Approving and processing labor records

All labor records in a scheduled pay period must be approved and processed. If the labor records are configured to be processed through payroll, corresponding payroll detail records will be generated when the labor records are approved and processed.

  1. Select Time Track > Time Track Forms > Hours Summary. The Hours Summary form is displayed.
  2. Specify selection criteria using these parameters to display labor records for approval and processing:
    • Records that match your specified selection criteria are displayed in the bottom grid.
    • To only display records that are ready for approval and processing, select the Ready filter. Ensure all other filters are cleared.
    Note:  Records with a blank status field have the Ready status.
  3. Click the Status option to determine whether records have already been approved for processing,. If the Approved By or Processed By field of the record is blank, the record has not been approved or processed, respectively.
  4. Select the check box to the left of each record you are approving and processing. Optionally, click the Select All button to select all records.
  5. Click Approve and Process in the toolbar. The records are approved and processed.