Factory Track Groups
These authorization groups are defined in Factory Track by default:
- FT-Supervisor: Factory Track Supervisor Group. This group is assigned to supervisors, who are responsible for employees and/or work centers. Time approval is controlled by settings associated with the employee’s work group. This group has access to all the forms assigned to generic and dedicated users, so that the user has full access to all the forms that the respective subordinates can use.
- FT-Base: This group contains all the forms such as pop-ups and tiles which the user does not access directly. All the FT users excluding the administrators must have authorization to this group for all the ERPs.
- FT-Employee: This group is for the dedicated users in Factory Track, that are linked to an employee such as a back office employee.
- FT-TeamLeader: Factory Track Team Leader Group. Team leaders manage teams using the Shop Floor module. These groups are authorized to create teams by adding and removing team members. Team leaders can perform transactions for the entire team.
- FT-Integration: FT Integration Process. This is used for various FT ERP integration processes to perform.
- FT-Console: Factory Track Console group is for the generic users of Factory Track, that are not linked to an employee such as a shop floor terminal.
- FT-LNWMNonTT: Infor FactoryTrack Non Time Track Labor Transactions for LN. This group is used for WM (scanner) Transactions in LN implementations. This grants access to the Labor recording functions using the LN-based Time module. (This is not assigned, if Time Track is being implemented).
- FT-LNWMInventory: Infor Factory Track Inventory for LN. This group is used for WM (Scanner) Transactions in LN implementations. This grants access to the Inventory transactions for the scanner.
- FT-LNWMProduction: Infor Factory Track Production for LN. This group is used for WM (Scanner) Transactions in LN implementations. This grants access to the Production support transactions for the scanner.
- FT-TTWMTrans: Infor Factory Track Time Track WM Transactions - CSI & LN. This group is used for WM (Scanner) Transactions when Time Track module is implemented.
- Infor-SystemAdministrator: This group is used to add users to Factory Track through the Ming.le interface. This group is used by Factory Track for managing the Factory Track application. This is intended for users who usually maintain setup, reference, and system data, such as employee records, transaction parameters, and ERP connection information. This group includes all the FT forms, irrespective of the ERP or Module, so that an administrator can be assigned to this group for accessing any FT form.