Elapsed Time Weekly Summary
Use this form to view elapsed time hours records and perform administrative functions for a specified date range, filtered for a specified range of employees, employee types, work groups, departments, or shifts. These parameter are used to view the details of elapsed time summary for a week:
Selection Criteria
The search result is displayed in the Records Grid based on the criteria set in this field. You can save the criteria for future reuse.
Hours Totals
The hours totals for each day of the selected week are displayed in these fields.
Records Grid
A day of the week is selected to view records for that day in the Records Grid. Optionally, you can select
to view the totals for each day.You can select one or more records in the Records Grid, use the dashboard options to approve and process records, authorize exceptions, and perform other administrative functions.
Right-click a record to open the Elapsed Time Details form.