Configuring Document Integration Parameters to Display PLM Documents

Use the Document Integration Parameters form to configure parameters for integration with PLM, allowing users to view documents from PLM from within the Infor Factory Track interface.

  1. Open the Document Integration Parameters form.
  2. Select the PLM Implemented check box.
  3. Specify this information:
    Database Server Name
    The name of the SQL server that contains the PLM database.
    Database Name
    The name of the PLM SQL database.
    Site Name
    The site name for the PLM environment.
  4. Click Generate PLM Views to generate views for PLM-related tables,. You must generate views when configuring the PLM database connection for the first time. Optionally, after configuring the initial connection, you can click Generate PLM Views anytime to delete existing views for PLM-related tables and re-create them.
  5. Click Test PLM Connection option to ensure the connection between Infor Factory Track and the PLM database is configured correctly. .