Viewing records on Payroll Summary

  1. SelectTime Track > Time Track Payroll > Payroll Summary. The Payroll Summary form is displayed.
    Note: If the site is configured to revert payroll, the revert icon is active on the Payroll Summary form.
  2. Specify selection criteria to determine which payroll records appear in the Records Grid. Specify a payroll schedule from the Payroll ID list. Use the Payroll ID arrows to show the previous or subsequent payroll schedule in the list.
    Note:  See Configuring Payroll Schedules for information on creating payroll schedules.
  3. Specify a range of pay periods, employees, employee types, work groups, departments, and/or shifts to show. Leave a field blank to show all available records of that type.
  4. Select record types to view in Filters. Clearing a filter narrows the selection criteria.
  5. Review the Extract String, which displays the list of fields, identified methodically,, that is exported in the payroll extract (.csv file). Records that match your specified selection criteria are displayed in the bottom grid. This information is displayed:
    • Employee number
    • Employee name
    • Pay period:The number of the pay period in the current year is displayed. For example, for a monthly payroll, the first month is pay period 1, and the second month is pay period 2.
    • Shift
    • Start Date: The first date in this pay period is displayed.
    • End Date:The last date in this pay period is displayed.
  6. Click Summary, Clocked Hours, Clocked Hours on Holiday, OT Eligible ABS Hours, Non OT Eligible Hours, or Show All to view additional data fields:
    • Summary is the default view. This displays totals for the pay period (including premiums) of regular, overtime, and double-time hours, overtime and double-time hours clocked before shifts, hours clocked on holidays, and unpaid hours. If a payroll extract has been generated, the date/time and user who generated the extract are shown.
    • Clocked Hours displays clocked hours separately from premium hours for regular, overtime, double-time, and overtime and double-time before shifts.
    • Clocked Hours on Holiday displays clocked hours separately from premium hours for dates designated as holidays. Categories shown are similar to those on the Clocked Hours view.
    • OT Eligible ABS Hours displays regular, premium, and total hours for each category of absence hours.
    • Non OT Eligible Hoursdisplays regular, premium, and total hours for each category of non-overtime-eligible hours.
    • Show All displays all available data fields.
    Note:  Numbers displayed in red are adjusted from the original values.