Stock Count – Transactions Screen
Parameter Name | Values | Example | Default Value |
Column order |
Set columns to display, column order and column width in the format “N=X;N=X;N=X” N: Column number X: Fixed width in no of characters or “A” for auto adjust or “D” for default width This parameter is applicable when list is displayed in the grid format (not tile format).
Default width: 1=15;2=15;3=20;4=20;5=12; 6=12;7=6;8=12;9=6 |
1=10;6=A;2=15;4=D;5=3 | 1=D;2=D;3=D;4=D;5=D;6=D;7=D;8=D;9=D |
Enable option to delete transaction |
0: No 1: Yes. Error 2: Yes. Pending 3: Yes. Error + Pendimg A: Warning; B: No Warning If set to 1, 2 or 3: Function button is available that will delete currently highlighted transaction from the list of transactions. If set to X=A (where X=1, 2 or 3): A warning is displayed before the transaction is deleted. If set to 1: Function button is available for transactions in status Error. If set to 2: Function button is available for transactions in status Pending. If set to 3: Function button is available for transactions in status Error or Pending. |
1=B | 3=A |
Enable option to report all transactions |
Options: 0: No 1: Pending transactions 2: Error transactions Screen to display after report:
If any records in status Error after report all: Error transactions screen is always displayed. Set the lists where function button is availableSet what screen to display after reporting. Function button will report all transactions in the list where it is triggered |
1=A;2=B or 0 |
1=A |
Enable option to report error transaction |
Options: 0=No 1=Yes Screen to display after report A. Stock Count Transactions B. Stock Count If set to 1=X:
0 | 1=A |
Enable option to update pending transaction |
Screen to display after report:
If set to 1=X:
0 | 1=A |
Lists to display |
0: None 1: Reported transactions 2: Error transactions 3: Pending transactions 4: All transactions (Errors + Reported + Pending) Set the lists that must be display. The first list in the sequence is the default when screen is first displayed. Other lists are available using the function option. Set to 0 to not display the lists. Note: If 0 is included with other options then 0 is discarded
and lists are displayed.
1 or 2;3 | 0 |
Sorting order |
Set field to sort by in the format N=X where N = field number and X = either A for ascending or D for descending. Logic: A. Ascending D. Descending Fields: 1: Sequence (First added=1) 2: Error (0=No, 1=Yes) 3: Reported (0=No, 1=Yes) 4: Pending (0=No, 1=Yes) 5: Warehouse 6: Location 7: Item 8: Lot 9: Container 10: Quantity 11: Catch Wt 12: Reason |
5=A;6=A;10=A | 3=D;1=D (List transactions in the order they were added with last one on top. Transactions with errors first in the list.) |