Payroll Summary

Use this form to view summary level payroll hours. You can perform payroll processing, premium calculations, and generate payroll extracts on multiple records at the same time. You can use these selection criteria and filters to review selected groups of payroll records:

Selection Criteria

The records are displayed in the Records grid. You can specify start and end ranges for pay periods, employees, employee types, work groups, departments, or shifts. Additionally, you can filter these selections by status. The status filter options are Not Submitted, Submitted, Premium Calculated, Processed and Extracted.

Records Grid

The Records Grid displays summary level totals for several versions of payroll balances. You can use to view options to select related arrays of columns for review. These include Summary, Clocked Hours, Clocked Hours on Holiday, OT Eligible Absence Hours, Non OT Eligible Hours, or Show All.

You can select one or more records in the Records grid to perform administrative tasks on the selected records. The administrative tasks that can be performed include Processing Payroll, Calculating Premiums, Exporting Payroll Records and Reopening Extracted records for additional editing.