B) is displayed if quantity to be reported is different from the standard packaging quantity.

If set to 2=X: A warning (if X=A) or error (if X=B) is displayed if quantity to be reported is less than the minimum packaging quantity.

If set to 3=X: A warning (if X=A) or error (if X=B) is displayed if quantity to be reported is more than the maximum packaging quantity.

If multiple warnings/errors generated at receipt:
  • Warnings are displayed in the order set up in this parameter.
  • Error is always displayed before warning.
  • If error is displayed then no warnings will be displayed.

This parameter is only available for M3 16+

1=A;2=B;3=B Blank(no check)
Container Validation

0: No validation

1: Warning if container exists

2: Error if container exists

If set to 1 or 2, a warning or error is displayed if the scanned container exists on any balance ID in the existing warehouse.

1 0
Create package before receipt (MO)



If set to 0:

If package in stock does not exist it will be created by the receive API.

If set to 1:

If package in stock does not exist it will be created by a separate API call before calling the receive API.

This parameter must be set to 0 if a package in stock label should be auto printed based on M3 parameter "Print Package" set for the MO order type in PMS120/E.

This parameter must be set to 1 if parameter "Suggest data for input field SSCC" = 2 (Same as package), else SSCC will not be same as package for MO. Other order types (PO/DO/RO/BY/CR) are not depending on this parameter.

For all other order types (PO/DO/RO/BY/CR) package is always created before receipt (similar to setting 1 in this parameter)

1 0
Date format Exp/Prod Date















15: YYMM

16: MMYY

Note:  For 13-16, DD is set as the last day of the month.

This setting also applies to input field Manufacturing Date

1 7
Default data for input field No of Labels

A: Fixed value

B: Labels per package

No of Labels: Any numeric value

When set A=N, the No of Labels input field is defaulted with the value N.

When set B=N, if No of Pkgs input field is displayed, No of Labels input field is defaulted with the value in No of Pkgs multiplied with N. The No of Labels field value is updated when the No of Pkgs is confirmed even if the No of Labels field is confirmed.

If No of Pkgs input field is not displayed, the No of Labels input field is defaulted with the value N.

B=2 Blank
Display item description

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • If item description is blank the extra line is not displayed.
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed displaying only single space between words.
Note: This parameter is only available for M3 16+
1 0
Enable option to add line (DO)

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1: Function button ADD LINE is displayed that will open screen Add Line.

1 0
Enable option to browse To Location

0: No

1: Yes. Auto confirm after select.

2: Yes. No auto confirm after select.

When set to 1 or 2, a list of either balance IDs (details or summary) or available locations are displayed.

When set to 1, data is confirmed in the calling screen after selecting a record in the list.

When set to 2, data is suggested but not confirmed in the calling screen after selecting a record in the list. If unique key data is scanned in the list, data is auto confirmed in the calling screen.

2 0
Enable option to close all lines (PO)


0: No

1: Yes. Only by function option.

2: Yes. Only by Next.

3: Yes. By Next or function option.

If set to 1 or 3, the CLOSE LINE function is available closes the current line. A confirm prompt is displayed before closing the line.

If set to 2 or 3, possible to close the line by confirming Quantity as 0 and Close as 1. Next option is enabled when Quantity and Close are confirmed regardless if other fields are confirmed or not. A confirm prompt is displayed before closing the line.

If set to 1, 2 or 3, action after closing a line is controlled by parameter “Screen to display after report” scenario “2” (Report all of remaining quantity).

3 0
Enable option to print balance ID label

1: Yes. Prompts to print after each receipt.

When set to 1, the Print Label screen is displayed after the receipt is reported.

When set to 1 and multi package receipt is triggered, the Print Label Screen is displayed after all containers are received.

Label to print is the putaway label (MWS450PF).

If the Retrieve putaway tasks parameter is enabled (>”0”), the parameter defaults to blank. Label can be printed using the function button in the Report Putaway task screen.

1 Blank
Enable option to receive multiple packages

0: No

1: Yes. No warning

2: Yes. Display warning.

It set to 1 or 2 and No of Pkgs, Qty / Pkg and Total Qty are displayed and Item is container managed with method 7 (package in stock) and Container is confirmed with *AUTO*

  • Multi package receipt is activated
  • No of receipts triggered = input in field No of Pkgs
  • Quantity in each receipt = input in Qty / Pkg
  • A new container (package in stock) is created for each receipt
  • If item is lot controlled: Same Lot is used in all receipts
  • Input field Quantity is hidden.
  • If input field Outer Package is displayed: same Outer Package is used receipts.


  • Multi package receipt is not activated
  • No of receipts triggered =1
  • If fields No of Pkgs, Qty / Pkg and Total Qty are displayed the Quantity received = calculated value No of Pkgs x Qty / Pkg +Quantity
  • If fields No pf Pkgs, Qty / Pkg and Total Qty are not displayed the Quantity received = input quantity

If set to 2, a warning is displayed before receive.

This parameter is 0 by default when receiving catch weight items

1 0
Enable option to report sublots

0: No

1: Yes. Manual (function button)

2: Yes. Auto (when select Quantity) + Manual (function button)

3: Yes. Auto (when confirm Quantity) + Manual (function button).

If set to 1,2 or 3

  • SUBLOTS function is available for input field Quantity to display the Sublots screen
  • Numpad function is not displayed
  • Input field Quantity cannot be manually confirmed. It is always auto confirmed with the no of sublots captured in the sublots screen.
  • These input fields are not displayed:
    • Attributes (displayed if M3 v16 or higher)
    • Qty per Pkg
    • Unit
    • No of Pkgs
    • Total Qty (info)
    • Import Decl No (PO).
  • No potency support

If set to 2, SUBLOTS function is automatically triggered when input field Quantity is highlighted if Quantity is not yet confirmed.

If set to 3, SUBLOTS function is automatically triggered when data is input in the Quantity input field.

If Sublots screen is triggered automatically after input of a value in the Quantity input field (setting “3”) then Remaining and Suggested quantity in the Sublots screen is based on the input value instead of remaining for the line.

This parameter is only applicable for sublot controlled items and is not applicable for RO receipt.

For BY-product receipt, this parameter is only applicable for M3 BE version 16 and higher.

Reporting unit is not applicable for sublot items when sublot reporting is active.

2 0
Enable scan to count

0: No

1: Yes. Manual (function button)

2: Yes. Auto (when select Quantity) + Manual (function button)

3: Yes. Auto (when confirm Quantity) + Manual (function button)

If set to 1, 2 or 3, the COUNT option is available for the Quantity input field that triggers the Scan to Count screen. The Numpad option is not displayed in this scenario.

If set to 2, the COUNT option is automatically triggered when Quantity input field is selected. This is possible only if the value specified in the Quantity field is not confirmed.

If set to 3:

The COUNT function option is automatically triggered when data is input in the Quantity field. Remaining and Suggested quantity on the Count screen is based on the input value.

If set to 1,2 or 3, the Scan to Count transaction can be set using the "1:X" format. In this format, X is considered as Scan to Count profile ID.

Scan to count is not available if No of Pkgs, Qty / Pkg and Total Qty fields are displayed.

When the reporting unit is active, the Quantity field on the Scan to Count screen is in reporting unit.

Generate new lot for every receipt (MO)

0: No

1: Yes

Note: 1: Always retrieve a new lot number for items with auto lot numbering without using the lot from MO head (if existing).

If set to 1 and multi-package receipt is triggered then the same lot will be used for all containers.

This parameter is only applicable when Lot input field is not displayed on screen.

This parameter is not applicable when sublot reporting is active (item is sublot controlled and Enable option to report sublots parameter = 1, 2 or 3).

1 0
Include work center when auto generate lot (MO/BY)



If set to 1: MO/BY: Retrieve work center from first operation with production lot control enabled and use as input when auto create lot number

This parameter is only applicable for M3 BE 16+

1 0
Item alias – Default data for input field Unit/Qty Per Pkg *ALS(alias unit/quantity)

When set to *ALS,

  • if Unit input field is displayed, an Item is confirmed by scanning an item alias in the unit from the alias in MMS025 is confirmed in the Unit input field.
  • if Qty per Pkg field is displayed, an item is confirmed by scanning an item alias the quantity from the alias in MMS025 is confirmed in the Qty per Pkg input field.

When the reporting unit is active, the Alias quantity is converted from order/basic unit to reporting unit and confirmed as Qty per Pkg.

*ALS Blank
Lot input

Order types:

  • PO Purchase Order
  • MO Manufacturing Order
  • BY Manufacturing Order By-prod
  • CR Customer Return

Settings: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (enter single value or multiple values without semicolon, for example, “127”)

Set the auto lot numbering methods where Lot input field will be displayed even if lot numbering method indicates auto generation of lot. This allows the option to override auto generation of lot with a manually scanned lot. This parameter is not applicable for DO or RO since not possible to change lot at receipt.

Lot numbering method 4 is considered auto generation of lot only for PO and manual generation for other order types. Lot numbering method 5 is considered auto generation of lot only for MO and manual generation for other order types.

M3 lot numbering methods:


1: Auto (YYMM + six pos seq no)

2: Auto (YY + eight pos seq no)

3: Auto (seven pos seq no)

6: Auto (YYMMDD + four pos seq no)

7: Auto (numbering rule)


4: Goods Receiving no (PO=auto, DO/RO/MO/BY/CR=manual)

5: Manufacturing Order no (MO=auto, PO/DO/RO/BY/CR=manual


0: Manual (All)

If ”Action to report (MO+BY)” = ”2” (return) then blank, mandatory lot input field is always displayed for lot items regardless of lot numbering method.

PO=13;MO=127 Blank

(default is to display lot input field only for items with manual lot numbering)

Mandatory input fields

The mandatory input fields:

1: Container (container method 7)

2: Attributes

3: Lot reference 1

4: Lot reference 2

5: Delivery note

6: Outer package

7: No of Pkgs

8: Qty per Pkg

9: Close

10: Lot (auto lot numbering)

11: Manufacturer’s serial no

12: Manufacturing Date

13: Unit

14: No of Labels

15: Remark

16: Import Decl No

The following input fields are always mandatory when displayed:

  • Item
  • Lot
  • Container (container method 1-6)
  • Quantity
  • To location
  • Packaging
  • Exp Date/Prod Date
  • Catch Weight
  • Packaging Out
Note: The settings performed for 3 Attribute are applicable to all attributes.
1;2 Blank
Manuf Serial input

Order types:

  • PO Purchase Order
  • DO Distribution Order
  • RO Requisition Order
  • MO Manufacturing Order
  • BY Manufacturing Order By-prod
  • CR Customer Return

Settings: 2,3,5.

Set the order type/lot control method(s) for which the Manuf Serial is displayed.

Input field Manuf Serial is only displayed if input field Lot is displayed.

PO=25;DO=5 Blank
Numeric keypad - Activate negative sign

1: Quantity

2: Catch weight

3: Exp Date/Prod Date

4: Attributes

5: No of Pkgs

6: Qty per Pkg

7: Close

8: Manufacturing Date

9: No of Labels

A: No

B: Yes

1=B;2=B 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A;5=A;6=A;7=A;8=A;9=A
Numeric keypad – Enable

1: Quantity

2: Catch weight

3: Exp Date/Prod Date

4: Attributes

5: No of Pkgs

6: Qty per Pkg

7: Close

8: Manufacturing Date

9: No of Labels

A: No

B: Yes

C: Yes, auto display

1=C;2=B 1=B;2=B;3=B;4=B;5=B;6=B;7=B;8=B;9=B
Populate scan field with suggested data

1: Item

2: Lot

3: Container

4: Quantity

5: To Location

6:Exp Date/Prod Date (PO/MO/BY)

7: Packaging

8: Catch weight

9: Attributes (PO/MO/BY)

10: Lot Reference 1

11: Lot Reference 2

12: Delivery Note (PO)

13: Outer package

14: Packaging Out

15: No of Pkgs

16:Qty per Pkg

17: Close

18: Manufacturer’s serial no

19: Manufacturing Date

20: Unit

21: Remark

22: Import Decl No (PO)

1;2;5 Blank
Potency - Quantity input

0:Normal quantity

1:Physical quantity

Note: This parameter only applies to DO, RO, and PO order types.

This setting is only applicable for potency managed items.

When set to 1:

  • Input of Quantity field is physical quantity
  • Unit,No of Pkgs, Qty/Pkg, and Total Qty fields are not displayed.

Reporting unit is not applicable for potency managed items when set to 1.

1 0
Quantity info - Unit


Any Unit

  • *WHS (from item/whs MMS002)
  • *BAS (basic unit MMS001))
  • *UNIT (same as input field UNIT)
  • REP (reporting unit)

No of decimals:

Any number of decimals

*UNIT (alt unit no of decimals in MMS015)

Set parameter in “Option;No of decimals” format.

Trailing zeroes in decimals are always removed regardless of setting for no of decimals.

Option to display Received Quantity info field with Received / Ordered quantity is activated using Sequence of input fields parameter.

When set to Reporting unit (*REP): Quantity is displayed in the unit based on the setting of Reporting unit - Sequence and Reporting unit - Conversion parameters. When the reporting unit is not activated, this parameter is set to Blank.

*WHS; *UNIT or PAL;2 Blank (order unit)
Remember input field data

1: Item

2: Lot

3: Container

4: Quantity

5: To location

6: Exp Date/Prod Date (PO/MO/BY)

7: Packaging

8: Catch Weight

9: Attributes (PO/MO/BY)

10: Lot reference 1

11: Lot reference 2

12: Delivery note

13: Outer package

14: Packaging Out

15: No of Pkgs

16: Qty per Pkg

17: Close

18: Manufacturer’s serial no

19: Manufacturing Date

20: Unit

21: No of Labels (PO)

22: Remark (PO)

23: Import Decl No (PO)

A Yes. The transaction is auto confirmed, when receiving the same order line.

B Yes. The transaction is auto confirmed for all lines.

C Yes. The transaction is not confirmed, when receiving the same order line.

D Yes. The transaction is not auto confirmed for all lines.

  • This parameter is only applicable if the Screen to display after report parameter is set to display the same line again after the receipt option.
  • Data is defaulted until user exit Receive Line screen. Data is not defaulted if the same (or other) line is selected from the list.
  • Data is defaulted until the user exit Lines screen to perform a new search.

For parameter options B and D, these input fields are applicable:

  • Container
  • To Location
  • Exp Date/Prod Date (PO/MO/BY)
  • Packaging
  • Lot reference 1
  • Lot reference 2
  • Delivery note
  • Outer package
  • Packaging Out
  • Manufacturing Date
  • Unit
  • No of Labels (PO)
  • Remark (PO)
  • Import Decl No (PO)

For “Quantity” (4): Parameter option A is not applicable if item is sublot controlled and Enable option to report sublots parameter is active (> 0).

1=A;2=A;5=A;6=A;7=A; 8=C;9=A;10=C;11=C Blank (nothing remembered)
Reporting unit – Conversion

Set the units to be replaced by other units as reporting unit.

Format: X=Y;X=Y:X=Y etc.

Where X=From unit and Y=To Unit

Current unit X is replaced by unit Y if the Conversion option is set in the Reporting unit – Sequence parameter and none of the options in the sequence before conversion are valid.

Reporting unit - Sequence

Set a sequence to search an alternate reporting unit that can be used instead of the basic unit when reporting.

Fixed (Any unit)
  • Warehouse (MMS002)
  • Log unit (MMS015)
  • Conversion (parm "Reporting unit - Conversion")
  • Basic unit (MMS001)

When set to Log unit (2) and when there are multiple units set up as logistic unit in MMS015, the first unit found is used. (sorted in alphanumerical order).

This parameter is not applicable for sublot items when sublot reporting is active.

If reporting unit is active, the reporting unit is used in these screens:
  • List Putaway Tasks
  • Report/Update Putaway Task
  • Print Label (controlled by parameter)
  • Add Line
  • Scan to Count
  • List Locations
3;2;BOX Blank
Retrieve putaway tasks


1=Yes. Only the Stock tasks are included(crossdock type 0, 4, 5 or 9).

2=Yes. Only the Crossdock tasks are included (crossdock type 1, 2 or 3).

3=Yes. All the tasks are included.

Note: The To Location input field can be set to display the suggested/confirmed value to *AUTO* so that final Location is displayed and confirmed in the Report/Update putaway task screen. This task can be completed by configuring the Suggest data for input field Location parameter.
3 0
Screen to display after report


  1. Report less than remaining quantity
  2. Report all of remaining quantity (or more)


  • A. Search
  • B. Lines
  • C. Receive Line (same line)
  • D. Receive Line (next line)
  • If set to B (lines): If there are no more lines in the list, the search screen is displayed.

    If set to C (same line): Remember input field data Parameter controls the input field data that must be specified.

    If set to D (next line): After the last line of the list is received, the lines screen is displayed (does not display first line again). If there are no more lines in the list, the search screen is displayed.

If multi package receipt is triggered, then this parameter applies after all containers are received.

Scenario 2 applies after a PO line is closed using function button Close Line or by confirming Quantity = 0 and Close = 1 if parameter “Enable option to close line (PO) is > 0.

1=C;2=A 1=B;2=B
Sequence of input fields

1: Item

2: Lot

3: Container

4: Quantity

5: To Location

6: Exp Date/Prod Date (PO/MO/BY)

7: Packaging

8: Catch Weight

9: Attributes (PO/MO/BY)

10: Lot Reference 1

11: Lot Reference 2

12: Delivery note (PO)

13: Outer package

14: Packaging Out

15:No of Pkgs

16: Qty per Pkg

17:Total Qty (info field)

18: Close

19: Manufacturer’s serial no

20: Manufacturing Date

21: Unit

22: No of Labels (PO)

23: Remark (PO)

24: Received Quantity (info field)

25: Import Decl No (PO)

Note:  For attribute method 3, only attributes with error are displayed.

Outer Package and Packaging Out fields are applicable only when receiving an item with container method 7 (package in stock).

Packaging Out field is removed if Outer Package is confirmed as blank.

Field Close is not applicable for customer returns.

Manufacturer’s serial no and Manufacturing Date fields are only displayed if Lot input field is also displayed.

If ”Action to report (MO+BY)” = ”2” (return) then blank, mandatory lot input field is always displayed for lot items regardless of lot numbering method.

Field Unit is only displayed if No of Pkgs is displayed.

For No of Pkgs, Qty per Pkg and Total Qty fields:

  • Fields works in combination and none of the fields will display unless all are set to display.
  • If fields are included then field Total Qty will act as info field and display the calculated value No of Pkgs x Qty per Pkg + Quantity
  • If fields are included then value input in field Quantity will be added to the calculated value No of Pkgs x Qty per Pkg to get the Total Qty
  • If fields are included then it is possible to activate multi package receipts if item has container management 7 and Container is confirmed with *AUTO* (see parameter Enable option to receive multiple packages)
  • If fields are included, item has container management 7, item is not active/catch weight item, container is confirmed with *AUTO* and parameter Enable option to receive multiple packages=1 then input field Quantity is hidden.

If item is sublot controlled and parameter “Enable option to report sublots” is active (>0), these fields are not displayed:

9. Attributes (PO/MO/BY) (displayed if M3 v16 or higher.)

15. No of Pkgs

16. Qty per Pkg

17. Total Qty (info field)

21. Unit

25. Import Decl No (PO)

Import Decl No field is applicable to purchase order only and for M3 BE 16 and above.

Received Quantity field (24): Displays Received / Ordered quantity re-calculated into unit set in the Quantity info - Unit parameter.

If order type is Customer Returns (CR) and “Action to report (CR)” is set to “2” (Receive only), then these fields are not displayed:

3. Container

6. Exp Date/Prod Date (PO/MO/BY)

7. Packaging

9. Attributes (PO/MO/BY)

12. Delivery note (PO)

13. Outer Package

14. Packaging Out

18. Close

22. No of Labels (PO)

23. Remark (PO)

25. Import Decl No (PO)

5;2;3;1;4 1;2;3;7;4;8;5;6;10;11;12;9;18
Suggest data for input field Container

Any container



Note: *AUTO* is only applicable for container method 7. For container method 1-6 suggested value is Blank if this parameter is set to *AUTO*.
Note: *PKG is only applicable for DO when container method 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7 in receiving warehouse and 0 in shipping warehouse.

If set to *AUTO* and No of Pkgs, Qty per Pkg and Total Qty input fields are displayed then it is possible to activate multi package receipt.

*AUTO* Blank
Suggest data for input field Close

0: No

1: Yes

0 Blank
Suggest data for input field Exp Date

0: Blank

1: Current date + shelf life

0 1
Suggest data for input field Import Decl No
Fixed (any alpha)
Note: This parameter is applicable only for M3 BE 16 and above.
JLCIDN01 Blank
Suggest data for input field Lot

Order types:

  • PO Purchase Order
  • MO Manufacturing Order
  • BY Manufacturing Order By-prod
  • CR Customer Return


Any lot

*AUTO* (auto generate new lot)

DO/RO: Parameter is not applicable for DO or RO since not possible to change lot at receipt.

If multi package receipt is triggered the same lot will be used for all containers regardless of this setting.


  • If set to "X"

    ALL: Lot “X” is suggested

  • If set to *AUTO*:


    Lot is suggested as*AUTO* but can be overridden by scanning a specific lot.


  • If *AUTO* is confirmed, a new lot number will be generated at receipt (MMS235MI.RtvNxtLotNo is called before the receive API)
  • If *AUTO* is used for lot numbering method 4 the lot will be generated by M3 when the receive API is called (not before by MMS235MI.RtvNxtLotNo) since no API to get GR no before receipt


  • If “*AUTO*” is confirmed, a new lot number will be generated at receipt (MMS235MI.RtvNxtLotNo is called before the receive API). This will override any lot set on the MO
  • Setting “*AUTO*” is not applicable for lot numbering method 5 (will default to Blank instead)

CR: If “*AUTO*” is confirmed, a new lot number will be generated at receipt (MMS235MI.RtvNxtLotNo is called before the receive API). This will override any lot set on the CR.

If set to blank:


  • Lot is suggested as blank and confirm blank will confirm “*AUTO*” (unless input lot is set as mandatory). A specific lot can be scanned.
  • If “*AUTO*” is confirmed, a new lot number will be generated at receipt (MMS235MI.RtvNxtLotNo is called before the receive API)

MO/BY: Lot is suggested from the MO but can be overridden by scanning a specific lot.

CR: Lot is suggested from the CR but can be overridden by scanning a specific lot.


  • If set to "X"

    ALL: Lot “X” is suggested

  • If set to *AUTO*

    ALL: Setting *AUTO* is not applicable and will work as if set to blank.

If set to blank:

PO:Lot is suggested as blank.

MO/BY: Lot is suggested from the MO.

CR: Lot is suggested from the CR.



1:Auto (YYMM + six pos seq no)

2:Auto (YY + eight pos seq no)

3:Auto (seven pos seq no)

6:Auto (YYMMDD + four pos seq no)

7:Auto (numbering rule)


4:Goods Receiving number (PO=auto, DO/RO/MO/BY/CR=manual)

5:Manufacturing Order no (MO/BY=auto, PO/DO/RO/CR=manual


0:Manual (All)
Suggest data for input field No of Pkgs

Any numeric value

A: Remaining to receive.

If set to A:

  • After ”Qty / Pkg” is confirmed: Suggested value for ”No of Pkgs” will be calculated as integer of Remaining qty / ”Qty / Pkg”.
  • After ”Qty / Pkg” is confirmed: Suggested value for ”Quantity” will be calculated as Remaining qty - suggested ”No of Pkgs” * ”Qty / Pkg”.
  • After ”No of Pkgs” is confirmed: Suggested value for ”Quantity” will be re-calculated as Remaining qty - confirmed ”No of Pkgs” * ”Qty / Pkg”.

If Quantity is confirmed with value <> suggested before No of Pkgs is confirmed: Suggest blank ”No of Pkgs” (since calculated value is no longer true.

1 Blank
Suggest data for input field Outer Package

Any package


If set to *AUTO*, a new outer package is created with package number based on the logic from selected Outer Package Packaging.

If the multi package receipt is triggered (No of Pkgs > 1 and Container = "*AUTO*"), same outer package is used for all containers.

*AUTO* Blank
Suggest data for input field Packaging

Any packaging

*SYS (suggest packaging based on M3 settings in MMS053)

*AUTO* (suggest packaging as *AUTO* and when quantity is confirmed suggest packaging based on M3 settings in MMS053)

  • If set to *SYS: Packaging is retrieved from M3 and suggested based on suggested quantity. When quantity is confirmed or re-confirmed packaging is retrieved again and the suggested packaging is updated (unless packaging field is already confirmed).
  • If set to *AUTO*: Packaging is retrieved from M3 and suggested based on confirmed quantity (packaging field is suggested with *AUTO* until quantity is confirmed). If quantity is re-confirmed packaging is retrieved again and the suggested packaging is updated (unless packaging field is already confirmed with something else than *AUTO*). If no packaging is retrieved from M3, then the field is Blank and not confirmed.

    If Total Qty input field is displayed then value in the Total Qty field is used instead of Quantity to retrieve packaging. But if multiple package is activated, Qty/Pkg is used to retrieve packaging.

*AUTO* Blank
Suggest data for input field Packaging Out Any packaging PAL Blank
Suggest data for input field Prod Date

0: Blank

1: Current date

0 1
Suggest data for input field Qty per Pkg

Any numeric value

A: Remaining to receive

B=Packaging quantity (standard quantity)

If set to A: If ”No of Pkgs” is confirmed with value >1 or if ”Quantity” is confirmed with value >0 then suggested data will be blank.

If set to B:
  • After input field Packaging is confirmed: If input field “Qty / Pkg” is not yet confirmed, the standard quantity of the selected packaging is suggested
  • If input field Packaging is not displayed: This works as setting blank.

Option B is only available for M3 16+

A Blank
Suggest data for input field Quantity

Any numeric value

A=Remaining to receive

B=Packaging quantity (standard quantity)

If set to B:
  • After input field Packaging is confirmed: If input field Quantity is not yet confirmed it will be suggested with the standard quantity of the selected packaging.
  • If input field Packaging is not displayed: Will work as setting A.
  • If Packaging data cannot be found or standard quantity is blank: Suggested quantity is left as is (no change, will work as setting A)
If No of Pkgs, Qty / Pkg and Total Qty are displayed:
  • This parameter is not applicable
  • Suggested data Remaining to receive is displayed as info for the Total Qty field

Option B is only available for M3 16+

Suggest data for input field Remark

Any remark

Anything Blank
Suggest data for input field SSCC

1: Blank (auto generate)

2: Same as package

Note: For MO, parameter "Create package before receipt (MO)" must be set to 1 if this parameter = 2 (Same as package), else SSCC will not be same as package for MO. Other order types (PO/DO/RO/BY/CR) are not depending on parameter "Create package before receipt (MO)"

If set to 2:

New package in stock will get SSCC same as package if package number is 18 characters numeric. If package number is <> 18 characters numeric the new package will get an auto generated SSCC.

2 1
Suggest data for input field Status bal ID (MO+BY) 1, 2 or 3 1 Blank
Suggest data for input field To Location

Options: Fixed (any location)

*SYS (system directed)

*WHS (MMS002 location)


A: Display *AUTO* as a suggested value

Note: If A is added to a fixed location or *SYS or *WHS it will display *AUTO* as a suggested To Location value on screen but still use the fixed or system directed or warehouse location in the background. This setting can be used to display and confirm final location in the Report/Update putaway task screen instead of Receive Line screen. Also setTo Location as auto confirmed using Auto confirm input field data.
If set to *WHS:
  • Suggests location from MMS002 Location field.
  • By default, value is set to *SYS, for PO with next step as inspection or putaway.
  • By default, value is set to *SYS, for CR with next step as inspection.

Customer Returns when action is set to 2 (receive only):

  • If set to *SYS: Location from customer order return line is suggested.
  • Location must have status proposal “1” (under inspection).

Suggest data for input field Unit

Any unit

*WHS (from item/whs MMS002)

*LOG (logistic unit in MMS015)

*BAS (basic unit MMS001)

If set to any unit or *WHS: The unit must be set up as s logistic unit for the item in M3 (MMS015) else it will default to blank unit.

If set to *LOG: If multiple units are set up as logistic unit in MMS015 it will use the first one it finds (sorted in alphanumeric order).

*WHS Blank
Verify input field suggested data

Input fields:

1: Quantity

2: To Location

3: Lot (MO/BY/CR)

4: Exp Date/Prod Date (PO/MO/BY)

5: Container

6: Packaging

7: Attributes (PO/MO/BY)

8: Delivery note

9: Outer package

10: Packaging Out

11: No of Pkgs

12: Qty per Pkg

13: Total Qty

14: Close

15: Manufacturer's serial no

16: Manufacturing Date

17: Unit

18: Remark

19: Import Decl No

The user can set the value of the fields to:

A: No. The scanned value is not verified against the suggested value.

B: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value does not match the suggested value.

C: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.

D: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value.

E: Yes. The scanned value must match the suggested value.

F: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value.

G: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value.

H: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.

I: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value.

  • Values C, D, F, G, H and I are only applicable for numeric input fields.
  • If data is not specified, the value A is defaulted.
  • The setting for 7 (Attributes) applies to all attributes. For alphanumeric attributes C/D function like B and F/G/H/I work like E.
1=F;2=B 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A;5=A;6=A;7=A;8=A;9=A;10=A;11=A;12=A;13=A;14=A;15=A;16=A;17=A;18=A;19=A

Receive Package screen

Use this screen to report the receipt of a package.

For Purchase Orders a package receipt is automatically triggered for three transactions:

  • Stage the package
  • Receive the ASN that the package is connected to and
  • Putaway the package

Receive Package screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Action to report (PO)

1: Stage package, receive delivery note and putaway package

2: Stage package, receive delivery note (no putaway package)

3: Stage package (no receive delivery note, no putaway)

To be able to stage package, M3 parameter Stage package before receipt in CRS780 (M3 settings- Purchasing) must be turned on.

If set to 2 or 3: Input field To Location is not displayed.

2 1
Auto confirm input field data

Input field:

1: To Location

The user can specify these values for the input fields:

A: No. The user must confirm the value either by scanning or by entering the data manually.

B: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically.

C: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is not Blank.

D: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is Blank.

Note: If no value is suggested for a mandatory field, the user must scan a value regardless of how this parameter is configured.
 1=B 1=A
Auto trigger browse

1: To location

Controls for what fields browse is auto triggered when non-confirmed input field is selected/highlighted.

1 Blank
Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed

0: No Auto confirm input field data

1Auto confirm: Yes

1 0
Bridge multidata barcode


  1. Search


A. No. Do not bridge.

B. Yes. Bridge and auto confirm

When set N=B;

  • If multidata barcode is scanned in screen N and there is at least one mapped field in the screen with data in the scanned barcode, the data from the barcode is saved and automatically used in the report screen. Mapped report screen input fields are auto confirmed with the data in the barcode.
  • Bridging of multidata barcode take precedence over all parameters used to suggest and confirm input fields including remember reported data settings.
  • After bridged data is used to confirm mapped fields in the report screen, the data is no longer remembered. Leaving the report screen and going back in does not bridge the scanned data again.
1=B 1=A
Display item description

0 = No

1 = Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • If item description is blank the extra line will not display
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed leaving only single spaces. E.g. "Cotton /Color 3 /Large" is displayed as "Cotton /Color 3 /Large"
Note: This parameter is only available for M3 16+
1 0
Enable option to browse To Location


1=Yes. Auto confirm after select

2=Yes. No auto confirm after select

If set to 1 or 2:
  • If package contains one item only (one or multiple balance IDs), the following lists can be displayed:
    • List of balance IDs (details)
    • List of balance IDs (summary)
    • List of suggested locations for the item where the full quantity fits in each location
    • List of empty locations
  • Regardless of package contents the following list can be displayed:
    • List of empty locations
Lists to display is controlled by parameter “List Locations - Lists to display”:
  • If set to 1: Data is confirmed in the calling screen after selecting a record in the list.
  • If set to 2: Data is suggested but not confirmed in the calling screen after selecting a record in the list. If unique key data is scanned in the list the data will be auto confirmed in the calling screen.
2 0
Populate scan field with suggested data

1. To Location

1 Blank
Sequence of input fields

Input fields:

2: To Location

Info fields:

1: Package

3: Item

4: Lot

5: Container

6: Quantity

Info fields (Item, Lot, Container and Quantity):
  • Specific data is displayed if same for all balance IDs in the package, else field displays “*MULTI*”
  • If any of these fields are set to be displayed then all balance IDs in the package is checked which may affect performance.
  • Field Container (5) is not applicable for PO package

Field Quantity is not displayed for PO Package with multiple lines with same item but with multiple different purchase order units

Field Lot for PO Package is only available for M3 16+

1;3;4;5;6;2 1;2
Suggest data for input field To Location

Fixed (any alpha)


*WHS (MMS002 location)

If set to *SYS: To Location will be suggested according to M3 system directed putaway logic if all balance IDs in the package is for the same item and all lines have the same Purchase Order Unit. Quantities for all included balance IDs are accumulated.

If set to *WHS: The MMS002 Location field is suggested as To Location if all the balance IDs in the package are for the same item.

Verify input field suggested data

Input field:

1: To Location

The user can set the value of the fields to:

A: No. The scanned value is not verified against the suggested value.

B: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value does not match the suggested value.

C: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.

D: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value.

E: Yes. The scanned value must match the suggested value.

F: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value.

G: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value.

H: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.

I: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value.

  • If no data is suggested, the value A is defaulted.
  • Values C, D, F, G, H and I are only applicable for numeric input fields.
1=B 1=A
Note:  If you do not specify a value for the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

List Putaway Tasks screen

This screen lists all the putaway tasks that are retrieved.

List Putaway Tasks screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Action when pressing Select

Task Type

  1. Stock tasks (crossdock type 0, 4, 5 or 9)
  2. Crossdock tasks (crossdock type 1, 2 or 3)


A. Report putaway task

B. Update putaway task

1=B;2=A 1=A;2=A
Auto select first record

0: No

1: Yes. Always

2: Yes. If only one record exists in the list.

3: Yes. If one record in the list after filtering.

If set to 2: Auto select is triggered if there is one record in the list, either when list is first displayed or after a filter scan

If set to 3: Auto select is triggered if there is one record in the list after a filter scan. Auto select is not triggered if there is one record in the list when list is first displayed.

1 0
Auto trigger SELECT ALL

0: No

1: Yes.

  • This parameter always takes preference over the setting of the Auto select first record parameter.
  • This parameter does not dependent on the setting of the Enable option to Select All parameter.
1 0
Column order

Set columns to display, column order and column width in the format “N=X;N=X;N=X”

N = Column number

X = Fixed width in no of characters or “A” for auto adjust or “D” for default width

This parameter only applies when list is displayed in grid format (not tile format)

1. Location “Loc”

2. Quantity “Qty”

3. Unit of measure ”U/M”

4. Lot number “Lot”

5. Container “Cont”

6. Stock zone “Zn”

7. Crossdock type “Type”

8. Putaway No “Task”

Default width:






Display item description

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • If item description is blank the extra line is not displayed.
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed displaying only single space between words.
Note: This parameter is only available for M3 16+
1 0
Enable option EXIT

0: No

1: Yes. If only Stock tasks in the list (crossdock type 0, 4, 5 or 9)

2: Yes. If only Crossdock tasks in the list (crossdock type 1, 2 or 3)

3: Yes

  • This controls the display of the EXIT function button. If the EXIT button is not displayed, then all tasks must be reported/updated to exit the screen.
  • A prompt is always displayed before exit.
  • The wave number is updated with "FTM3" when the exiting from the transaction without reporting. This is to avoid displaying the same putaway task a second time for another receipt.
1 3
Enable option SELECT ALL

0: No

1: Yes. If only Stock tasks in the list (crossdock type 0, 4, 5 or 9)

2: Yes. If only Crossdock tasks in the list (crossdock type 1, 2 or 3)

3: Yes

Note: Option Select All is only available if all the tasks in the list are configured to display the same screen when pressing Select (Update or Report screen).
1 3
Note:  If you do not specify a value for the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

Report/Update Putaway Task screen

Use this screen to report or update a selected putaway task.

Report/Update Putaway Task screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto confirm input field data
  1. Location (stock)
  2. Location (stock-staged)
  3. Location (crossdock)
  4. Wave

A. No. The screen requires confirm by scanning or specifying the data.

B. Yes. The field is always auto confirmed.

C. Yes. The field is always auto confirm, if the suggested data is specified.

D. Yes. The field is auto confirm field if the suggested data is not specified.

Note: The mandatory fields with no suggested data cannot be auto confirmed. This requires input regardless of the setting.
1=B;2=D;4=B 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A
Auto trigger BROWSE

1. Location

Controls for what fields browse is auto triggered when non-confirmed input field is selected or highlighted



Auto trigger next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes.

1 0
Date display format


0. Relative (+/- no of days from today)














A. None (e.g. “YYMMDD”)

B. Period (e.g. “YY.MM.DD”)

C. Dash (e.g. “YY-MM-DD”)

D. Slash (e.g. “YY/MM/DD”)

E. Space (e.g. “YY MM DD”)

7=B 0
Display item description

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • If item description is blank the extra line is not displayed.
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed displaying only single space between words.
Note: This parameter is only available for M3 16+
1 0
Enable option to browse locations

0: No

1: Yes.

Note: The Browse location displays a list of locations according to M3 system directed putaway logic, where all of the quantity can be placed in each location.
0 1
Enable option to print balance ID label

1: Manual print (function option).

When set to 1, the Print function option is available that displays Print Label screen. Item, Location, Lot, Container and Quantity fields from the current balance ID is defaulted.

Label to print is the putaway label (MWS450PF).

1 Blank
Populate scan field with suggested data

1: Location

2: Wave

1;2 Blank
Sequence of input fields

Input fields:

  1. Location
  2. Wave

Info fields (stock+crossdock):




Info fields (crossdock):

6Departure date/time

7Delivery method




11Customer name

12Loading door

13Demand order/line/subline

14Last Pack Location

15Last Dock Location

  • The fields of the range 6-15 are only displayed for the crossdock tasks (crossdock type 1, 2 or 3).
  • The field 2 (wave) is only displayed if the action is Update task (not Report task).
  • If action is Update task and wave is not displayed, then the wave field is updated in the background with a fixed value “FTM3”.
1;2 3;4;5;1;2;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15
Suggest data for input field Location (crossdock)

Any location

*CUR (current)

*SYS (system directed)

*CUR Blank
Suggest data for input field Location (stock)

Any location

*CUR (current)

*SYS (system directed)

*CUR Blank
Suggest data for input field Location (stock-staged)

Any location

*CUR (current)

*SYS (system directed)

*CUR Blank
Suggest data for input field Wave

Any wave

  • If action is Update task and wave is not displayed, then wave is updated in the background with fixed value "FTM3".
  • If action is Report task, then wave input field is not displayed and wave is also not updated.
LPN123 Blank
Verify input field suggested data
  1. Location (stock)
  2. Location (stock-staged)
  3. Location (crossdock)
  4. Wave

The user can set the value of the fields to:

A: No. The scanned value is not verified against the suggested value.

B: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value does not match the suggested value.

C: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.

D: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value.

E: Yes. The scanned value must match the suggested value.

F: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value.

G: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value.

H: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.

I: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value.

  • Values C, D, F, G, H and I are only applicable for numeric input fields.
  • If data is not specified, the value A is defaulted.
1=B;2=A;3=E 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A
Location browse - Stock Zone

Any stock zone

Z1 Blank
Note:  If you do not specify a value for the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

Add Line

Use this screen to receive DO line that is not on the order. Only available in M3 16+.

Add line parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto confirm input field data

1: To Location


A: No. Require confirm by scan/enter data.

B: Yes. Always auto confirm field .

C: Yes. Auto confirm field if suggested data = NOT blank.

D: Yes. Auto confirm field if suggested data = blank.

1=B 1=A
Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Display item description

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • If item description is blank the extra line is not displayed.
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed displaying only single space between words.
Note: This parameter is only available for M3 16+
1 0
Numeric keypad - Activate negative sign

1: Quantity

A. No

B. Yes

1=B 1=A
Numeric keypad - Enable

1: Quantity

A. No

B. Yes

C. Yes and auto display when field is selected.

1=C 1=B
Populate scan field with suggested data

1: To Location

1 Blank
Screen to display after report

A. Search

B. Lines

C. Receive Line

D. Add Line

Note: If set to B (lines): If there are no more lines in the list, the search screen will display.
Sequence of input fields

1: Item

2: Lot

3: Container

4: Quantity

5: To Location

1;5;4;3;2 1;2;3;4;5
Suggest data for input field To Location

Any location

*SYS (system directed)

"REC0102" or "*SYS" Blank
Verify input field suggested data

1: To Location

A. No. No check if match

B. Yes. Warn if not match

C. Yes. Warn if value higher

D. Yes. Warn if value lower

E. Yes. Error if not match

F. Yes. Error if value higher

G. Yes. Error if value lower

H. Yes. Error if value lower, warn if value higher

I. Yes. Error if value higher, warn if value lower

Note: If suggested data is blank, then all work like A.
1=F 1=A

List Locations

Use this screen to browse and select location for To location field.

List Locations parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto select first record

0: No

1: Yes. Always.

2: Yes. If only one record in list. Also applies after filtering.

3: Yes. If only one record in list. Only applies after filtering.

4: Yes. If Location scanned.

New option 3 is required where:

  • Auto select happens after filter scan
  • Scan should always be done to validate if the correct record is selected
  • Setting 2 is not enough since it auto selects if only one record is available in the list and does not require a scan.

New option 4 is required to work in a similar way as single select browse screens where a record is auto selected if unique data is scanned.

1 4
Balance ID status to include

Any status (multi)


1;3 Blank (all statuses are included)
Column order – List Available Locations

Set columns to display, column order and column width in the format “N=X;N=X;N=X”

N = Column number

X = Fixed width in no of characters or “A” for auto adjust or “D” for default width

This parameter only applies when list is displayed in grid format (not tile format)

1. Location “Loc”

2. Location name “Name”

3. Stock zone ”Zn”

4. Number of balance identities “IDs”

Default width:


1=10;2=20;3=3;4=5 1=D;2=D;3=D;4=D
Column order – List Balance ID

Set columns to display, column order and column width in the format “N=X;N=X;N=X”

N = Column number

X = Fixed width in no of characters or “A” for auto adjust or “D” for default width

This parameter only applies when list is displayed in grid format (not tile format)

1. Location “Loc”

2. Quantity “Qty”

3. Unit of measure ”U/M”

4. Lot number “Lot”

5. Container number “Cont”

6. Stock zone “Zn”

7. Status balance ID “Sts”

8. Receiving No “Rec No”

Default width:








Column order – List Balance ID (Summary)

Set columns to display, column order and column width in the format “N=X;N=X;N=X”

N = Column number

X = Fixed width in no of characters or “A” for auto adjust or “D” for default width

This parameter only applies when list is displayed in grid format (not tile format)

1. Location “Loc”

2. Quantity “Qty”

3. Unit of measure ”U/M”

4. Total no of lots “Lots”

5. Total no of containers “Conts”

6. Stock zone “Zn”

7. Total no of balance IDs “IDs”

Default width:







Column order - List Empty Locations Set columns to display, column order and column width in the format “N=X;N=X;N=X”

N: Column number

X: Fixed width in no of characters or A for auto adjust or D for default width.

This parameter only applies when list is displayed in grid format (not tile format)
  1. Location: Loc
  2. Location Name: Name
  3. Stock zone: Zn

Default width: 1=12;2=30;3=12

1=10;2=20; 3=3 1=D;2=D;3=D
Display item description

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • If item description is blank the extra line is not displayed.
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed displaying only single space between words.
Note: This parameter is only available for M3 16+
1 0
Enable option to filter empty locations by prefix



If set to 1: Scanning a prefiix in the empty locations screen will list all the empty locations that starts with that prefix. E.g scan “ABC” to see locations “ABC001”, “ABC430”, “ABC920” etc.

If parameter Auto select first record = 4 (Yes. If Location scanned): If a full location is scanned and there is a perfect match then this location will be auto selected.
Note: Filtering by stock zone is not possible
0 1
Filter fields - List Balance ID

1: Lot

2: Container

This parameter controls the input fields from the calling screen that are used as fixed filters in the List Balance ID screen if already confirmed when performing a To Location browse.

This parameter is not applicable when List Balance ID screen is triggered form the Receive Package screen

1;2 Blank (no filter on Lot/Container)
Lists to display
  1. List Balance ID
  2. List Balance ID (summary)
  3. List Available Locations
  4. List Empty Locations

Set the lists that must be displayed. The first list in the sequence is default when the screen is displayed for the first time. You can view the other lists using the Function option.

For option 3 (Available Locations):
  • Max no of Locations to display is controlled by parameter No of available locations to display.
  • For PO Package with multiple lines with same item but with multiple different purchase order units: List Available Locations screen is not available.

For option 4 (Empty Locations): Max no of Locations to display is controlled by parameter No of empty locations to display.

2;3 1;2;3
No of available locations to display

Any no of locations.

If set to X, List Available Locations screen displays the first X locations where all of the suggested/confirmed quantity fits. These are the first X locations according to M3 system directed putaway logic. It may not be the same as the X first records in the list if a specific sorting order is set up in the Sorting order - List Available Locations parameter.

25 Blank (list all)
No of empty locations to display

Any no of locations

If set to X the screen List Empty Locations will display the first X empty locations (no balance ID in the location).

25 Blank(list all)
Sorting order - List Available Locations

Set maximum 10 fields to sort by the N=X; N=X format where N = field number and X = either A for ascending or D for descending.


A. Ascending

D. Descending



  1. Location (WHSL)
  2. Stock zone (SLTP)
  3. Number of balance IDs (NBRL)

Blank (list in the order the API returns records = M3 system directed putaway logic order)

Sorting order - List Balance ID

Set maximum 10 fields to sort by the N=X; N=X format where N = field number and X = either A for ascending or D for descending.


A. Ascending

D. Descending



3: Location (WHSL)

4: Lot number (BANO)

5: Container (CAMU)

9: Status - balance ID (STAS)

11: Stock zone (SLTP)

13: On-hand balance approved (STQT)

26: Receiving number (REPN)

13=D;3=A;4=D 3=A;4=A;5=A(Location / Lot / Container)
Sorting order - List Balance ID (summary)

Set maximum 10 fields to sort by the N=X; N=X format where N = field number and X = either A for ascending or D for descending.


A. Ascending

D. Descending



1: Location (WHSL)

2: Stock zone (SLTP)

3: On-hand balance approved (STQT)

4: Total number of lots (TNOL)

5: Total number of containers (TNOC)

6: Total number of balance ID (TNOB)

3=D;6=A;1=D 1=A(Location)
Sorting order - List Empty Locations

Set max 10 fields to sort by in the format N=X;N=X etc. where

N = field number

X = either A for ascending or D for descending.


A: Ascending

D: Descending


  1. Location (WHSL)
  2. Stock zone (SLTP)

Blank (list in the order the API returns records = M3 system directed putaway logic order)

Sublots screen

Use this screen to add and remove sublot(s).

Sublots screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto trigger DONE


1: Remaining > 0 after add

2: Remaining = 0 after add

3: Remaining < 0 after add


A. No

  • No message
  • No sound
  • No trigger of Done

B. No. Display count complete

  • Complete message
  • Complete sound
  • No trigger of Done

C. Yes

  • Trigger done
  • Complete message
  • Complete sound
  • Confirm quantity

If set to A or B, the user must click Done to leave the sublots screen (and confirm Quantity/Catch weight input fields) when finished adding sublots.

1=A;2=C;3=A 1=A;2=C;3=C
Display item description

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • If item description is blank the extra line is not displayed.
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed displaying only single space between words.
Note: This parameter is only available for M3 16+
1 0
Enable option to add more than suggested

0: No

1: Yes. Always

2: Yes. Display warning for the first time.

3: Yes. Display warning every time.

If set to 0, it is not possible to add more than suggested quantity.

If set to 1,2 or 3, it is possible to add more than suggested quantity.

If set to 2, a warning is displayed if add more than suggested quantity. Warning is only displayed if the first time quantity is more than suggested.

If set to 3, a warning is displayed if add more than suggested quantity. Warning is displayed every time quantity is updated and is more than suggested.

0 1
Enable option to toggle add/remove

0: No

1: Yes.

If set to 1, REMOVE function is displayed that changes to Remove mode where sublots can be removed from the list. Remove mode function ADD is displayed that changes back to Add mode where sublots are added.
Note: This parameter is not available for DO receipt if the Lists to display (DO) parameter is active.
0 1
Lists to display (DO)

1: Add

2: Remove

3: Available

Set the lists that is available for display. The first list in the sequence will be the default when screen is first displayed. Other lists are available via function button.


* Add a sublot by scanning

* List displays added sublots


* Remove a sublot by scanning

* List displays added sublots


* Add a sublot by scanning

* List displays available sublots that are not added

* The scanned sublot will be removed from the list.

Note: This parameter is available only for DO receipt

This parameter is available only for M3 version 16 and higher

3;2 Blank (parameter “Enable option to toggle add/remove applies)
Task area layout

1: Add

2: Remove.

A: Remain (unit) + Total Qty

B: Total Qty (unit) + Remain

C: Total (unit)

D: Remain (unit)

E: Total Qty/Suggested

In Catch weight mode, the blue task area is displayed as Total Qty + Catch Wt where Total Qty is displayed as ”Counted/To be counted” (similar to option E) and Catch Wt as ”Counted catch weight” regardless of this parameter.

If Sublots screen is triggered automatically after input of a value in the Quantity input field, then Remaining and Suggested quantity is based on the input value instead of remaining for the line.
Note: This parameter is not available for DO receipt if the Task area layout (DO) parameter is active.
1=B;2=C 1=C;2=C
Task area layout (DO)

1. Add

2. Remove

3. Available

4. Add (CW item)

5. Remove (CW item)

6. Available (CW item)

A. Remain (unit) + Total Qty

B. Total Qty (unit) + Remain

C. Total (unit)

D. Remain (unit)

E. Total Qty/Suggested (unit)

F. Total Qty (unit) + Catch Wt (CW unit)

G. Total Qty/Suggested (unit) + Catch Wt (CW unit)

If Sublots screen is triggered automatically after input of a value in the Quantity input field, then Remaining and Suggested quantity will be based on the input value instead of remaining.

If set to E: If suggested is blank this setting works like C.

If set to G: If suggested is blank, this setting works like F.

Note: It is not mandatory to display Catch Wt for CW items since CW is optional to scan for DO in this transaction
Note: This parameter is available only for DO receipt

This parameter is available only for M3 version 16 and higher

1=E;2=E;3=E;4=F;5=F;6=F If blank: parameter “Task area layout” applies

If not blank:1=E;2=E;3=E;4=F;5=F;6=F

Receive Line - Multi screen

Use this screen to receive multiple PO, DO and RO lines.

Receive Line - Multi screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto confirm input field data
  1. Container
  2. Packaging
  3. To Location

A. No. The screen requires confirm by scanning or specifying the data.

B. Yes. The field is always auto confirmed.

C. Yes. The field is always auto confirmed, if the suggested data is specified.

D. Yes. The field is auto confirmed if the suggested data is not specified.

Note: The mandatory fields with no suggested data cannot be auto confirmed. This requires input regardless of the setting.
1=B;2=B 1=A;2=A;3=A
Auto trigger next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Bridge multidata barcode
  1. Search


A. No. Do not bridge.

B. Yes. Bridge and auto confirm

When set N=B;

  • If multidata barcode is scanned in screen N and there is at least one mapped field in the screen with data in the scanned barcode, the data from the barcode is saved and automatically used in the report screen. Mapped report screen input fields are auto confirmed with the data in the barcode.
  • Bridging of multidata barcode take precedence over all parameters used to suggest and confirm input fields including remember reported data settings.
  • After bridged data is used to confirm mapped fields in the report screen, the data is no longer remembered. Leaving the report screen and going back in does not bridge the scanned data again.
1=B 1=A
Container validation

0: No validation

1: Warning if container exists

2: Error if container exists

If set to 1 or 2, a warning or error is displayed if the scanned container exists on any balance ID in the existing warehouse.

1 0
Display item description

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • If item description is blank the extra line is not displayed.
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed displaying only single space between words.
Note: This parameter is only available for M3 16+
1 0
Mandatory input fields

1: Container (container method 7)

These input fields are always mandatory when displayed:

  • Container (container method 1-6)
  • To location
  • Packaging
1 Blank
Populate scan field with suggested data

1: Container

2: Packaging

3: To Location

1;3 Blank
Sequence of input fields

Info fields:

  1. Item
  2. Lot

Input fields:

3 Container

4 Packaging

5 To Location

1;5 1;2;3;4;5
Suggest data for input field Container

Any container


Note: *AUTO* is only applicable for container method 7. For container method 1-6 suggested value is Blank if this parameter is set to *AUTO*.
*AUTO* Blank
Suggest data for input field Packaging

Any packaging

PAL Blank
Suggest data for input field SSCC

1: Blank (auto generate)

2: Same as package

If set to 2:

New package in stock will get SSCC same as package if package number is 18 characters numeric. If package number is <> 18 characters numeric the new package will get an auto generated SSCC.

2 1
Suggest data for input field To Location

Any location

*ORD (From order, DO/RO only)

When set to *ORD, if To Location on all DO/RO lines is the same and not blank, then suggest as To Location, else blank is suggested.

Verify input field suggested data

1: Container

2: Packaging

3: To Location

A. No. No check if match

B. Yes. Warn if not match

C. Yes. Warn if value higher

D. Yes. Warn if value lower

E. Yes. Error if not match

F. Yes. Error if value higher

G. Yes. Error if value lower

H. Yes. Error if value lower, warn if value higher

I. Yes. Error if value higher, warn if value lower

Note: If suggested data is blank, then all work like A.
1=B;2=E 1=A;2=A;3=A

Print Label screen

Use this screen to print balance IDs.

Print Label screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto confirm input field data
  1. Quantity
  2. No of Pkgs
  3. Qty/Pkg
  4. Layout
  5. Printer
  6. Copies/Pkg

A. No. The screen requires confirmation by scanning or specifying the data.

B. Yes. The field is always auto confirmed.

C. Yes. The field is always auto confirmed, if the suggested data is specified.

D. Yes. The field is auto confirmed if the suggested data is not specified.

Note: The mandatory fields with no suggested data cannot be auto confirmed. This requires input regardless of the setting.
1=B;2=B 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A;5=A;6=A
Auto trigger next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Display item description

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • If item description is blank the extra line is not displayed.
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed displaying only single space between words.
Note: This parameter is only available for M3 16+
1 0
Layout browse - Layouts to include

Any layout

Format: Number=Description;Number Description.

1=Small box label;2=Pallet label;5=Big box label Blank
Mandatory input fields
  1. Layout
  2. Printer
  3. Quantity
  4. No of Pkgs
  5. Qty/Pkg
  6. Copies/Pkg or No of Copies
1;2;5 Blank
Numeric keypad - Activate negative sign
  1. Quantity
  2. No of Pkgs
  3. Qty/Pkg
  4. Copies/Pkg

A. No

B. Yes

1=B 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A
Numeric keypad - Enable
  1. Quantity
  2. No of Pkgs
  3. Qty/Pkg
  4. Copies/Pkg

A. No

B. Yes

C. Yes and auto display when field is selected.

1=C;2=A 1=B;2=B;3=B;4=B
Populate scan field with suggested data
  1. Quantity
  2. No of Pkgs
  3. Qty/Pkg
  4. Layout
  5. Printer
  6. Copies/Pkg
1;2 Blank
Print mode

1: Synchronous

2: Asynchronous

  • Wait for API reply until continue process
  • Error message from API is displayed
  • Do not wait for API reply until continue process
  • Error message from API is ignored
2 1
Print unit

1: Basic unit

2: Reporting unit

Set unit to be used for quantity when printing putaway label

If set to Reporting unit (2):
  • Quantity is displayed in the unit set as reporting unit on the Receive Line screen using Reporting unit - Sequence and Reporting unit - Conversion parameters.
  • If reporting unit is not activated on the Receive Line screen: This parameter is set to 1.
  • Quantity in reporting unit is sent as input to API MMS060MI.PrtPutAwayLbl in the UQTY field and output in the XML in the CLUQTY field.
  • The reporting unit is sent as input to API MMS060MI.PrtPutAwayLbl in the UNMS field and output in the XML in the CLUNMS field.
  • Quantity in basic unit is sent as input to API MMS060MI.PrtPutAwayLbl in the RPQT field and output in the XML in the CLRPQT field (same as when reporting unit is not active).
  • The basic unit is output in the XML in the MMUNMS field.
2 1
Printer browse - Printers to include

Any printer (multiple and/or range)


Printer group (format *GRP=X where X=Modification field in CRS290


*All (include all, overrides any printer group set in FT admin Users form)

  • If a range is specified, then both from and to values must be existing printers.
  • There is no specific M3 field for Printer group. The Modification field in CRS290 is used as printer group.

If this parameter is active, the printers defined in this parameter are only allowed.

If this parameter is not active (blank), the Printer group defined in the Printer group - Label Printer field of the User parameters tab displayed in the FTUsersMaint screen for the Factory Track admin is used. If the group is not defined for the current user, all the printers are available for printing.

Set in the “*GRP=X” format where X=Modification field in CRS290. If there is also a printer set, then separate printer from printer group with semicolon. Example: “PRT01;*GRP=PG1”. If there is no group set, then all printers are available to select.






Blank (all printers are included)

Screen to display after print

1 Next (next screen in the process)

2 Print Label (stay)

2 1
Sequence of input fields

Info fields:

1 Location

2 Item

3 Lot

4 Container

11 Total Copies

Input/Info fields:

5 Quantity

Input fields:

6 No of Pkgs

7 Qty / Pkg

8 Layout

9 Printer

10 Copies/Pkg or No of Copies

For option 6 and 7:

  • The fields function in combination and none of the fields are displayed unless all are set to display.
  • If fields are included, the Quantity field act as info field and display the calculated value of No of Pkgs x Qty per Pkg.
  • If fields are included, the option 10 (”Copies / Pkg” / ”No of Copies) is displayed as “Copies / Pkg”, else it displays “No of Copies”.
  • If multi package receipt is triggered, the fields act as info fields and display same data as “No of Pkgs” and “Qty / Pkg” fields in the Receive Line screen.

For option 6:

  • Fields are defaulted with value from input field ”No of Pkgs” in the Receive Line screen. If “No of Pkgs” is not displayed in the Receive Line screen, value '1' is suggested.
  • Confirm blank displays "1", value cannot be "0".

For option 7, the fields are defaulted with value from input field ”Qty / Pkg” in the Receive Line screen. If “Qty / Pkg” is not displayed in the Receive Line screen, the Quantity field value in the Receive Line screen is displayed unless “No of Pkgs” is confirmed with a value <> “1” in which case it defaults to blank.

For option 11, the field displays the calculated value “No of Pkgs” x “Copies per Pkg”. If “No of Pkgs” is blank, assumes “No of Pkgs” is 1.

For option 8, The selected layout (number only) is sent as input in MMS060MI.PrtPutAwayLbl.USD1 when label is printed.

For option 10, data is used as input in MMS060MI.PrtPutAwayLbl.COPY when label is printed. This does not affect the number of times MMS060MI.PrtPutAwayLbl is called.

For option 5,

  • If fields “No of Pkgs” and “Qty / Pkg” are included, then Quantity field act as info field and display the calculated value No of Pkgs x Qty per Pkg.
  • If fields “No of Pkgs” and “Qty / Pkg” are not included:
    • If multi package receipt is triggered, Quantity is suggested with value from “Qty / Pkg” in the Receive Line screen. This Quantity is used in all calls to print the newly created packages.
    • If multi package receipt is not triggered, Quantity is defaulted with value from “Total Qty” in the Receive Line screen and if “Total Qty” is not included then value in the Quantity field the Receive Line screen is used.
1;2;3;6;7 1;2;3;4;5;11;7;6;10;8;9
Suggest data for input field Copies / Pkg


2 1
Suggest data for input field Layout
Any layout
Note: Layout must be set up in the Layout browse - Layouts to include parameter.
2 Blank
Suggest data for input field Printer
Any printer
Note: If this parameter is set to blank, the Default printer from User Settings is used.
PRT05 Blank (nothing defaulted)
Verify input field suggested data

1: Quantity

2: No of Pkgs

3: Qty/Pkg

4: No. of Layout

5: No. of Printer

6: Copies/Pkg

A: No. The scanned value is not verified against the suggested value.

B: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value does not match the suggested value.

C: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater.

D: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value.

E: Yes. The scanned value must match the suggested value.

F: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value.

G: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value.

H: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.

I: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value.

Note: If the suggested data is blank, then all operates like A.

