Unloading Packages

  1. Select Icon Menu > Packaging > Loading. The Loading form is displayed.
    Note: Alternatively, you can also select List Menu.
  2. Scan the handling unit of the package.
  3. Specify or review this information:
    Handling Unit
    The handling unit of the package is displayed.
    Shipment Number
    The shipment number associated with the handling unit is displayed.
    Load Number
    The load number associated with the shipment is displayed.
    Packaging Item
    The new packaging item for the package. The packaging item currently assigned to the package is displayed.
    Pre-Assigned Dock
    The dock to which the load has been pre-assigned is displayed.
    Note: This field is displayed only if you are using pre-assigned docks in Infor LN.
    This field is unavailable when you are unloading a package.
    This field is unavailable when you are unloading a package.
    To unload the package, specify Yes.
    New Shipment?
    This field is unavailable when you are unloading a package.
    Shipment Number
    This field is unavailable when you are unloading a package.
  4. Select Process.