Re-printing Labels

  1. Select Infor CloudSuite Industrial Warehouse Mobility > Utilities > Label Reprint. The Label Reprint form is displayed.
  2. Specify this information:
    Transaction Name
    The transaction for which the label was originally printed.
    User ID
    The user ID of the employee who originally printed the label.
    Request ID
    The starting and ending request ID to search for a label by the request ID. A request ID is recorded for each label that is printed.
    Print Date/Time
    The starting and ending date and time for a labelto be printed.
  3. Click Refresh. The labels that meet the search criteria specified above are listed in the transaction list. This information is displayed for each label:
    • request ID
    • name of the transaction for which the label was printed
    • label name
    • number of copies printed
    • printer name
    • reference request ID, which is the original reference ID if the label is a reprint
    • user ID of the person who originally printed the label
    • filename
    • date created
  4. Click Print Details to view the additional details for previously printed labels.
  5. Select the labels in the transaction list that must be reprinted.
  6. Click Reprint.