Viewing Information About Past Transactions

Use the Transaction Summary Workbench form to view information about transactions that have been performed on past dates. You can view how many transactions were performed in a selected date range, the success rate for transactions, and the average response time. You can filter information by date range, user, department, warehouse, and work group, and you can view details for specific users or transactions.

  1. Open the Transaction Summary Workbench.
  2. Specify this information:
    Transaction Date
    Specify a date, or a range of dates, for which to display transaction data.
    Show All Transactions
    Select this check box to show data for all transactions. Clear this check box to only show data for a specific transaction.
    Transaction Name
    This check box is only displayed if the Show All Transactions check box is cleared. Select a transaction for which to display data.
  3. Optionally, specify some or all of this information to filter the transaction data that is displayed:
    User Name
    Specify a user, or a range of users, for which to display transaction data.
    Specify a department, or a range of departments, for which to display transaction data.
    Specify a warehouse, or a range of warehouses, for which to display transaction data.
    Work Group
    Specify a work group, or a range of work groups, for which to display transaction data.
  4. To update the transaction data displayed on the form based on the information you specified, click Refresh.

    On the Users tab, this information is displayed for each user:

    • user name
    • department
    • warehouse
    • work group
    • how many transactions were successful
    • how many transactions were unsuccessful

    The User Activity graph shows how many transactions were performed on the specified dates by each user.

  5. Optionally, on the Users tab, select a user from the grid and click Drilldown to view information about each transaction record associated with the user.
  6. Optionally, on the Users tab, select a user from the grid and click Details to open the Transaction History Details form, which will display individual transaction history records associated with the user. On the Transaction History Details form, you can select a record and click the Details tab to view detailed information about a specific transaction record.
  7. To view information for individual transactions, click the Transactions tab. This information is displayed for each transaction:
    • transaction name
    • department
    • warehouse
    • work group
    • how many times the transaction was performed successfully
    • how many times the transaction was performed unsuccessfully
    • the average response time for the transaction

    The Transaction Usage graph shows how many times each transaction was performed on the specified dates. The Average Response Time graph shows the average response time for each transaction.

  8. Optionally, on the Transaction tab, select a user from the grid and click Drilldown to view information about each transaction record associated with the user.
  9. Optionally, on the Transaction tab, select a transaction from the grid and click Details to open the Transaction History Details form, which will display individual history records associated with the transaction. On the Transaction History Details form, you can select a record and click the Details tab to view detailed information about a specific transaction record.