Working with Audit Control form
- Select Time Track Administration > Admin Home Page. The Admin Home Page is displayed.
- Click Audit Control. The Audit Control form is displayed.
Select the Enable Audit Logging
check box to enable standard Mongoose audit logging.
Note: Mongoose audit logging must be enabled to activate the other TT history logs.
Select these check boxes to log and view the transaction
history data:
- Transaction History: Displays the history data for the clocked hours related to various transactions. The data modified on the Hours Detail form are recorded in this log.
- Elapsed Time History: Displays the history data for the elapsed hours related to various transactions. The data modified on the Elapsed Hours form are recorded in this log.
- Payroll History: Displays the payroll history data . Each step of the payroll processing is recorded in this log.
Select the check box corresponding to the required
configuration forms to track the history. When a check box is selected, data is
recorded in the log when:
- A new record is created
- An existing record is modified
- An existing record is deleted
Specify the number of days in the Archive History Every field to indicate the
interval at which records must be archived.
- The maximum interval for archiving the history data can be 1825 days (60 months or 5 years). The Please define a shorter backup period error message is displayed if the specified value is greater than 1825 days.
- The Last Archived field displays the date on which the data is last archive. This date is updated each time an archive is performed, or a change occurs in the history table configuration.
- You can use the Clear Sub-Table option to clear the archived data.
- Click Save.
- Click View to access the corresponding form.
- Click View System Audit Log to access the Mongoose System Audit Log screen.