How XSL Transformations use system types
The replication system uses system types to provide XSL transformations, if
required, for data being replicated between sites that use XML documents for
When defining a site on the Sites form, you can specify the site's system type. System types are themselves defined using the System Types form.
Note: In some Mongoose-based applications, the Sites form is designated as the Sites/Entities
During outbound non-transactional replication, the replication system looks in the source site's application server for a file named sourceSiteSystemType objectName targetSiteSystemType.xsl, where:
- sourceSiteSystemType is the system type for the site of origin for the data, as specified in the Sites form for the source site.
- objectName is usually the name of an object in a replication category.
- targetSiteSystemType is the system type for the site of the destination for the data, as specified in the Sites form for the target site.
This XSLT file resides on the application server in an XSL subfolder under the replication folder. The replication folder is designated on the Service Configuration Manager's Replication tab.
Note: If the system types for the source site and for the target site are the
same, the system does not look for a transformation file to apply.