Starting jobs for non-workset eligible employees using Employee Home Page

  1. Select Time Track > Time Track Forms > Employee Home Page. The Employee Home Page form is displayed.
    Note: The Employee Home Page form is only available if you have the Time Track module implemented.
  2. Select Real Time Transaction Entry.
  3. Specify the employee or team number in the Badge field.
  4. Select the order type.
  5. Specify the order number, suffix, and operation, if the order type is Production Order, Service Order , or Setup.
  6. Specify a machine ratio, if required. The machine ratio determines the portion of the reported labor time that is to be reported for the machine. For example, a ratio of .5 is reported, half the reported labor time for the machine.
  7. Specify the task code, if the order type is Indirect Task, .
  8. Specify the project number, task number, and cost code if the order type is Project., .
  9. Select Start Job. The details of the current job are displayed on the Detail tab.