Configuring End Run, End Run Only, End Run Common, End Machine, End Team Run, Job Move, Join/Leave Team and Team Member Reporting Parameters

The Transaction Set Maintenance form can be used to configure parameters for the End Run, End Run Only, End Machine, End Team Run, Job Move, Join/Leave Team, and Team Member Reporting forms.

  1. Select Configuration > Parameters > Transaction Set Maintenance. The Transaction Set Maintenance form is displayed.
  2. Select SF Job Move from the transaction name list.
    Note:  There are additional parameters you can configure for the End Team Run and Team Member Reporting forms by selecting MES_Teams Transaction from the transaction name list. For instructions on setting these additional parameters, see Configuring End Team Run, Start Team Run, Team Maintenance, and Team Member Reporting Parameters.
  3. Select the Fill Warehouse check box to default the warehouse for this transaction.
    Note: The warehouse assigned to the user is defaulted.
  4. Select the Successful Message check box to display a message when the transaction is completed successfully.
  5. Configure the parameters on the Transaction Parameters tab, to allow users to close jobs. See Configuring Parameters on the Transaction Parameters tab
  6. Select Label Print Parameters to configure label printing parameters for this transaction, on the Transaction Parameterstab.
  7. Click Save.