Employee Types

Use this form to define clock-in rules, overtime rules, payroll schedules, punch rounding rules, holiday hour rules, and ERP posting rules.  Assign employees whose hours are to be handled in a similar way to the same employee type. This form comprises of these tabs:


The Employee Type code. You can provide a brief description of the employee type, and tie the employee type to a payroll schedule.

General tab

A default absence code, posting mode (real time, after processing, or do not post), whether to process to payroll, and whether or not remarks are mandatory.

Punch Parameters tab

The clock in rules are specified and adjustments to be made to punches that vary from the scheduled clock in, clock out, lunch/break out and lunch/break in times. In addition, use this tab to define overtime rules, punch rounding rules, gap fill rules and auto start/stop rules.

Holiday tab

The number of holiday absence hours are to be handled and how clocked hours on a holiday are to be handled.


The quantity reporting managed using the Quantity Tab . Specify the quantity reporting configuration for the employee type. These settings are used to handle quantity reporting for employees in the Real Time and Dashboard transactions.


The workset configuration for the labor and machine proration.

Attendance Points

The incident value is defined for ABS Code.

Attendance Threshold

The track specified in the Track Names sub collection can be configured.