Expression functions and operators

This topic lists and describes the functions and operators that you can use to construct expressions, using the Edit Expression Editor dialog box.

Math operators

Operator Description Syntax/Examples
NEGATE This operator returns the opposite value of a number: If a number is positive, this returns a negative value. If the number is negative, this returns a positive value.
-( number ) 


-( number1 + number2 ) 
+ This operator returns the sum of two numbers or concatenation of two strings.
Note: For date values, use the DATEADD function instead of this one.
( value1 + value2 ) 

where value is a number or string.

- This operator returns the difference or negation of two numbers.
Note: For date values, use the DATEDIFF function instead of this one.
( number1 - number2 ) 
* This operator returns the product of two numbers.
( number1 * number2 ) 
/ This operator returns the quotient of two numbers.
( number1 / number2 )
% This operator returns the remainder left after dividing two numbers.
( number1 % number2 )

Math functions

Operator Description Syntax/Examples
ABS This function returns the absolute value of a number.
ABS( number ) 


ABS( -35 ) returns: 35

CEILING This function returns the least integer that is greater than or equal to the value of a number.
CEILING( number ) 


CEILING( 26.75 ) returns: 27

FLOOR This function returns the greatest integer that is less than or equal to the value of a number.
FLOOR( number ) 


FLOOR( -3.67 ) returns: 4

MAX This function returns the greater of two numbers.
MAX( number1, number2 ) 


MAX( 8, 11 ) returns: 11

MIN This function returns the lesser of two numbers.
MIN( number1, number2 ) 


MIN( -13, -15 ) returns: -15

POWER This function returns the value of a number raised to a power.
POWER( number1, number2 ) 


  • number1 is the value.
  • number2 is the exponent.


POWER( 2, 3 ) returns: 8

ROUND This function returns the value of a number rounded to the number of decimal places.
ROUND( number1, number2 ) 


  • number1 is the value.
  • number2 is the number of decimal places.


ROUND( 12.3684, 2 ) returns: 12.3700

SIGN This function returns 1 or -1 to indicate positive or negative value of a number.
SIGN( number ) 


SIGN( -35 ) returns: -1

SQRT This function returns the square root of a number.
SQRT( number ) 


SQRT( 49 ) returns 7

TRUNC This function returns the value of a number truncated at the specified number of decimal places.
TRUNC( number1, number2 ) 


  • number1 is the specified value.
  • number2 is the number of decimal places to display after being truncated.


TRUNC( 345.156, 1 ) returns: 345.1

Comparison operators

Operator Description Syntax/Examples
== or = This operator compares two values and returns True if they are equal or False if they are not.
( value1 == value2 ) 

where valueX is a number, Boolean value, or string.


  • ( 1145 == 1145 ) returns: True
  • ( "string1" = "string2" ) returns: False
>= This operator compares two values and returns True if the first value is greater than or equal to the second value, and False if the first value is less than the second.
( value1 >= value2 ) 

where valueX is a number, Boolean value, or string.


  • ( -179 >= -183 ) returns: True
  • ( "abc" >= "def" ) returns: False
<= This operator compares two values and returns True if the first value is less than or equal to the second value and False if the first value is greater.
( value1 <= value2 ) 

where valueX is a number, Boolean value, or string.


  • ( 179 <= 183 ) returns: True
  • ( "def" <= "abc" ) returns: False
> This operator compares two values and returns True if the first value is greater than the second value and False if it is equal or less than.
( value1 > value2 ) 

where valueX is a number, Boolean value, or string.

< This operator compares two values and returns True if the first value is less than the second value and False if it is equal or greater than.
( value1 < value2 ) 

where value is a number, Boolean value, or string.

!= or <> This operator compares two values and returns True if they are not equal and False if they are equal.
( value1 != value2 ) 

where valueX is a number, Boolean value, or string.

Logical operators

Operator Description Syntax/Examples
AND or && This operator logically ANDs two Boolean values.
  • ( BooleanValue1 AND BooleanValue2 ) 
  • ( BooleanValue1 && BooleanValue2 ) 
NOT or ! This operator tests whether a value in an expression is negative or a "NOT" value.
  • NOT( BooleanValue ) 
  • !( BooleanValue ) 


IF( !ISEMPTY(P( 'SerNum' )), P('SerNum'), P('Description') )

This example checks to see whether the Serial Number property value is empty before using it. If it is not empty, it uses the Serial Number value. If the Serial Number property value IS empty, it uses the value of the Description.

OR or || This operator logically ORs two Boolean values.
  • ( BooleanValue1 OR BooleanValue2 ) 
  • ( BooleanValue1 || BooleanValue2 ) 

Logical functions

Operator Description Syntax/Examples
CONTAINS If the string being sought is found within the string to be searched, this function returns True. If the string is not found, this functions returns False.
CONTAINS( string1, string2 ) 


  • string1 is the string to be searched.
  • string2 is the string being sought.
IF This function evaluates a condition and returns a value based on the result.
Note: The value can be a number, Boolean value, or string.
IF (value1, value2, value3)


  • value1 is the comparison expression.
  • value2 is the result if the condition returns True.
  • value3 is the result if the condition returns False.
ISEMPTY If the string is empty, this functions returns True. If the string is not empty, this function returns False.
ISEMPTY (string)

Text functions

Operator Description Syntax/Examples
CONCAT This function concatenates two strings and returns the result as a single string.
CONCAT( string1, string2 )


  • CONCAT( "My", "example" ) returns: Myexample.



Using a 1-based index, this function returns the starting index number of a search string within the string being searched. If the search string is not found within the value, returns 0.
  • INSTR( string1, string2 )
  • INDEXOF( string1, string2 )


  • string1 is the string being searched.
  • string2 is the search string.


  • INSTR( “abcdef”, “cde” ) returns: 3.
  • INDEXOF( “abcdef”, “efg” ) returns: 0 (not found).
LEFT This function returns the first part of a string, determined by the number of characters to count from the beginning of the string.
LEFT( string, number )


  • string is the specified value.
  • number is the number of characters.


  • LEFT( "abcdefghijkl", 6 ) returns: abcdef.



This function returns the length of a string, expressed as the number of characters.
  • LEN( string )
  • LENGTH( string )


  • LEN( "What a fine day!" ) returns: 16.
LOWER This function converts all characters in a string to lower case.
LOWER( string ) 


  • LOWER( "My name is Charlie Chan." ) returns: my name is charlie chan.
LTRIM This function returns a string in which any "white space" is removed from the start of the string.
Note: Quotation marks are inserted to indicate that the "white space" was removed.
LTRIM( string ) 


  • LTRIM( "    Hello, world!" ) returns: ""Hello world!
REPLACE This function returns a string in which all occurrences of a search string are replaced by the replacement string.
REPLACE( string1, string2, string3 )


  • string1 is the string being searched.
  • string2 is the search string.
  • string3 is the replacement string.


  • REPLACE( "Today is a miserable day!", "miserable", "wonderful" ) returns: Today is a wonderful day!
RIGHT This function returns a part of a string, determined by the number of characters from the end of the string and counting backwards.
RIGHT( string, number )


  • string is the original string.
  • number is the number of characters to include in the returned string.


  • RIGHT( "abcdefghijklm", 5 ) returns: ijklm.
RTRIM This function returns a string in which any "white space" is removed from the end of the string.
Note: Quotation marks are inserted to indicate that the "white space" was removed.
RTRIM( string ) 


  • RTRIM( "Hello, world!     " ) returns: Hello, world!
SUBSTRING This function returns a part of a string, using a 1-based starting index and optionally the number of characters.
SUBSTRING( string, number1, number2 )


  • string is the original string.
  • number1 is the 1-based starting index number (the point at which the substring is to start).
  • number2 is the number of characters to include in the substring (optional). If this is not included in the function statement, the entire string from the starting index on is included.


  • SUBSTRING( "My name is Charlie Chan.", 11, 7 ) returns: Charlie
  • SUBSTRING( "My name is Charlie Chan.", 11 ) returns: Charlie Chan.
TRIM This function returns a string in which any "white space" is removed from both the start and the end of the string.
Note: Quotation marks are inserted to indicate that the "white space" was removed.
TRIM( string ) 


  • TRIM( "      Hello, world!     " ) returns: Hello, world!
UPPER This function converts all characters in a string to upper case.
UPPER( string ) 


  • UPPER( "My name is Charlie Chan." ) returns: MY NAME IS CHARLIE CHAN.

Accumulator functions

Operator Description Syntax/Examples
AVGACCUM This function returns the average of the property values, optionally grouped by property.
Note: This function is supported only for properties of numeric data types. This function is available for report forms only.
AVGACCUM (string1, string2)


  • string1 is the name of the property.
  • string2 is the name of the property group (optional).
AVGPAGEACCUM This function returns the average of the property values within the page.
Note: This function is supported only for properties of numeric data types.

where string is the name of the property.

CNTACCUM This function returns a count of all rows in the report where the property value is not blank, optionally grouped by property.
Note: This function is available only for report forms.
CNTACCUM (string1, string2)


  • string1 is the name of the property.
  • string2 is the name of the property group (optional).
CNTPAGEACCUM This function returns a count of the rows on a page, where the property value is not blank or empty within the page.

where string is the name of the property.

MAXACCUM This function returns the maximum value of a property in a report, optionally grouped by property.
Note: This function is available only for report forms.
MAXACCUM (string1, string2)


  • string1 is the name of the property.
  • string2 is the name of the property group (optional).
MAXPAGEACCUM This function returns the maximum value of a property found on the page.

where string is the name of the property.

MINACCUM This function returns the minimum value of a property value in a report, optionally grouped by property.
Note: This function is available only for report forms.
MINACCUM (string1, string2)


  • string1 is the name of the property.
  • string2 is the name of the group property (optional).
MINPAGEACCUM This function returns the minimum value of a property found on the page.

where string is the name of the property.

SUMACCUM This function returns a summation of the property values in a report, optionally grouped by property.
Note: This function is supported only for properties of numeric data types. This function is available for report forms only.
SUMACCUM (string, string2)


  • string1 is the name of the property.
  • string2 is the name of the property group (optional).
SUMPAGEACCUM This function returns a summation of the property values within the page.
Note: This function is supported only for properties of numeric data types.

where string is the name of the property.

Aggregate functions

Operator Description Syntax/Examples
AVG This function returns the average of values for a property, optionally grouped or filtered by a property group.
AVG (string1, string2)


  • string1 is the name of the property.
  • string2 is the name of the property group (optional).
AVGEXP This function returns the average of values for an expression, optionally grouped of filtered by a property group.
AVGEXP (string1, string2, string3)


  • string1 is the collectionID of the collection in which the expression is to be evaluated.
  • string2 is the expression to be evaluated for each row in the collection.
  • string3 is the name of the property group (optional).
CNT This function returns a count of the non-null or non-blank values for a property, optionally grouped or filtered by a property group.
CNT (string1, string2)


  • string1 is the name of the property.
  • string2 is the name of the property group (optional).
CNTEXP This function returns a count of the non-null or non-blank values for an expression, optionally grouped or filtered by a property group.
CNTEXP (string1, string2, string3)


  • string1 is the collectionID of the collection in which the expression is to be evaluated.
  • string2 is the expression to be evaluated for each row in the collection.
  • string3 is the name of the property group (optional).
MAXAGG This function returns the aggregated maximum value of a property, optionally grouped or filtered by a property group.
Note: The value can be a number, date, or string, depending on the data type of the property.
MAXAGG (string1, string2)


  • string1 is the name of the property.
  • string2 is the name of the property group (optional).
MAXEXP This function returns the aggregated maximum value of an expression, optionally grouped or filtered by a property group.
Note: The value can be a number, date, or string, depending on the data type of the expression.
MAXEXP (string1, string2, string3)


  • string1 is the collectionID of the collection in which the expression is to be evaluated.
  • string2 is the expression to be evaluated for each row in the collection.
  • string3 is the name of the property group (optional).
MINAGG This function returns the aggregated minimum value of a property, optionally grouped or filtered by a property group.
Note: The value can be a number, date, or string, depending on the data type of the property.
MINAGG (string1, string2)


  • string1 is the name of the property.
  • string2 is the name of the property group (optional).
MINEXP This function returns the aggregated minimum value of an expression, optionally grouped or filtered by a property group.
Note: The value can be a number, date, or string, depending on the data type of the expression.
MINEXP (string1, string2, string3)


  • string1 is the collectionID of the collection in which the expression is to be evaluated.
  • string2 is the expression to be evaluated for each row in the collection.
  • string3 is the name of the property group (optional).
SUM This function returns a summation of the values for a property, optionally grouped or filtered by a property group.
SUM (string1, string2)


  • string1 is the name of the property.
  • string2 is the name of the property group (optional).
SUMEXP This function returns a summation of the values for an expression, optionally grouped or filtered by a property group.
SUMEXP (string1, string2, string3)


  • string1 is the collectionID of the collection in which the expression is to be evaluated.
  • string2 is the expression to be evaluated for each row in the collection.
  • string3 is the name of the property group (optional).

Date functions

Operator Description Syntax/Examples
CURDATE This function returns the current date, formatted according to the culture being used in the client.
CURDATETIME This function returns the current date and time, formatted according to the culture being used in the client.
DATE This functions returns a date that contains the year, month, and day.
DATE (year, month, day)

All three date parameters are required.


DATE(V(YearVar), C(MonthEdit), V(DayVar))


  • YearVar is a variable containing the year.
  • MonthEdit is the value in the Edit Month component.
  • DarVar is a variable containing the number of the day.

This example might return something like: 10/24/2023 08:26:00 AM

DATEADD This function returns a new date based on an interval that is added to the date.
DATEADD (string, number, date)


  • string is the interval to be added to the date. This value must be enclosed in single quotation marks.
  • number is the number of intervals to add to the date. This can be a positive value (for future dates) or a negative value (for past dates).
  • date is the date that the interval is being applied to. This can be a literal value enclosed in single quotation marks. It could also be a Mongoose substitution such as P(CoDate), the property containing a date, or C(ComponentName), V(VariableName).

All parameters must be enclosed in single quotation marks; for example: 'year'

These are the valid date/time intervals you can use (for the string):

  • Year: year, yyyy, yy
  • Month: month, mm, m
  • Day: day, dd, d
  • Quarter: quarter, qq, q
  • Day of the year: dayofyear, dy, y
  • Week: week, ww, wk
  • Day of the week: weekday, dw, w
  • Hour: hour, hh
  • Minute: minute, mi, n
  • Second: second, ss, s
  • Millisecond: millisecond, ms


This example adds two days to the value of a date in the CoDate property:

DATEADD('day', 2, P(CoDate))

DATEDIFF This function returns the difference between two dates, based on an interval.
DATEDIFF (string, date1, date2)


  • string is the date interval. For valid values for this parameter, see the previous entry in this table. This value must be enclosed in single quotation marks.
  • date1 is the starting date.
  • date2 is the date being compared and treated.

Dates can be literal values enclosed in single quotation marks. They could also be a Mongoose substitution such as P(CoDate), the property containing a date, or C(ComponentName), V(VariableName).


This example gets the difference, in days, between an order date and the due date:

DATEDIFF('day', P(CoDate), P(DueDate))

DATEPART This function returns a part of the date, based on a specified date/time part.
DATEPART (string, date)


  • string is the part of the date to retrieve. The "parts" you can retrieve are the same as the date intervals, as described in the DATEADD entry.
  • date is the date from which to extract the part's value. This can be a literal date in single quotes or a substituted value like those described in the DATEADD entry.


In this example, if the CoDate property had a value of 01/15/2023, the return value would be 15.

DATEPART('day', P(CoDate))

ISOWEEKNUM This function returns the ISO 8601 week number of the date.
Note: The ISO 8691 standard uses the week containing the first Thursday of the year as the first week of the year.

Mongoose-specific functions

Operator Description Syntax/Examples
C This function returns the value of a component.
C (string)

where string is the name of the component.

FORMAT This function returns the formatted or translated value of a string by using substitution strings.
FORMAT (string1, string2, string3)


  • string1 is the format to use.
  • string2 and string3 are substitute strings (optional)
P This function returns the value of a property
P (string)

where string is the name of the property.

STRINGS This function returns the translated value of a string.
STRINGS (string)

where string is the identifier or source of the string.


STRINGS(sItem) might return Artículo based on a User Preferences language setting of Spanish and a Strings table for Spanish existing in the database.

USERNAME This function returns the username of the current user.
V This function returns the value of a variable.
V (string)

where string is the name of the variable.

DataView-specific functions

Operator Description Syntax/Examples
AVG This function returns the average value of a property where, optionally, all rows in the group are aggregated. If the group is ignored and all rows are aggregated, this function returns the average of all rows.
AVG (string1, string2)


  • string1 is the name of the property.
  • string2 (optional) is the name of a property group.

If string2 is not specified, all rows are used.

AVGEXP This function returns the average value of an expression where, optionally, all rows in the group are aggregated If the group is ignored and all rows are aggregated, this function returns the average of all rows.
AVGEXP (string1,string2,string3)


  • string1 is the idoAlias that identifies the IDO within the DataView.
  • string2 is the expression to be evaluated for each row in the collection.
  • string3 is an instruction to Use All Rows - Ignore Groups (Optional).
CNT This function returns a count of non-null or non-blank values for a property where, optionally, all rows in the group are aggregated. If the group is ignored and all rows are aggregated, this function returns a count all rows.
CNT (string1, string2)


  • string1 is the name of the property.
  • string3 is an instruction to Use All Rows - Ignore Groups (Optional).
CNTEXP This function returns a count of non-null or non-blank values for an expression where, optionally, all rows in the group are aggregated. If the group is ignored and all rows are aggregated, this function returns a count of all rows.
CNTEXP (string1,string2,string3)


  • string1 is the idoAlias that identifies the IDO within the DataView.
  • string2 is the expression to be evaluated for each row in the collection.
  • string3 is an instruction to Use All Rows - Ignore Groups (Optional).
DATAVIEWPROP This function returns the value of a DataView property at the same level of the DataView as the expression.

where string is the name of the property.

DATAVIEWEXP This function returns the value of another expression column at the same level of the DataView as the expression.

where string is the name of the other expression column.

MAXAGG This function returns the maximum value of a property where, optionally, all rows in the group are aggregated. If the group is ignored and all rows are aggregated, this function returns the maximum value from all rows.
Note: The value can be a number, date, or string, depending on the data type of the property.
MAXAGG (string1, string2)


  • string1 is the name of the property.
  • string3 is an instruction to Use All Rows - Ignore Groups (Optional).
MAXEXP This function returns the maximum value of an expression where, optionally, all rows in the group are aggregated. If the group is ignored and all rows are aggregated, this function returns the maximum value from all rows.
Note: The value can be a number, date, or string, depending on the data type of the expression.
MAXEXP (string1,string2,string3)


  • string1 is the idoAlias that identifies the IDO within the DataView.
  • string2 is the expression to be evaluated for each row in the collection.
  • string3 is an instruction to Use All Rows - Ignore Groups (Optional).
MINAGG This function returns the minimum value of a property where, optionally, all rows in the group are aggregated. If the group is ignored and all rows are aggregated, this function returns the maximum value from all rows.
Note: The value can be a number, date, or string, depending on the data type of the property.
MINAGG (string1, string2)


  • string1 is the name of the property.
  • string3 is an instruction to Use All Rows - Ignore Groups (Optional).
MINEXP This function returns the minimum value of an expression where, optionally, all rows in the group are aggregated. If the group is ignored and all rows are aggregated, this function returns the maximum value from all rows.
Note: The value can be a number, date, or string, depending on the data type of the expression.
MINEXP (string1,string2,string3)


  • string1 is the idoAlias that identifies the IDO within the DataView.
  • string2 is the expression to be evaluated for each row in the collection.
  • string3 is an instruction to Use All Rows - Ignore Groups (Optional).
SUM This function returns a summation of values for a property where, optionally, all rows in the group are aggregated. If the group is ignored and all rows are aggregated, this function returns a summation of all rows.
SUM (string1, string2)


  • string1 is the name of the property.
  • string3 is an instruction to Use All Rows - Ignore Groups (Optional).
SUMEXP This function returns a summation of values for an expression where, optionally, all rows in the group are aggregated. If the group is ignored and all rows are aggregated, this function returns a summation of all rows.
SUMEXP (string1, string2, string3)


  • string1 is the idoAlias that identifies the IDO within the DataView.
  • string2 is the expression to be evaluated for each row in the collection.
  • string3 is an instruction to Use All Rows - Ignore Groups (Optional).