Packing items by shipment without a pre-defined structure
The warehouse mobility icon based menu and list based menu comprises of the Packing. Packing by Shipment is listed as a transaction under the Packing.
On the Packing:
Select Icon Menu > Packing > Packing By
Shipment. The Packing By
Shipment form is displayed.
Note: Alternatively, you can also use List Menu.
this information:
- Handling Unit
- The handling unit of the packing item.
- Shipment
- The shipment to be packed.
- Order Type
- The order type on the shipment.
- Order Number
- The order number on the shipment.
- Item Number
- The item number of the packing item.
- Lot Number
- The lot number of the packing item.
- Serial Number
- The serial number of the single serial-in-inventory item. Else, the field is blank.
- Click Next. Using the specified information , a search is performed to find associated shipment lines that need to be packed. If multiple shipment lines are found, a list of shipment lines is displayed.
- Select a shipment line from this list.
Specify or review this information:
- Shipment Number
- The shipment number of the shipment which is to be packed.
- Package
- The
for packing. The package must be
unsealed.Note: This field is blank when new package is to be used.
- Packaging Item
- The
packaging item
for the package.
Note: When an existing package is used, the application defaults the value to the correct packaging item.
- Position Number
- The shipment line
Note: This field is blank when the packing line is composed of multiple shipment lines with serial numbers at the same stock points.
- Item Number
- The item number of the item which is for packing.
- Lot Number
- The lot number of the item.
- Unpacked Quantity
- The unpacked quantity on the shipment line.
- Quantity
- The quantity to be packed.
- Enter Serials/Lots?
- Indicate
whether to record the exact serial numbers and lots
packed.Note: This field is available if the packed items are serial-controlled or lot-controlled.
- Click Process. The Serial/Lot Entry form is displayed when the Enter Serials/Lots? field is set to Yes.
this information on the Serial/Lot Entry form,
- Item number
- The item number and description.
- Quantity remaining
- The quantity that is assigned with serial or lot numbers.
- Generate Serials?
- Indicates generation of new serial numbers
for the items, Possible values,
- Yes: Generates new serial numbers.
- No: Scan the existing serial numbers.
Note: This field is displayed when item is serial-controlled, serial number is generated for the transaction and the serial numbers are not scanned. - All Serials?
- Indicates if serial numbers are used for
the transaction. Possible values,
- Yes: Indicate that all serial numbers for this item at the current stock point are being used in the transaction. Avoid scanning of each serial number, individually.
- No: Scan items one at a time.
Note: This field is displayed if the item is serial-controlled and transaction is performed using all the items in a stock point. - Lot Number
- The scanned lot number assigned with the
item.Note: This field is available if the item is not serial-controlled and needs to assign a lot number. If the item is serial-controlled, the item lot number is displayed after you scan the first serial number.
- Serial Number
- The scanned serial number. Note: This field is displayed when item is serial-controlled, new serial number is not generated and Yes is set in the All Serials? field.
- Quantity
- The quantity assigned with the specified
lot number. Note: This field is available if the item is not serial controlled and lot number is yet to be assigned.This field is only available if the item is not serial-controlled and needs to be assigned a lot number.
The specified quantity of items on the shipment line are packed. If you are using a new package, a package label is printed.
Select Process.
The scanned serial number or lot number is processed. Scan the additional serial
and lot numbers. Click X to view the scanned serial or lot numbers. Click Y to reset and rescan all
the scanned serial or lot numbers.
The specified quantity of items on the shipment line are packed. For a new package, a package label is printed.