LN Label Print Utility
The LN Label Print Utility form is used to print labels for entities such as location, inventory, and employees.
The form consists of these tabs:
- Location: This tab is used to print labels for each location.
- Inventory: This tab is used to print labels for each stock point.
- Handling Unit: This tab is used to print labels for every handling unit.
- Reject Code: This tab is used to print labels for every reject reason code.
- Task: This tab is used to print labels for every indirect and absence task.
- Employee: This tab is used to print labels for a range of employees.
Note: The badge number that is printed on the labels is retrieved from the FT
Defaults: This tab is used to set the values that are defaulted in the other tabs. These
values are defaulted:
- Label Name
- Default Printer
- Num of Copies
Note: You can also use the
option displayed on the other tabs to set the specified data as the default data. The
application defaults this data on the Defaults