- Team
- The team number.
- Description
- A description of the team.
- Badge ID
- A badge ID for the team.
- Active
- Select this check box to allow the team to start and stop
jobs and to allow employees to join or leave the team.
- Workset Enabled
- Select this check box to allow the team to work on
worksets, which include multiple jobs.
- Labor Proration
- the method used to prorate the Team time.
Note: Before you specify this method, you must select
the Workset
Enabled check box.
- Machine Proration
- The method used to prorate the Team time.
Note: Before you specify this method, you must select
the Workset
Enabled check box.
- Remove Member At Clock Out
- Select to remove employees from the team when they clock
- Combine Labor and Machine Time
- Select this check box to report machine time automatically
as a ratio of labor time.
Note: Clear this
check box to report machine time manually.
- Stop Only Transaction
- Select this check box to stop jobs. When a job is stopped,
a job start transaction is automatically generated to occur
immediately following the most recent transaction. For example, if
you clock in at 8:00 and stop job ABC at 9:00, a start job
transaction for job ABC will be generated at 8:00. If you stop job
XYZ at 11:00, a start job transaction for job XYZ is generated at
9:00. Clocking out, stop the current job