Configuring Label Printing Settings for Specific Transactions, Warehouses, and Order Types

Use the Transaction Warehouse Order Type Print Parameters form to configure label printing settings for specific transactions, warehouses, and order types.

  1. Access the Transaction Warehouse Order Type Print Parameters form using one of these methods:
    • If you are configuring general transaction parameters for use throughout the application, access the Order Type Print Parameters form by opening the Transaction Set Maintenance form and clicking the Label Print Parameters button on the Transaction Parameters tab or Order Type Parameters tab.
    • If you are configuring warehouse-specific parameters, access the Order Type Print Parameters form by opening the Warehouse Parameters form, selecting a warehouse, selecting a transaction, and clicking the Label Print Parameters option.
    • If you are configuring order type-specific parameters, access the Order Type Print Parameters form by opening the Transaction Set Maintenance form, selecting the Order Types tab, selecting an order type, and clicking the Specific Parameter Settings option.
  2. Select a transaction from the Transaction Name list to configuring specific settings for a transaction. The transaction is automatically selected if you are configuring transaction specific settings for a warehouse or order type,
  3. Specify or review this information:
    Transaction Name
    The transaction name is displayed.
    Order Type Group
    The order type group is displayed.
    If you are configuring parameters that are specific to a warehouse, the warehouse is displayed.
    Order Type
    If you are configuring parameters that are specific to an order type, the order type is displayed.
    Print Order Labels
    Select this check box to print labels while reporting quantities to inventory (order) for this transaction, warehouse, and order type.
    Note: The labels are printed only if the quantity is moved to inventory for this transaction.
    Label Name
    Select a label name. This field is only available if the Print Labels check box is selected.
    Number of Labels
    Specify the number of labels to print. This field is only available if the Print Labels check box is selected.
    Default Printer
    Select a default printer from which to print. This field is only available if the Print Labels check box is selected.
    Quiet Mode
    Select this check box to automatically print labels without opening the Label Printing form. This field is only available if the Print Labels check box is selected.
    Is Label Printed for Item in Container
    Select this check box to print labels for items in containers. This field is only available if the Print Labels check box is selected.
    Override User Printer
    Select this check box to always use the default printer for the transaction instead of the printer assigned to the user's account. This field is only available if the Print Labels check box is selected.
    Print Operation Labels
    Select this check box to print labels while reporting quantities on operations for intermediate operations from the Report Inventory form.
    • This check box is displayed only if the RS9324 feature is enabled on the Feature Management form.
    • The labels are printed only if the quantity is not moved to inventory for this transaction.
    • This check box is displayed only if the Transaction Name is set to Report Inventory.
    Label Name
    The name of the label.
    Note: This field is displayed only if the Print Operation Labels check box is selected.
    Number of Labels
    The label description.
    Note: This field is displayed only if the Print Operation Labels check box is selected.
    Default Printer
    The default printer to print the labels.
    Note: This field is displayed only if the Print Operation Labels check box is selected.
    Print Child Level
    Select this check box to print labels for containers that do not contain any child containers and to print labels for containers that have neither parent nor child containers. Container labels are automatically printed without opening the Label Printing form. This parameter only applies to ERP LN integrations.
    Label Name
    Select a label name. This field is only available if the Print Child Level check box is selected.
    The label description is displayed. This field is only available if the Print Child Level check box is selected.
    Printer Name
    Select a printer to use for printing container labels at this container level. This field is only available if the Print Child Level check box is selected.
    Physical Location
    The physical location of the printer is displayed. This field is only available if the Print Child Level check box is selected.
    Number of Labels
    Specify the number of labels to print. This field is only available if the Print Child Level check box is selected.
    Print Middle Level
    Select this check box to print labels for containers that have both parent and child containers. Container labels are automatically printed without opening the Label Printing form. This parameter only applies to ERP LN integrations.
    Label Name
    Select a label name. This field is only available if the Print Middle Level check box is selected.
    The label description is displayed. This field is only available if the Print Middle Level check box is selected.
    Printer Name
    Select a printer to use for printing container labels at this container level. This field is only available if the Print Middle Level check box is selected.
    Physical Location
    The physical location of the printer is displayed. This field is only available if the Print Middle Level check box is selected.
    Number of Labels
    Specify the number of labels to print. This field is only available if the Print Middle Level check box is selected.
    Print Top Level
    For SyteLine Integrations, select this check box to print labels for containers. For ERP LN integrations, select this check box to print labels for containers that contain child containers but do not have parent containers. Container labels are automatically printed without opening the Label Printing form.
    Label Name
    Select a label name. This field is only available if the Print Top Level check box is selected.
    The label description is displayed. This field is only available if the Print Top Level check box is selected.
    Printer Name
    Select a printer to use for printing container labels at this container level. This field is only available if the Print Top Level check box is selected.
    Physical Location
    The physical location of the printer is displayed. This field is only available if the Print Top Level check box is selected.
    Number of Labels
    Specify the number of labels to print. This field is only available if the Print Top Level check box is selected.
    Print Container Label
    Select the check box to print container labels for this transaction, warehouse, and order type.
    Is Label printer for Item in Container
    Select this check box to enable item label printing for each transaction that involves a container. This field is only available if the Print Container Label check box is selected.
    Label Name
    Select a label name for the container. This field is only available if the Print Container Label check box is selected. This is a mandatory field.
    Printer Name
    Select a printer to print the container labels. This field is only available if the Print Container Label check box is selected.
    Physical Location
    Specify the physical location of the printer. This field is only available if the Print Container Label check box is selected.
    Number of Labels
    The number of container labels that must be printed. This value is defaulted. This field is only available if the Print Container Label check box is selected.
    Note: The Transaction Warehouse Order Type Print Parameters form (for LN) has two additional container (HU – Handling Unit) level to configure. The other two sets of fields (Middle Level and Top Level) are displayed in the LN form only.
  4. Click Save.