Select. The Payroll Summary form is displayed.
Create a Default Selection Criteria. Default selection criteria is executed every
time the form is opened.
Specify this information:
Specify the selection criteria (any) or filters.
Click the Save Selection icon.
to save the selection criteria as the DEFAULT selection.
Change the ID value and select
to save an alternate criteria selection.
Click the
Selection icon to select a stored selection criteria,
select the Selection ID.
Right-click on the employee field of a record to view details. A
context menu is displayed. Click
Details option to open the
Detail form.
Select one or more records in the records grid to perform administrative functions,
such as processing, calculating premium, generating an extract or reopening payroll
records and click an appropriate toolbar option.
Note: In most configurations, Cloud Export Data must be set to Yes
to generate an extract. The only configuration that can generate an extract when Cloud
Export Data is set to No is On-Premise installations when the
Time Track is executed with a Smart Client.