Creating Kanbans

You must define a replenishment location and configure a replenishment cycle for the item before you create Kanbans for an item.

To define a replenishment location and configure a replenishment cycle:

  1. Select Modules > Configuration > Infor CloudSuite Industrial Setup > Kanban Setup > Kanban Item Locations. The Kanban Item Locations form is displayed.
  2. Select a Kanban item-location combination from the grid at the left. The Kanban item, location, and replenishment cycle details are displayed.
    Note: The value specified in the Max Number of Kanbans field indicates the maximum number of Kanbans that can exist for this item-location combination.
  3. Click Generate Kanban(s) to create Kanbans for this Kanban item-location combination.
    • If the maximum number of Kanbans for this item-location combination is not fulfilled. Kanbans are created to bring the total number of Kanbans up to the maximum.
    • Newly created and existing Kanbans are displayed in the Item list in the Kanban section. The request number and status for any current replenishment requests associated with the Kanbans are also displayed.
To print labels for new Kanbans, see Printing Kanban Labels.