Viewing packages (Packing Inquiry)

  1. Select Icon Menu > Packing > Packing Inquiry. The Packing Inquiry form is displayed.
    Note: Alternatively, you can also use List Menu.
  2. Specify  this information:
    Handling Unit
    The handling unit associated with the shipment or order.
    The unique number of the shipment.
    Order Type
    The type of order for the shipment.
    Order Number
    The order number.
  3. Click Next. Using the specified information , a search is performed to find associated shipment or order lines. This information is displayed for each line:
    • line status
    • line number
    • item number
    • item quantity
    • handling unit
    • packaging definition
  4. Select the line to view details related to the child packages. This information is displayed for each child package:
    • line status
    • line number
    • item number
    • item quantity
    • handling unit
    • packaging definition