Approving and rejecting inspected items

  1. Select Icon Menu > Inbound Transactions > Approvals. The Approvals form is displayed.
    Note: Alternatively, you can also use List Menu.
  2. Specify the Reference ID of the item.
    Note: This field is displayed when the Reference ID in Use parameter is selected on the Transaction Set Maintenance screen.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Specify this information:
    Order Type
    The order type of the received items.
    The warehouse in which the item is inspected.
    Order Number
    The order number used to scan the item.
    Item Number
    The item number used to display a specific item.
    Note: If the item number is not specified, all lines awaiting inspection, are displayed.
  5. Press the Enter key. The lines related to the selected item that are awaiting inspection, are displayed.
  6. Scan an item to be inspected.
  7. Specify this information to either approve or reject the entire handling unit including the children. :
    Approved Quantity
    The quantity of items to be approved.
    Note: Include the destroyed items in quantity, if the items have not failed inspection and rejected.
    Quantity Rejected
    The quantity of items to reject.
    Reason Code
    The reason code for the rejection.
    Quantity Destroyed
    The quantity of destroyed items .
    Note: Only approved items can be destroyed, so the destroyed quantity must be equal to or less than the approved quantity.
    Reason Code
    The reason code for destroying items.
    Note: This field is displayed only if the quantity is more than zero in the Quantity Destroyed field
    Scrap Quantity
    The quantity of rejected items to scrap. Any rejected items that are not scrapped is quarantined.
    Note: This field is displayed if items are rejected and the item is designated as scrap, quarantine, or both in ERP LN.
    Reason Code
    The reason code for the items scrapped.
    Note: This field is displayed if the quantity is more than zero in the Scrap Quantity field.
  8. Select Process. If the item is serialized, the Serial Entry screen is displayed. When the serial number is scanned as the Reference ID, or the item is part of a handling unit, you need not scan serial numbers. The Serial Entry screen is not displayed.
    1. If the Serial Entry screen is displayed, scan each serial number.
    2. Specify this information:
      Indicates if the scanned serial number is approved. Possible values,
      • A - Approved
      • R - Rejected
      • D - Destroyed
      Quantity Remaining
      The number of serial number you have scanned is displayed. Click X to view the scanned serial numbers . If an incorrect serial number is scanned , you can click Y to delete all scanned serial numbers within the current transaction. The Quantity Remaining field resets, and you can then scan the correct serial numbers.
  9. Click Yes to cross dock the items.
    Note: You can click No to skip the cross docking.
  10. Specify a putaway location in the Actual Location field, if required..
  11. Print labels. When the transaction is configured to print labels, labels are automatically printed or the Label Printing screen is opened. .