Handling Units
You can use handling units to simplify inventory management by tracking containers, such as boxes and pallets, rather than individual items. When you assign a handling unit to a container, the contents of that container are bound to the handling unit. Any transactions you perform involving the handling unit also affects its contents. As an example, let’s consider the requirement to move a box containing six serialized computers to another location. If you assign a handling unit to the box, you can simply scan the handling unit barcode, and all six computers will be transferred to the new location in ERP LN. You do not need to open the box and scan each computer.
When performing some transactions, you can scan a handling unit in the Handling Unit or Reference ID fields instead of the scanning the item number and other stock point information.
Handling units can contain other handling units, allowing you to perform transactions with multiple containers. These handling units are called parents, and the handling units that they contain are called children. Any transactions you perform on a parent handling unit also affects its children.