Tag Properties

Use this form to define the tags used in the Kepware system. This is recommended that the tags are created automatically in the FT application.. However, you can also add these tags manually.

The form displays this information:

Tag ID
The tag ID is generated by the application
Machine Server ID
The machine controller server in which the Machine Integration software is installed to provide inputs to FT. This is a mandatory field.
The description of the server ID.
Machine Channel
The project name specified on the Kepware Server.
The description of the channel node.
Controller Folder Name
The device name on the Kepware server that include the machine tags.
Tag Name
The tag name specified on the Kepware Server.
Tag Property Description
The description of the tag.
Tag Data Type
The data type specified for the tag. The possible values are Boolean, String, Integer or Decimal.
Tag Value
The tag value that is uploaded from Kepware server to the FT application.
Previous Value
The existing tag value that is uploaded from Kepware server to the FT application.
The machine resource linked to the FT application.
Last Updated
The date and time when the last tag is updated in FT from the Kepware server.