Configuring Physical Inventory Transaction Parameters
Use the Transaction Set Maintenance form to configure parameters for the Physical Inventory transaction.
- Go to Transaction Set Maintenance form > Transaction Name > Physical Inventory.
Select Fill
Warehouse checkbox to pre-fill the warehouse on the transaction with
the warehouse assigned to the user.
- You can change this warehouse for a specific transaction if required.
- If you are configuring parameters that only applicable for a specific warehouse, the same warehouse is displayed in the Warehouse field.
- If you are configuring general parameters, which are applicable by default in the application, the Warehouse field is unspecified and unavailable.
- Select Successful Message checkbox to display a success message when the transaction is successfully completed.
Select a Default Order Type for this transaction from the
available values.
Note: You can change this value.
Configure these parameters on the Transaction Parameters tab, in the Parameter and Value columns:
- Allow Handling Unit Input
- Select this checkbox to allow users to specify a handling unit instead of specifying the item number and each stock point characteristic.
- Default reason code
- The default reason code to use for any count variances.
- Default Accumulate Value
- Select this parameter to use Yes as the default value for the Accumulate field. Clear this field to use No as the default value.
- Retain Cycle Count Order
- Select this parameter to retain cycle count order numbers after a successfully count. Clear this parameter to remove cycle count order number after a counts are completed.
- Inventory Time
- The inventory time to assign to stock points that are created as part of a count.
- Add Lot
- Select this checkbox to add lot numbers during a count.
- Create Serial Numbers
- Select this checkbox to create serial numbers during a count.
- Reset System Count
- Select this checkbox to reset the system quantity when a count is started.
- Click Save.