Packing items by shipment without a pre-defined structure

The warehouse mobility icon based menu and list based menu comprises of the Packing. Packing by Shipment is listed as a transaction under the Packing.

On the Packing:

  1. Select Icon Menu > Packing > Packing By Shipment. The Packing By Shipment form is displayed.
    Note: Alternatively, you can also use List Menu.
  2. Specify this information:
    Handling Unit
    The handling unit of the packing item.
    The shipment to be packed.
    Order Type
    The order type on the shipment.
    Order Number
    The order number on the shipment.
    Item Number
    The item number of the packing item.
    Lot Number
    The lot number of the packing item.
    Serial Number
    The serial number of the single serial-in-inventory item. Else, the field is blank.
  3. Click Next. Using the specified information , a search is performed to find associated shipment lines that need to be packed. If multiple shipment lines are found, a list of shipment lines is displayed.
  4. Select a shipment line from this list.
  5. Specify or review this information:
    Shipment Number
    The shipment number of the shipment which is to be packed.
    The package used for packing. The package must be unsealed.
    Note: This field is blank when new package is to be used.
    Packaging Item
    The packaging item used for the package.
    Note: When an existing package is used, the application defaults the value to the correct packaging item.
    Position Number
    The shipment line of the packing.
    Note: This field is blank when the packing line is composed of multiple shipment lines with serial numbers at the same stock points.
    Item Number
    The item number of the item which is for packing.
    Lot Number
    The lot number of the item.
    Unpacked Quantity
    The unpacked quantity on the shipment line.
    The quantity to be packed.
    Enter Serials/Lots?
    Indicate whether to record the exact serial numbers and lots that are packed.
    Note: This field is available if the packed items are serial-controlled or lot-controlled.
  6. Click Process. The Serial/Lot Entry form is displayed when the Enter Serials/Lots? field is set to Yes.
  7. Specify this information on the Serial/Lot Entry form,
    Item number
    The item number and description.
    Quantity remaining
    The quantity that is assigned with serial or lot numbers.
    Generate Serials?
    Indicates generation of new serial numbers for the items, Possible values,
    • Yes: Generates new serial numbers.
    • No: Scan the existing serial numbers.
    Note: This field is displayed when item is serial-controlled, serial number is generated for the transaction and the serial numbers are not scanned.
    All Serials?
    Indicates if serial numbers are used for the transaction. Possible values,
    • Yes: Indicate that all serial numbers for this item at the current stock point are being used in the transaction. Avoid scanning of each serial number, individually.
    • No: Scan items one at a time.
    Note: This field is displayed if the item is serial-controlled and transaction is performed using all the items in a stock point.
    Lot Number
    The scanned lot number assigned with the item.
    Note:  This field is available if the item is not serial-controlled and needs to assign a lot number. If the item is serial-controlled, the item lot number is displayed after you scan the first serial number.
    Serial Number
    The scanned serial number.
    Note: This field is displayed when item is serial-controlled, new serial number is not generated and Yes is set in the All Serials? field.
    The quantity assigned with the specified lot number.
    Note: This field is available if the item is not serial controlled and lot number is yet to be assigned.
    This field is only available if the item is not serial-controlled and needs to be assigned a lot number.

    The specified quantity of items on the shipment line are packed. If you are using a new package, a package label is printed.

  8. Select Process. The scanned serial number or lot number is processed. Scan the additional serial and lot numbers. Click X to view the scanned serial or lot numbers. Click Y to reset and rescan all the scanned serial or lot numbers.

    The specified quantity of items on the shipment line are packed. For a new package, a package label is printed.