Viewing records on Elapsed Time Details

  1. Select Time Track > Time Track Forms > Elapsed Time Details. The Elapsed Time Details form is displayed.
  2. Specify this information:
    Submitted Field
    The hours submitted by the employee.
    • This field is populated when the employee clicks Submit. The employee cannot add, delete or modify the hours till the supervisor rejects the submitted hours.
    • If a supervisor rejects the hours or modifies the hours, the application clears the value in this field.
    • If the Submit and Sign Off Separately check box is selected on the Employee Types form, Submit is disabled if the employee has not signed the hours.
    • If the Submit and Sign Off Separately check box is cleared, and you click Submit, the values in the sign off field and the submitted field are updated.
    • If a value is specified in the Submitted field , the Post to ERP option is disabled.
    Sign Off Field
    The employee name.
    • The employee can modify the hours.
    • Consequently, the signature field is cleared.
    • If the Submit and Sign Off Separately check box is cleared in the Employee Types form, click Submit to sign and submit records.
    • If the employee signed the hours without submitting, the Approve icon is enabled.
    • Regardless of the employee type setting, click Approve to update the Sign Off field.
    • Clicking Post to ERP after signing the hours must not clear the Signature field.
    Click Reject to clear the Submitted, Signoff and Approved fields. This enables the employee to make additional modifications to the employee's hours.
    Click Approve to sign the employee's hours.
    Note: If the AllowSingatureAfterProcessing check box is selected, the Approved field can be signed or re-signed after Hours Processing and Payroll Processing.
    Click Process or Approve and Process to process the hours and create Payroll Detail records. The field is cleared and the associated Payroll Detail records are deleted when the record is reopened.
    • Use the Process icon to update the Processed field only.
    • If the Prompt for Employee Signature check box is selected, the user receives an alert, if the employee's signature is missing.
    • If the parameter is cleared with no employees' signed hours, the hours processing is executed without a prompt, even if the employee has not signed the hours.
    • When Approve and Process is enabled, the processors signature and time stamp is used in the Approve and Process fields. The processor's signature replaces the signature in the Approved field.
  3. Specify a report date.
  4. Select the Daily Labor Information tab. The elapsed time hours records for the selected report date are displayed.
  5. Select the Hours, Qty, Status, Remarks, and/or Select All to display or hide information.
  6. Select Hours, Qty, Status, Remarks, or Select All to view additional data fields:
    • Hours displays the number and type of hours recorded.
    • Qty displays completed quantity, rejected quantity, and the reason code for rejections.
    • Status displays whether the record is posted to ERP, any ERP error message, whether the record has been submitted, and the time and date the record is submitted.
    • Remarks displays any remarks associated with approval or processing.
    • Select All displays all available data fields.
  7. Select the Daily Labor Totals tab to view hours totals.
  8. Review attendance records for the selected report date in the Attendance section If attendance hours are being recorded .